Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 377 Gather together and investigate

Chapter 377 Gather together and investigate

A few months passed in the blink of an eye. Under the call of Diko, several forces in the overseas cultivation world were also very generous, and the leaders and strong men from all parties came to Vulcan Island one after another.

Among them, Qin Yu, who was the closest, was undoubtedly the first to arrive.Along with him, in addition to his two good brothers Xiao Hei and Hou Fei, there was also Jiang Li.

"Dike, is it really you?" Qin Yu didn't seem too surprised when he saw Dike. Dike also smiled and said: "Not bad! It seems that your star transformation has reached the peak of Liuzhou. No wonder I can kill Cha Hong, this skill is indeed destined for you!"

"Did you not choose to practice star transformation?" Qin Yu was also a little confused and curious. Di Ke smiled noncommittally and said: "I have my own fate!"

"Qin Yu, who is this girl?" Di Ke said, looking at Jiang Li behind Qin Yu who was looking at him slightly curiously, and asked with a seemingly casual smile.

"Oh, this is my junior sister Jiang Li." Qin Yu, who had reacted, introduced him with a little hesitation: "Li'er, he is Di Ke from the Vulcan Auction House that I told you. We’ve known each other for a long time, and he helped me and saved my grandfather’s life.”

Jiang Li also smiled and nodded at Diko: "Hello, Mr. Diko!"

"I didn't expect that after several years of not seeing each other, you actually have a disciple. Miss Jiang Li is not an ordinary cultivator at first glance. I am really curious about your origins," Di said with a joking smile. Ke, and looked at Jiang Li meaningfully.

"Mr. Dike's origin is also very mysterious!" Jiang Li smiled noncommittally, and Dike couldn't help laughing: "I think we should stop testing each other. When the time comes, we will always know each other's origins and origins. "

"You must have worked hard to come all the way. Yuyin, arrange for them to stay," Di Kelian said with a smile and ordered Yuyin who was standing beside him.

The nine Dilong brothers arrived very quickly, and the first one to arrive was Qinglong who liked to join in the fun, and then the Three-Eyed Ancestor
Whether it was Qinglong or the Three-Eyed Ancestor, after seeing the Di Long brothers who greeted them, they couldn't help but change their expressions, and they were secretly surprised and suspicious in their hearts.

You must know that whether they or the Di Long brothers have achieved their current level of cultivation, they have practiced for tens of thousands of years.Although monster beasts are extremely talented, their cultivation speed is still slower than that of humans.Even for divine beasts, each level of improvement requires a long period of energy accumulation.

Just a few years have passed, and the cultivation of Qinglong and the Three-Eyed Ancestor has not improved significantly.But the Dilong brothers were completely transformed, which made Qinglong and the Three-Eyed Ancestor feel a little confused.

Especially the Three-Eyed Ancestor, who has always been proud, naturally guessed that the current improvement in strength of the Di Long brothers must have something to do with Diko.The nine purple evil dragons that he didn't care about before are now making him a little afraid.

Thinking that he originally had the opportunity to reborn and improve his strength rapidly, but was rejected by himself, the Three-Eyed Ancestor's heart was undoubtedly more complicated.

In the end, people from Penglai Immortal Realm and Ziyan Demon Realm arrived almost at the same time, and the person in charge of welcoming them was Xu Liangxian.A few years later, although Xu Liangxian's cultivation level improved relatively quickly, he could not compare with Di Long and others, and could barely compete with the Dongxu stage cultivators.This kind of cultivation inevitably makes the immortal cultivators and demon cultivators of Penglai Immortal Realm and Ziyan Demon Realm, who have almost reached the Dongxu stage or even the Kongming stage, look down upon and ignore them.

But when they actually saw Dico in the Fire Temple, and felt the invisible hot and oppressive aura that Dico exuded like an oven, they couldn't help but feel a sense of stagnation in their breathing.

"So strong! No wonder he can easily conquer the nine brothers of Di Long." The top leaders of the Penglai Immortal Realm and the Purple Flame Demon Realm looked at each other in secret shock, and then looked at the proud Qinglong and Three-Eyed Ancestors who both looked very submissive in front of Di Ke. , he also hurriedly put away his previous contempt, and even stepped forward to greet Diko respectfully and politely.

After some exchanges of greetings, I noticed the nine Dilong brothers and felt that they had become much stronger. They were not even inferior to the pressure brought by Qinglong and the Three-Eyed Ancestor. Even Yanxu Zhenren, the leader of Penglai Immortal Domain, and Idadu, the purple-haired prison king of the Purple Flame Demon Realm, felt tight in his heart.

In fact, both of them, as well as Qinglong Palace and Bishui Mansion, have more or less received the news. They know that the cultivation of the nine brothers Dilong has improved very quickly. However, after they actually met, the shock and complicated emotions in their hearts were a bit difficult. Expressed.

On the contrary, Qin Yu, whose cultivation had not yet reached the Dongxu stage, even though he had the strength to kill Cha Hong, was still not enough to attract everyone's attention. Instead, he became the least noticeable.

Di Ke prepared a sumptuous banquet to entertain everyone. After drinking for three rounds, he looked at the people below with a smile and said: "Everyone, let's not talk nonsense. Let's be more direct! I think you all know the purpose of inviting you here. Alright?"

"Haha... the appearance of the eighth jade sword is no small matter," Qinglong spoke first, smiling and looking at Qin Yu who was ranked lower: "This little brother Qin Yu can actually get the eighth jade sword." Sword, his luck is really good. However, with his strength, I am afraid he is not qualified to get involved in the affairs of the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion, right? Moreover, there are nine jade swords in total, and this ninth jade sword is not You know where it is!"

"Qin Yu is my little brother of the same clan. He will go with me to break into the Nine Swords Immortal Palace," Di Ke said casually while playing with the wine glass, glanced at Qinglong who was slightly stagnant, and then looked at Penglai The great elder of Immortal Realm Ichiban Qingxu Temple, Master Yanxu: "As for the whereabouts of the ninth jade sword, with the other eight jade swords, Master Yanxu should have a way to find out, right?"

Upon hearing Di Ke's words, everyone immediately subconsciously looked at the immortal Yan Xu Zhenren, and Yan Xu Zhenren, whose face changed slightly, also looked at Di Ke deeply before nodding and smiling. : "The Lord of the Fire Temple is really well-informed! Yes, I do know a secret method to find out the whereabouts of the ninth jade sword."

"Very good! If that's the case, everyone, let's take out the jade sword and let Master Yan Xu cast a spell to check it out!" Di Ke said and glanced at Di Long, who also understood and took out a jade sword. sword.

Seeing that the jade sword was still in Di Long's hand, everyone was really surprised. They thought that the jade sword from Jiu Sha Palace had fallen into Di Ke's hands!Isn't it possible that Diko is worried that something might happen to the jade sword and someone will take it away?
But considering Di Long's current cultivation and strength, there is probably no master in the overseas cultivation world who can easily snatch the jade sword from his hands.However, when Di Ke safely handed over the jade sword to Di Long for safekeeping, did he not pay too much attention to the Nine Swords Immortal Palace, or was he really confident?

With their thoughts spinning, everyone saw that Di Long had already taken out his jade sword. After looking at each other, they also took out their jade swords.Since they had long guessed Di Ke's purpose of inviting them here, everyone who was relatively confident in their own strength and also very coveted for the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion would not continue to hide it.

Seeing the nine jade swords that everyone took out and suspended in the hall, Master Yanxu's eyes were a little warm, and he began to use the secret investigation method under the expectant eyes of everyone...
Finally, with the successful use of the secret technique, the eight jade swords flew directly out of the hall, which also attracted Dike and others to rush out, and then followed.
(End of this chapter)

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