Chapter 378 Goodbye Yanmo
The group of people followed the eight rapidly flying jade swords and soon arrived at the Qianlong Continent, and then to the boundless wilderness to the east of the Qianlong Continent...
However, just tens of thousands of miles into the wilderness, the eight jade swords that were originally flying in the same direction began to tremble and tried to fly in different directions. The secret method actually failed.

After everyone recalled their jade swords, after some discussion, they reluctantly prepared to summon all parties to search the wilderness.

"No need to go to such trouble," Diko shook his head slightly: "The peripheral controller of this ancient world is a black dragon, and I have some old acquaintances. I will directly ask someone to inform him and ask him to arrange for people to investigate and find that person. That’s the ninth jade sword. In the prehistoric world, the monsters are local snakes. If they look for it, it will be easier to find the ninth jade sword.”

"Having said that, if that black dragon knows the news about the Nine Swords Immortal Palace, I'm afraid he won't be able to help but want a piece of the pie, right?" The Three-Eyed Ancestor frowned.

"Do you think we won't be discovered by him if we send people to investigate in a big way?" Diko shook his head and said: "Maybe the ninth jade sword has fallen into his hands. Anyway, we will There are already several parties, so what’s the harm in having one more?”

"The Lord of the Fire Temple is right. This is indeed the easiest way for us to get the ninth jade sword," Qinglong nodded in agreement.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Three-Eyed Ancestor said with some suspicion: "Qinglong, you don't know that black dragon, do you? You want to recruit him as a helper so that you can fight for the treasures of the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion. More advantageous?"

"He can become the peripheral controller of the ancient world. Do you think he will listen to me?" Qinglong said angrily.

"The most important thing now is to find out the whereabouts of the ninth jade sword, the rest is not important," said the prison king of the Purple Flame Demon Realm, Idalian.

Master Yan Xu also nodded immediately: "I also think what the Lord of the Fire Temple said makes sense, but how should we contact this peripheral controller of the ancient world? Does the Lord of the Fire Temple know where he is outside the ancient world? "

"This is not difficult," Di Ke said, glancing at Hong Luan who was following behind him and said, "The Hong Luan under my command is a sacred beast in the ancient world. Just ask her to inform the black dragon Yan Mo."

After Hong Luan understood it and turned into a stream of flames and quickly moved towards the depths of the wilderness, Dike took the others to the grassland where the sacred beast Dragon Rock Lion was previously entrenched, preparing to wait for Yan Mo to arrive.

Mr. Di Ke did not wait too long when he saw several streaks of light flying rapidly from the distance. Soon they came to the front and turned into Hong Luan in red, Yan Mo in black robe and the indifferent figure. Zhe Chu, a mythical beast like Catwoman.

"Haha...Brother Yanmo, long time no see," Diko, who saw Yanmo, greeted him with a smile first, but when he felt the pressure of the invisible aura on Diko's body, Yanmo was His eyes narrowed slightly: "Are you going through the tribulation period? How is that possible?"

"Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for several years, Brother Yanmo is already at the middle stage of Kong Ming's cultivation." Di Ke continued with a smile: "If I hadn't improved my cultivation in the past few years, I'm afraid you, Brother Yanmo, would be among us." The most powerful among these people.”

Seeing that Yan Mo just twitched his lips slightly when he heard this and looked silently at Qinglong and the others behind him, Di Ke continued: "Since Brother Yan Mo is here, he must be planning to go to the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion with us to see it. ?" "Of course I want to go!" Yan Mo, who turned to look at Di Ke, said coldly and directly: "I didn't expect you would choose to unite so many people to go to the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion. Didn't you ever think of taking them away? With his jade sword, can he swallow up the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion alone?"

Upon hearing Yan Mo's words, Qinglong and others' expressions suddenly changed slightly and they became nervous and alert.If the black dragon, the mythical beast in the middle stage of Kongming, really joins forces with Diko, he can definitely kill them!
"Haha..." Diko laughed, then shook his head and said: "Yanmo, you have a big appetite! However, it is always not good to eat alone. Moreover, whether it is Qinglong, Purple Flame Demon Realm, Penglai Immortal Realm has a lot of backers behind it. I don’t want to be targeted by the Dragon Clan and the Immortal Cultivator and Demon Cultivator sect of Boss Tenglong before I enter the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion! What’s more, these nine jade swords It’s just a top-grade spiritual weapon. With Qinglong’s cultivation level, if they try their best to blow themselves up, they can completely destroy it. Then wouldn’t I be trying to draw water from a bamboo basket but in vain?”

After hearing Dike's words, Qinglong and others who looked at each other suddenly felt relieved, and Yanmo, who looked at Dike slightly silently with squinted eyes, walked directly to the side and sat down casually and said: "In that case, nine jade swords. Now that we have it all together, let’s first check out the location of the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion!”

"Okay!" Di Ke, who nodded and smiled, walked directly to Yan Mo and sat down. Then he looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone, sit down! Let's take a look at the location of the Nine Swords Immortal Palace first, and then discuss when to arrive. Go, and all parties go to explore the personnel arrangements of the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion."

While talking, the leaders of all parties also took out their jade swords in tacit agreement.I saw nine jade swords floating in the air with gleaming light, and then the different lights merged and spread out, covering everyone...
After the light dissipated and the nine jade swords flew back, everyone looked happy, but then they couldn't help but frown slightly.

"We are actually in the Riot Star Sea. Even though we only go deep into the Riot Star Sea for about ten thousand miles, it is still quite dangerous. After all, the ferocious beasts in the Riot Star Sea are not easy to deal with." Looking at the frowning people, Diko smiled calmly: "But if we continue to If you don’t care about this kind of danger, then you’d better not go to the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion.”

Everyone was suffocated when they heard the words, but Yan Mo glanced at Di Ke and said indifferently: "It's only ten thousand miles away. It belongs to the edge of the turbulent star sea. The possibility of encountering powerful ferocious beasts is low. As for Sanxian, Sanmo, and Sanyao Most of the masters are in the depths of the violent star sea. If we are lucky, we will at most encounter some ferocious beasts from the Nascent Soul stage and the Void and Pluto stage."

"It makes sense. It's only a thousand miles away. For the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion, this risk is still worth taking," the Three-Eyed Ancestor also nodded thoughtfully.He has no background and his strength is no longer top-notch. Now he has a sense of crisis. Naturally, he hopes to get treasures from the Nine Swords Immortal Palace to improve his cultivation and strength.

Everyone else nodded in agreement. If you want to get the benefits of the treasure, how can you do it without taking risks?Everyone present had experienced many battles and dangers to achieve their current level of cultivation and status, but no one was afraid of death.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, how many people from each side should go to the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion?" Di Ke smiled and said: "I think the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion is quite dangerous. Is the cave left by the immortal? Is it so easy to break into? Those who are too weak should not go. Simply, just let the powerful leaders of our parties go, with at most a few subordinates. The strength must be at least in the Dongxu stage or even the Kongming stage. Otherwise, it will be a hindrance.”

"Then according to the number of jade swords, one jade sword can be used per person," Qinglong said with a smile first, but Yanxu Zhenren of Penglai Immortal Realm and Ida of Ziyan Demon Realm were not satisfied. Unlike Qinglong Palace and Bishui Palace, the only real top experts are Qinglong and Three-Eyed Ancestor. Naturally, I hope to bring more strong people there, so that I can have an advantage in the competition for treasures in Nine Swords Palace.

After some discussion, everyone finally compromised and decided that a jade sword could take the two of them there, and they were planning to open the Nine Swords Palace in two years. After all, they had to give everyone some time to prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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