Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 384 Qingyu Immortal Mansion

Chapter 384 Qingyu Immortal Mansion
With Diko's help, Yan Mo, who was determined with a Taoist heart, felt a little dazed and temporarily got rid of the influence of the psychedelic sound. He quickly opened his eyes while covering his head and groaning in pain: "How... what happened?"

"I didn't expect you to be able to wake up." Seeing Yan Mo regaining consciousness, Di Ke couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said in surprise. At the same time, he secretly thought that Yan Mo had grown up through life and death in the ancient times. When it comes to Taoism, heart and will, Even Qinglong cannot compare with him.

The flute-like psychedelic magic sound continued to echo, and Yanmo, who was still affected, could not help but frown and shake his head in pain, trying to keep himself awake...
"Huh?" Sudden violent energy fluctuations and fierce fighting sounds like fists and fists came from the front, causing Diko to turn his head and look in surprise, and then his expression became slightly weird: "This Qinglong, so fast With such speed, he actually caught up with Situ Xue and started fighting with her. The fight between two equally possessed people was even more brutal than when they were awake."

In the possessed state, Qinglong and Situ Xue, who performed completely beyond their standards, were not only extremely crazy, but also perfect in both attack moves and use of power. In the blink of an eye, they had fought dozens of moves... In the end, Qinglong finally relied on his far superior strength. Situ Xue's strength blasted it like a crushing force, turning it into a ball of blood mist.

Qinglong, who had just dealt with Situ Xue, was about to move forward when he was overtaken by Yanxu Zhenren and Ida, who were then possessed by demons, and another melee broke out...
Just when the three of them were fighting fiercely and desperately, the high-pitched psychedelic magic sound suddenly stopped, and the three Qinglong people in the fierce battle also froze, and then they all trembled and raised their heads with blood in their mouths. Squirting out.

Poof... Even Yan Mo, who was barely resisting the psychedelic sound, was caught off guard and spat out a mouthful of blood as the energy in his body surged. Then he fell to the side weakly as if he breathed a sigh of relief.

Similarly, Di Long, the Three-Eyed Ancestor and the Snow Girl, who were a little dazed at first, all woke up with vomiting blood all over their bodies.But compared to Qinglong and others who spurted blood several feet from their mouths, the situation was undoubtedly much better, at least they were not seriously injured.

"Sir..." Dilong's eyes suddenly brightened when he saw Diko and he rushed forward and shouted excitedly, while the Three-Eyed Ancestor looked at Diko with a complicated expression, and also slightly cupped his hands and said: "Lord of the Fire Temple, Thank you very much!”

"Okay, the test of the psychedelic magic sound is over. It's time for us to get some benefits. Let's go." Di Ke said and floated forward first. Di Long, Three-Eyed Ancestor, Yan Mo and others also followed quickly.

At the same time, the surrounding fog also dispersed.Seeing that Di Ke and others had run away, they were also a little embarrassed. So were the few Sanxian Sanmo who had recovered from their breath adjustment, the three men in yellow who followed Qinglong, and the old man in black robe from the side of the Purple Flame Demon Realm. He hurriedly chased after him.

Facing this mysterious Nine Swords Immortal Mansion, and thinking of some of the treasures in the Immortal Mansion, no one present wants to be left behind!
"Haha... you have passed through the psychedelic wonderland, and I, Niyang, will let you hear my voice." Immortal Emperor Niyang's voice echoed, but Diko did not pause at all, and directly led Di Long and others Go to a place filled with green light in the distance.

Listening to Immortal Emperor Niyang's voice, the Sanxian and Sanmo who were also flying on their way, as well as Qinglong, Yanxu, Ida and others, quickly showed expressions of surprise. Huo Can couldn't help but said: : "Strange, how does Diko know that the place emitting blue light is where the Immortal Mansion is?"

"There's nothing surprising. The area around here, that is, the place emitting green light is somewhat special. It's not surprising that he went there," said the old Taoist Qianxu.

"Hmph! If you rush there, you may not be able to get the treasures in the Immortal Mansion," Huo Lan said with a cold snort. Although he said this, he quietly speeded up.While speaking, everyone who had determined the location of the outer hall of the Immortal Mansion from the message from Immortal Emperor Niyang also accelerated their speed and quickly chased after Di Ke.
Soon, a beautiful palace made of sapphire-like material appeared in the sight of Diko and others. At the same time, a fresh and surging breath hit his face, making Diko instantly feel that all the cells in his body were numb. He trembled, as if he was longing for that breath: "Is it the energy of Yuanling?"

"Is this... Yuanling Qi? Such rich Yuanling Qi!" The eyes of Old Taoist Qianxu and others who came after them became even more intense.

This Yuanling Qi is the energy of the world of immortals, demons, and demons, and it can only be absorbed by immortals.Ordinary cultivators cannot absorb the energy of Yuanling, but the Sanxian and Sanmo can absorb the energy of Yuanling.Moreover, absorbing the energy of Yuanling can also improve the cultivation efficiency of Sanxian and Sanmo, making the energy in their bodies purer and purer, making it much easier to overcome the disaster of Sanxian. Naturally, it makes Old Taoist Qianxu and others jealous.

In the blink of an eye, the group of people had arrived outside the sapphire palace, and then walked in one after another as if they couldn't wait. The space inside was very large, with pavilions and pavilions everywhere, exquisitely carved. It was even more luxurious and gorgeous than the imperial palace. Some of the carving materials, etc. , the worst ones are all spiritual materials that can be used to refine top-quality spiritual weapons.

"Is this the Qingyu Immortal Mansion?" Looking at the palace that was as integrated as a huge sapphire carving, even Di Ke couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "He is indeed the top powerhouse in the immortal world, an eighth-level Immortal Emperor. Mansion!"

While Old Taoist Qianxu and other scattered immortals and scattered demons were still stunned in the central square of the palace, Dike, who entered the Immortal Mansion first and investigated with the power of his soul, suddenly accelerated and disappeared into the Immortal Mansion in the blink of an eye. In some palace complexes...
"Huh? Where's Diko? Why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?" Qin Yu, who moved slower and chatted with Jiang Li in a low voice along the way, finally entered the Immortal Mansion, couldn't help but feel a little confused when he saw no sign of Diko.

Even Jiang Li on the side couldn't help but frown slightly: "It seems that this Dike really knows something about this fairy mansion. Could it be that he went to find the Yuanling spirit that controls this fairy mansion?"

However, Old Taoist Qianxu and others did not care about Diko. At this time, they were completely shocked by the jade pillars, tables, chairs and benches all made of Yuanling Stone.

It's ridiculous that some blind immortals and demons thought about moving a few Yuanling stone tables and stools back, but they didn't expect that the entire palace and even the spiritual flowers and fairy grass in the flower garden were prohibited from being touched. I can only stare.

The helpless and angry Sanxian Sanmo entered the main hall and saw the stone tablet with the word "Zhenfu" written on it in the empty hall. The old Taoist Qianxu immediately widened his eyes with a bloodshot face... The Sanxian and Sanmo were stunned. After they knew that the Zhenfu Stone Tablet was the thing that controlled the Immortal Mansion, a brutal fight began quickly around the Zhenfu Stone Tablet...
At the same time, Dike, who came to a dormitory in the Immortal Mansion with a clear goal, had already obtained the real Yuanling essence at the core of the Immortal Mansion, and began to refine it without hesitation...
Feeling the faint violent energy fluctuations, Di Ke, who was refining Yuanling Essence, couldn't help but open his eyes and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "A few stupid old guys have lived so many years in vain. , It’s true that people die for wealth and birds die for food! It’s a pity that your vision is too shallow, and you will inevitably be tricked by Immortal Emperor Niyang after all.”

Not long after, his body was filled with fiery aura, and with all his strength, Dike finally refined the Yuanling Essence. Before he could put it into his body, he heard footsteps coming from outside.
(End of this chapter)

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