Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 385 Theater and Life and Death

Chapter 385 Theater and Life and Death

"Dike?" After entering the inner room of the dormitory, Qin Yu couldn't help but be startled when he saw Dike, while Jiang Li on the side looked at the Yuanling spirit floating in front of Diko with his beautiful eyes twinkling. .

Looking at Qin Yu and Jiang Li, Di Ke, who was originally full of energy and had sharp eyes, also seemed to be stagnant. He put away the Yuanling spirit with a sudden thought, and then calmly smiled and said: "I'm sorry, this Yuanling I discovered the essence first. Therefore, this fairy mansion belongs to me."

Qin Yu smiled helplessly. He thought he could get a bargain, but Jiang Li on the side also smiled noncommittally: "With the strength of the palace master, we are unable to rob it by force."

"It's good to understand! So please keep it a secret for me. If the news that I got the Immortal Mansion is known to others, I think it will not be a good thing for me or you," Diko continued. Qin Yu and Jiang Li, who looked at each other and nodded slightly after listening to Di Ke's implicitly threatening words, also nodded slightly. Naturally, there was no need for them to do such a thing that was harmful to others and not beneficial to themselves.

Di Ke, who no longer paid attention to Qin Yu and Jiang Li, waved his hand and his mind moved. A bronze mirror on the table next to him became larger and levitated. At the same time, a scene of a tragic fight in the main hall appeared on it.
In order to obtain the stone tablet of the town, those immortals and demons went crazy, using all kinds of cruel, killing and underhanded moves. Soon the brothers Huo Lan and Huo Can were forced to self-destruct. , a man fled for his life in embarrassment, and then Empress Yanji, the Fourth Tribulation Demon of Yin Yue Palace, disguised as an old man in black robe, took action.
The Four Tribulation Loose Demons are already equivalent to the first-level Heavenly Demons and can use the method of teleportation.However, during the fight at the level of Sanxian and Sanmo, the space was shaking. Under such circumstances, Yanji did not dare to teleport. Even if her strength exceeded Qianxu and others, she suffered a big loss when faced with the joint siege of the Sanxian side.

"This Yanji is so impatient. Do you really think that with the strength of a first-level demon, you can easily defeat Qianxu and others and get the stone tablet of the town?" Di Ke shook his head and sneered: "What's more, the mantis stalks the cicada yellow. The bird is behind, and the one who strikes first may not have the last laugh. But it’s okay, they fought hard, and all of them were seriously injured, so I didn’t have to take action.”

As he spoke, Dike's mind moved. There was already an energy body condensed by the Nascent Soul in front of him. It was the Nascent Soul of the Second Tribulation Sanxian Qianming that was killed by the Empress Yanji. Then Diko would It was sent to Qin Yu: "Boy, take it! Try to get through the six or nine heavenly tribulations as soon as possible and improve your cultivation as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if you are lucky enough to get some treasures in the Immortal Mansion, you I’m afraid it can’t be saved.”

"Thank you!" When Qin Yu saw the Nascent Soul energy body that was comparable to that of a cultivator in the Tribulation Stage, Qin Yu's eyes suddenly lit up. Without being polite to Diko, he just turned his hand and put it away.

The fighting in the main hall was still going on. Empress Yanji tried her best to use her unique skills, and finally suppressed Qianxu, Yue Yan, and Shui Rou, the three Three Tribulations Loose Immortals. However, she did not expect the three yellow-clothed immortals who followed Qinglong. The man suddenly rushed in, transformed into three green dragons, and with one move, Yan Ji was seriously injured.

"What?" This sudden change also made Qin Yu stare slightly in shock: "They...they are actually three blue dragons? What kind of cultivation level can they easily defeat Yanji?"

"In the late stage of the Tribulation, after all, they are the sacred beast Qinglong, and with the help of the Dragon Clan's treasure Magic Dragon Ball, their strength is not weaker than that of the Sanjie Sanxian. Together, it is not surprising that they can defeat the Yanji Empress," Dicko, who spoke calmly, didn't seem surprised at all.

Seeing Di Ke's calm look, Jiang Li, whose beautiful eyes twinkled slightly, couldn't help but said: "Has the Palace Master already seen through their details? Could it be that, Palace Master, are you confident in dealing with those three blue dragons?"

"What should I do against them? Now, I have obtained the Qingyu Immortal Mansion, and they are still working hard for the fake town mansion stone tablet. They are just a bunch of idiots, why should I take action again?" Di Ke shook his head and sneered, which was also shocking. Jiang Li hesitated slightly and was speechless for a moment.Seeing the mirror showing that Qinglong Yanlang in the main hall had begun to refine the Zhenfu stone tablet, Qin Yu couldn't help but smile: "The Zhenfu stone tablet is fake, and I don't know what will happen later. Qinglong's three The timing chosen by this uncle was really good, and it directly shocked Yanji and the three old Taoist Ganxu, so that they who were seriously injured did not dare to fight any more, and they really became the last oriole."

"It's a pity that all the fighting was in vain," Qin Yu said and couldn't help but look at Di Kelian curiously and asked: "By the way, how did you know that the core soul of this immortal mansion is here?"

"Didn't you all guess it? You can guess it, why can't I guess it?" Di Ke said with a smile, and then said meaningfully: "Qin Yu, the core of this Immortal Mansion is about the Yuanling Essence. You can't possibly know, Miss Jiang Li told you, right?"

"That's right! I just didn't expect that Di Ke would know so much about the situation in the fairy world," Qin Yu looked at Jiang Li and nodded.

While the two were talking, something unexpected happened. As the space shook, Dico disappeared from the dormitory and appeared on a path shrouded in mist.

Soon, Immortal Emperor Niyang's voice sounded. This time, the voice he left behind contained a lot of words, and he also introduced his identity specifically. Hearing this, Dike frowned slightly: "This Immortal Emperor Niyang, has revealed his identity. Is the information leaked deliberately to attract powerful people from the immortal world to descend to the lower world?"

Then Immortal Emperor Niyang also gave everyone a chance to choose. Everyone has two roads to choose from, one is the Peach Blossom Spring, and the other is the Road to the Underworld...
Dico, who had long known that Peach Blossom Spring was a dead end, naturally chose the Huangquan Road without hesitation. Along the narrow path, he soon came to a river that looked like magma liquid. Purple flames shot up into the sky, and there were also streaks of purple flames in the sky. Thunder strikes from time to time...
"What a road to hell! It's really a road of nine deaths. Even those loose immortals and loose demons will be upset when they see it. Moreover, these magma, sky fire and sky thunder don't seem to be formed by illusions," he squinted at the sky fire sky in front of him. The thunder-filled lava river, its fiery and violent terrifying power, made Dico feel like his skin was tightening: "With my current strength, if I resist hard, how long can I resist in the sky fire, and how long can I withstand it?" Where is Dao Tian Lei?"

Standing next to the magma river, Dicko's soul power quickly dispersed with a thought. After carefully sensing it, he soon noticed the invisible fluctuations over the entire magma river mouth: "This is... the teleportation formation. Fluctuation? No wonder those who broke into the Huangquan Road, no matter what the situation was during the journey, finally left here safe and sound. "

After discovering the situation of the Huangquan Road, Dicko, who was determined in his heart, jumped onto the narrow Huangquan stone bridge above the magma river without hesitation.
"Huh? The gravity is really quite big, but it's still far behind the neutron stars in the universe of the Devouring Starry Sky World!" The moment he landed on the Huangquan Stone Bridge, Dicko, who was trembling slightly, felt as if he was flexible and free. started to move forward.

When the sky fire rises and the purple flame approaches, the heat is enough to cause some weak cultivators to spontaneously combust, but Diko seems to be unaffected... As for the sky thunder that falls accidentally, Diko also relies on his speed and agility dodge
Not long after, Dico, who was cautious and quick and agile, had escaped the attacks of sky fire and thunder and successfully reached the other side of the magma river.

Then, like the world spinning, the fiery and violent aura and the magma river disappeared, and then Diko appeared on a grassland.And there is no doubt that he was the first one here.

(End of this chapter)

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