Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 386 The Treasure Touching the Heart

Chapter 386 The Treasure Touching the Heart

Di Ke, who had already crossed the road to hell, was naturally not interested in waiting for others. After investigating the soul power, he quickly locked onto the treasure pavilion thousands of miles away. Then he sensed the fluctuations in the space and teleported directly with his mind. Came outside the treasure pavilion.

That's right, with Diko's soul level so high, he has naturally reached the level of an immortal and can easily perform teleportation.

In the middle of the endless grassland, there is a two-story pavilion. The whole body seems to be made of white jade, but the tiles on the roof are golden. There is a statue carved from black crystal stone and a huge stone tablet on both sides of the door.

"This Immortal Emperor Niyang is really narcissistic." Looking at the statue of Immortal Emperor Niyang, which had an aura that looked arrogant to all others, Diko shook his head slightly, stepped forward and took off the statue's finger. After receiving the Ring of Lord Black Yan, he ignored the stone tablet on the other side and walked straight into the attic.

In the hall on the first floor, there were eighteen black dog collar-like things suspended in mid-air, which were the spirit beast rings.This thing does not exist in the mortal world, and only some powerful immortals can refine it.Its function, as the name suggests, is to control spiritual beasts.As long as it is bound by this spiritual beast circle, even a super divine beast with the strength of the twelve tribulation scattered demons will have difficulty getting rid of it.

"Is this the spirit beast circle? Good thing." Diko looked at those black circles with a smile, his eyes brightened, and he collected nine of them with a wave of his hand.

There were too many spiritual beast circles of little use to Diko.After all, there were not many scattered demon beasts in the entire Zixuan Star that he could like, and that were worthy of being adopted as spiritual beasts.

Although Diko was the first to come to this treasure pavilion, he was not so impatient that he swept away all the treasures in it.When he eats meat, he always leaves some soup for the people behind him!
After collecting the nine spirit beast circles, Dico went up the stairs to the second floor. He saw that the spacious second floor looked like a study room, with many calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls, a huge bookcase, and a desk in the center. There are pens, inks, paper, inkstones, etc. on it.

"Breaking the Sky" glanced at the calligraphy and paintings hanging on the surrounding walls. Dicko quickly noticed the ink paintings with fairy sword marks in the lower corners of three of them. He couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly: "This thing is a hot potato." Ah! Forget it, anyway, with the Ring of Black Flame Lord, I already have the qualifications to enter the Niyang Realm at any time, so there is no need to get these three unlucky sky-shattering pictures."

"However, the brush that Immortal Emperor Niyang usually uses for writing is comparable to a mid-grade immortal weapon, so it's a good thing! Now, except for the Ring of Lord Black Yan, I don't have a powerful offensive weapon in my hand!" Looking at the pen holder with nine brushes on the desk, Diko took away six of them without ceremony with a wave of his hand.

Then Dicko, who took his time and picked out some books from the bookcase, sensed familiar scents approaching from outside, and then teleported away directly with a sudden thought.

Di Ke left quietly. Old Taoist Qianxu, Empress Yanji and others who hurried outside the Treasure Pavilion did not notice it. However, Jiang Li beside Qin Yu looked up at the distance with a slightly moved expression. Her beautiful eyes twinkled.

"Li'er, what are you looking at?" Qin Yu in front turned around and called her. Jiang Li, who came to his senses, responded quickly and followed with a smile.

Thousands of miles away on the grassland, Diko was waiting quietly. After a while, he felt that the time and space around him were changing. Then the familiar golden trees and green grass appeared in front of him. He had returned to the Golden Wood Island with the ancient teleportation array. .

Almost at the same time, Yanmo, Xue Nu, Di Long, Three-Eyed Ancestor, Qinglong, Ida, Qianxu Laodao, Huo Can, Yanji Empress, Qin Yu, Jiang Li and others also appeared out of thin air. "Dico? Didn't you die in the Peach Blossom Land?" Old Taoist Qianxu stared in surprise when he saw Diko. Then the other people who also saw Diko also had different expressions. Among them, Dilong was the first to step forward to greet Diko in surprise. Ke Shili, Empress Yanji and Huo Can's eyes flickered.

Immediately afterwards, she suddenly thought of Lady Yanji, and looked at Dike with burning eyes: "Dike, did you cross the Huangquan Road and enter the Treasure Pavilion on the grassland before us? That is unique in the fairy mansion. Did you get the treasure?"

Upon hearing the words of Empress Yanji, Qianxu Lao Dao and Huo Can also looked at Dike with excitement. They had not seen Dike before, and they indeed guessed that Dike might have entered the Peach Blossom Spring.But now that I think about it, with Dicko's personality, he shouldn't be afraid of death.Now it seems that Empress Yanji’s words are more likely.

"You guys didn't get that unique treasure?" Diko frowned and looked at them, and then asked Di Long at the side: "Di Long, what did you get in the Immortal Mansion?"

Di Long also quickly talked about what everyone had gained in the treasure pavilion. When Di Long talked about the three ink paintings obtained by Yan Mo, Yanji Empress and Qin Yu, Di Ke's face suddenly changed slightly, and he was a little bit confused. Suspicious, Lian asked Yan Mo and Qin Yu: "What is that ink painting? Is there any news about Niyang Realm in it?"

Hearing Dike mention the Niyang Realm, Yan Mo, Yanji Empress and Qin Yu suddenly felt nervous and secretly suspicious, but Huo Can looked at Dike with sharp eyes and said in a deep voice: "Boy, stop pretending here! Hand over the unique treasure you got from the Immortal Mansion, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what? Huo Can, are you threatening me? Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Upon hearing this, Dike's face suddenly darkened and he looked at Huo Can with cold eyes.

"Boy, I don't know how high the sky is! Do you think you can ignore me when you reach the stage of transcending tribulation?" Seeing that Di Ke dared to be so rude to him, Huo Can's figure suddenly disappeared with an angry smile. In front of Diko, a punch came out, carrying violent power and full of evil energy, and hit Dico's head directly.

Peng.. Almost at the same time, Di Ke, who was full of hot breath, also punched out, and collided hard with Huo Can's fist. The space was distorted for an instant, and then the violent punch force spread out, frightening The faces of everyone around him changed and they hurriedly stepped back.

"Are you not in the tribulation stage? Are you hiding your strength? Are you a Loose Immortal or a Loose Demon?" Huo Can, whose face also changed drastically and who retreated in embarrassment as if trembling all over, couldn't help but stared at Di Ke in shock and anger. .

Diko, who was just shaking slightly and took two steps back to stabilize his figure, looked at Huo Can as if he were looking at a dead person and said coldly: "You don't need to know who I am! Besides, a person who is about to die knows that... What’s more?”

"You and I want to see how strong you are!" An angry Huo Can stared at Dike with eyes that were about to burst into flames, and then he flashed over again to kill him as if his whole body was filled with evil energy.

However, when Huo Can approached Diko again, suddenly, with Diko as the center, a large amount of flames filled the air and instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire. At the same time, the invisible binding force enveloped Huo Can, making his figure disappear. Zhi's expression changed: "What kind of method is this? This flame..."

Just when Huo Can was startled, Diko stepped forward like a fire, and while his body was condensed into a flame energy armor, he punched out seemingly casually, but it triggered the power of the entire flame field to attack Huo Can. The oppression passed...
(End of this chapter)

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