Chapter 392 Yu Liang
In the air above the sea outside Chaoyang Fairy Island, accompanied by the silence of Wu Kongxue and those demon-dispersing masters, the atmosphere felt a little stagnant and depressing for a while.

"Tell me to admit defeat! Diko, my Wu Kong blood skills are not as good as others. I don't have the ability to seize the Sky Breaking Map from your hands. Naturally, I won't be like those immortal cultivators who shamelessly entangle endlessly." After a while, he spat. Wu Kongxue took a breath and smiled helplessly.

At the same time, his face was obviously a little pale, and the violent and terrifying aura all over his body gave people a feeling of vanity.Obviously, in the previous head-on fight with Diko, in order to be able to defeat Diko, Wu Kong used special tricks to consume a lot of blood. Even though the situation was much better than that of the seriously injured Ming Liang, he was still not in good condition.

Besides, even though he had already used his special skills and couldn't really hurt Diko, what could he do if he had no blood?If he was really ignorant and fought hard with Diko, forcing Diko to kill him, it would be hard to say whether he would be able to leave alive today!
After Wukong and the people from the Sanmo side left with the knowledge, Diko suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance and said: "You guys, you have been watching the show for so long, should you be able to show up?"

As soon as Dike finished speaking, four figures appeared out of thin air over the sea area where Wu Kongxue and the others were just now.The first person was thin, but his skin was as lustrous as jade. His eyes were not big, but it was as if electric light was gathering in them.

There were three people standing behind him, including a tall, thin and cold man in a black robe, a man with streamlined muscles and dark skin, and a big man with a strong face and a fiery red warrior uniform with muscles bulging like rocks.

"What a means, what a strong strength! No wonder you dare to take the Sky Breaking Map as your own." The thin, small-eyed man squinted at Diko, with an inexplicable light shining in his eyes: "Are you the super mythical beast Fire Qilin, or are you? ..”

"Stop guessing! I'm not a mythical beast, I'm just a human being. Do you think humans can't be more evil than these mythical beasts?" Before the thin man could finish speaking, Dico interrupted him. : "If I'm not wrong, you should be the core controller of the ancient world and the most powerful scattered monsters and beasts in the ancient world, right?"

"The Hydra, the Galvanic Leopard, and the Fire Rock Lion are just ordinary beasts." Diko shook his head slightly as he spoke. His eyes glanced at the three people behind the emaciated man, and then looked at the emaciated man: "And you, That’s a bit interesting. The superior divine beast Tongtianshu with inherited memory is so powerful that on this Zixuan Star, only the super divine beast with the strength of twelve kalpas scattered demons can surpass you.”

"Who are you? Are you a descended immortal?" Yu Liang, a thin man and the core controller of the Great Desolate World, suddenly changed his expression when he heard this, and then asked with a serious look on his face.

"I haven't been to the world of immortals and demons yet! But it's coming soon. I probably won't last long, so I have to go." Diko said with some emotion, then looked at Yu Liang with an inexplicable expression and said, "So , before ascending, I need to make some arrangements so that I have no worries. So, Yu Liang, are you interested in being my spirit beast?"

Spirit beast?Yu Liang was a little shocked, and then his face turned ugly: "You actually want me to be your spiritual beast, are you dreaming?"

"Dreaming? Yu Liang, you have seen my strength. Do you think you will be my opponent? Since you suspect that I am a super beast, is there any problem for you, a superior beast, to surrender to a super beast?" Di Ke's words immediately made Yu Liang's face twitch.

Yu Liang took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to take action: "I admit that you are very strong. Maybe I can't do anything to you, but if you want me to surrender, that's just a dream!"

"In that case, there is nothing more to say," Diko said with some regret, and the next moment he appeared in front of Yu Liang out of thin air.With the muffled sound of fists clashing, Dike forced Yu Liang to stagger back with one punch, and then his silhouette came closer again and punched Yu Liang hard again.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by the muffled sounds of fists hitting the flesh and the explosion of energy clashing, the phantom-like figure of Dicko kept changing his position over the sea, and even appeared on the sea, but he never distanced himself at all. He was always in front of him. After entangled and fighting, the dissipated energy caused the water on the sea to agitate, and waves of water continued to shoot out in all directions like sharp swords.

The two of them only stopped briefly on the sea to fight once. When the turbulent waves calmed down, a bloody sea and a large number of broken corpses of fish floated on the sea...
"What a fast speed!" Kong Cao, Xing Shou and Wu Shan, who were watching the battle from the sidelines, were three divine beasts that dispersed demons in the Eleven Tribulations. Seeing Di Ke and Yu Liang fighting inextricably, they were shocked and surprised in their hearts: "My lord, you can reach the sky. He has magical powers, but he is good at speed and attack. Unexpectedly, he can't get rid of the opponent."

"Haha...well, you are worthy of being the superior divine beast Tongtianshu who inherited the memory of the owner. As expected, your strength has surpassed that of Wu Kongxue and Mingliang. Unfortunately, you are still a little short of the real Demon King Golden Immortal level. Son," after a fight, after roughly confirming Yu Liang's strength, Diko, who laughed loudly, also burst out suddenly.

The roar was accompanied by a violent energy aura that poured out from Diko's body like a volcanic eruption onto Yu Liang, who was unable to dodge. Yu Liang, who was hit by Diko's explosive blow, immediately trembled and vomited blood and flew backwards.

"Sir..." Upon seeing this, Kong Cao and the others' expressions changed and they rushed forward to greet him. They all looked at Di Ke with sharp eyes, as if they wanted to join forces to fight.

"You are no match for him, don't risk your death!" Yu Liang stretched out his hand to stop the three of them, but Dike couldn't help but smile when he saw that he was still wise: "What do you think, do you still want to fight? Are you choosing to surrender? ?Or let me kill you?"

"You are stronger than me, but don't bully others too much," Yu Liang said in a deep voice with an ugly face: "If we really force us to fight to the death, you may not be able to please me."

"Really? Then you can join forces and fight to the death. I really want to see how powerful you can be if you fight to the death," Diko said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yu Liang felt a chill in his heart. After secretly communicating with Kong and Cao, they almost did not hesitate to use teleportation to escape.
However, the next moment, an invisible wave seemed to pluck the strings of space, making their teleportation instantly invalid.Then the astonished Yu Liang, looking at the playful smile on Diko's face, suddenly felt cold: "What did you do? How could you prevent us from teleporting? What kind of method is this? What on earth are you doing?" What level of strength is it?”

"What method? It's just some superficial application of the laws of space. You don't understand it even if I tell you. As for what level of strength I am, you will naturally understand it if you feel it for yourself," Diko said with a smile, and his mind moved. , an invisible soul wave swept across like a tide. The soul power far exceeded that of Yu Liang and others. It was crushed in an instant, so that Yu Liang and the others felt their eyes go dark and immediately lost consciousness.

At the same time as the roar, accompanied by a short dragon roar, several golden dragons, silver dragons, black dragons and green dragons with surging auras also appeared out of thin air in the air not far away, each with their eyes closed tightly like a slumber. .

(End of this chapter)

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