Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 393 Spirit beast, send pictures

Chapter 393 Spirit beast, send pictures
Looking at those divine dragons with terrifying auras, Di Ke couldn't help but shake his head and smile: "This dragon clan really thinks highly of me! They actually sent a golden dragon with the strength of eleven calamities to disperse demons, and the other three are also nine calamities. , with the strength of the Ten Tribulation Loose Demons, it seems that they are determined to win the Sky-shattering Map!"

"But that's fine! Now that I'm here, I wonder if this golden dragon can directly transform and evolve into a super divine beast with five claws after stimulating its bloodline?" He looked at the golden dragon with the strongest aura and murmured to himself with shining eyes. Dico couldn't help but become curious and expectant.

When Diko returned to the island with the unconscious Yu Liang and the four dragon clan demon warriors, outside the Fire Temple, people were shocked by Dike's previous battle with Wu Kongxue, Ming Liang and Yu Liang. Everyone, who was going up and down like a roller coaster, felt the suffocating breath of Yu Liang and others even though they were asleep, and they all felt a little breathless.

Especially Yan Mo looked at the sleeping golden dragon, silver dragon, black dragon and green dragon with a particularly complicated expression.Although he had already guessed that Di Ke was quite capable, he never expected that the monsters would be so powerful. The elders of the Demon-Spreading Dragon Clan, who were terrifyingly powerful and had not yet appeared, were easily dealt with by Di Ke. There was no way to resist, and even Yanmo couldn't figure out what method Diko used for a while.

The next moment, Diko just glanced at the sleeping dragons, and the invisible soul wave spread to them. The dragons who suddenly trembled suddenly regained consciousness, and looked at them one by one in confusion and surprise. Diko then quickly shrank and turned into a human form with a flash of light all over his body.

"It's quite smart. He didn't attack me directly after waking up. It seems that although the Dragon Clan is proud, the loose demons of the Dragon Clan who have lived for a long time are also mature and mature, and they are not as arrogant as some frogs in the well," Di Ke Xiao looked at the dragon clan demon elders and said.

"What is your identity? Could it be that you are an immortal who has descended to earth?" Ao Yan, the leader of the Eleventh Tribulation Demon Black Dragon, looked at Di Ke seriously and asked.

"Immortal?" Diko smiled noncommittally, then turned to look at Yu Liang, who was still unconscious, and the other three ancient masters with the strength of the Eleven Tribulations to Dispel Demons: "Don't worry, I'll deal with them first."

Disposal?Upon hearing what Di Ke said, Ao Yan and other dragon clan elders subconsciously looked at Yu Liang and the other four, their expressions changed and their hearts skipped a beat.

Although they had only watched the battle from a distance before, they had seen Yu Liang's strength and knew their identities.The core controller of the prehistoric era, as the superior divine beast Tongtianshu with the strength of the Twelve Tribulations Loose Demons, among the dragon clan, only the patriarch Fang Tian, ​​who is a five-clawed golden dragon and has the cultivation of Twelve Tribulations Loose Demons, can defeat him, no matter how strong he is. This is something that the Dragon Clan should also pay attention to.

But such a powerful man was no match for Dico. He couldn't even escape in front of Dico, and fell into a coma without the slightest resistance.In Ao Yan's view, Di Ke's strength definitely surpassed Fang Tian's.Ao Yan and others' hearts trembled just thinking about that terrifying soul power.

The Dragon Clan is powerful in its bloodline and strength, but is not outstanding in terms of soul.Even though Fang Tian is a five-clawed golden dragon, his soul realm has not reached the golden immortal level!Probably just like Yu Liang.Therefore, even if Fang Tian takes action, he may fall into Diko's hands before he can use his attack methods.

"Yun Lan..." Di Ke shouted, and handed the child in Yun Lan's arms to Yuyin, who hurriedly responded and came to Di Ke's side.

Turning over his hand, he took out a spirit beast circle and handed it to Yun Lan. After giving him some gentle instructions, Dike turned to Yu Liang and said, "Yu Liang, come here!"

Di Ke shouted low, and Yu Liang suddenly opened his eyes with excitement, but his expression was still a bit dull. He flew forward and landed in front of Di Ke and Yun Lan, as if he was a taciturn bodyguard.

Next, Yunlan shed blood and recognized the master of the spirit beast circle, and controlled the flickering spirit beast circle to fly towards Yu Liang. Yu Liang also followed Dike's instructions and allowed the spirit beast circle to blend in without any resistance. It entered his body and was connected to his soul.From then on, no matter how strong Yu Liang was, life and death were decided by Yun Lan.

Immediately afterwards, under Di Ke's instructions, Di Yan, Xu Liangxian and Yuyin also used the spirit beast circles Di Ke gave them to make the Fire Rock Lion Wushan, the Current Leopard Xing Shou and the Hydra Kong Cao become theirs. of spiritual beasts.Seeing Yu Liang and the others one after another becoming the spirit beasts of Yun Lan and others whose cultivation level was no higher than that of Yuan Ying Dongxu, Ao Yan and other dragon clan elders became more and more frightened, fearing that Di Ke would treat them like this next. .

Therefore, when Di Ke helped Yun Lan and the others subdue the four strongest scattered demons in the prehistoric times, and then turned to look at Ao Yan and others, their expressions almost changed.

"Haha... Guys, don't be nervous! If I have any ill intentions towards you, I don't need to wake you up." Seeing their instinctive tenseness and obvious nervousness, Dico couldn't help but smile: "Seeing as you didn't directly snatch the Sky-breaking Map, I won't embarrass you. After all, you are all Yanmo's elders anyway, although he may not have much recognition for you elders of the Dragon Clan. .”

Hearing this, Ao Yan and others looked at Yan Mo with slightly complicated expressions.Before, they felt that Yanmo had betrayed the Dragon Clan by not giving it to the Dragon Clan when he obtained the Sky-Breaking Map.But at this time, they somewhat understood.Compared to the Dragon Clan, Diko is undoubtedly a bigger backer.This guy Yanmo really has a good vision and a good opportunity!

"Actually, I have never had any bad feelings towards the Dragon Clan," Diko then said with a smile: "Don't you just want the Sky-Breaking Picture? I do have one in my hand, and I can give it to you Dragon Clan directly."

"What? A gift to break the sky?" Ao Yan was stunned. Even Yun Lan and others who had just obtained the powerful spiritual beast were a little shocked and dumbfounded.

Even Yan Mo, Three-Eyed Ancestor, Di Long and others were surprised.Diko was so powerful that he could obviously occupy the Sky-breaking Map, so why did he give it to the Dragon Clan?Even if you want to make good friends with the Dragon Clan, you won’t give up the opportunity treasures such as Niyang Realm to others!
"Is this true? Your Majesty will hand over the Sky-Breaking Map to my Dragon Clan, but what are the conditions?" Ao Yan, who had reacted, suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked.

"Of course there are conditions," Di Ke nodded slightly and said: "I know that the Dragon Clan has a profound background, so to be honest, I don't want to offend the Dragon Clan. After all, I am about to go through the ninth tribulation, and I will not stay in Zixuan Star for long. I'm afraid There is no time to explore the Niyang Realm. And the people under me are still weak. Once I leave, I am worried that they will encounter trouble and danger. Therefore, I need you, the Dragon Clan, to promise me to protect the people of my Fire Temple and my descendants. .”

"Overcoming the ninety-ninth calamity? You haven't survived the ninety-ninth calamity?" Ao Yan stared at Di Kelian in disbelief and asked, "But your strength?"

"I have some opportunities, and the skills I practice are special, so the burst of strength is a bit scary," Diko said noncommittally, and then said: "How about it? Are you, the Dragon Clan, willing to agree to my conditions?"

Opportunity?Special skill?Ao Yan and others heard a murmur in their hearts, and they felt more and more that the opportunity Diko had obtained was extraordinary. There must be a powerful force behind it, or a super strong person.

"Of course! If your Majesty is willing to let the Breaking Heaven Map go, he is a friend of my Dragon Clan. From now on, on this Zixuan Star, no matter which force or lone strong person wants to be detrimental to your people, that is with Our Dragon Clan is our enemy," Ao Yan was thinking, but on the surface he was serious.

"Okay! I believe in your Dragon Clan's promise," Diko nodded slightly, then turned to look at Yanmo, and Yanmo nodded understandingly, took out the Sky-breaking Diagram, and pointed the Sky-breaking Diagram towards Ao Rock threw it.

(End of this chapter)

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