Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 394 Foresight and Arrangements

Chapter 394 Foresight and Arrangements

Although Yan Mo left the Dragon Clan, he was from the Dragon Clan after all, and he was not too resistant to handing over this sky-shattering map to the Dragon Clan.

Besides, Di Ke chose to give up the Sky Breaking Map for the sake of his family and subordinates, including Yan Mo.Being able to make such a decision also made Yanmo identify more with Diko, secretly saying that he was not with the wrong person.

After Ao Yan and others obtained the Sky-breaking Map and left in a hurry with joy, Yan Mo couldn't help but said: "Sir, why did you give the Sky-breaking Map to the Dragon Clan?"

"Because the Dragon Clan is determined to win the Sky-Breaking Map. If we don't hand it over now, the trouble will be even greater in the future," Di Ke said: "Besides, it's just a Sky-Breaking Map, and we can't offend the Zixuan Star's foundation because of it. The deepest and most powerful dragon clan. After all, I cannot always protect you, and the Fire Temple cannot become the target of all the major forces on Zixuan Star, otherwise it will be difficult for me to leave with peace of mind!"

"Master, are you really going to ascend?" Yun Lan then looked at Di Kelian worriedly and asked, and Di Ke also sighed lightly and stepped forward to hold her hand and said: "Although I am strong now It seems good, but it can't go against the rules of heaven and earth. If you are strong enough, you will always ascend, and you can't stay in the mortal world forever. It's just a pity that we can't watch our children grow up."

Di Ke said as he glanced at his son Di Yun in Yuyin's arms, feeling a little helpless in his heart.Before he was strong enough, in order to better protect his wife and children in the future, all he could do was to become stronger as quickly as possible.

He didn't want to be like Qin Yu, who encountered unbeatable opponents like Zhou Xian when he was still weak.After all, he couldn't be sure whether Jiang Lan would show up to help him like Qin Yu when he was in danger, let alone whether he could return to devour the world with his consciousness if he died in this world before he grew up. There will be no surprises.If he really died, it would be an injustice.

"Don't worry, I will teach Yun'er well so that he can grow up safely and happily," Yun Lan continued, and her gentle and gentle look made Di Ke feel even more guilty.

"Before I leave, I have one more important thing to do. I may not have that much time to spend with you and my children," Diko said apologetically, and then sent everyone away, leaving Yan Mo behind. and Yu Liang four people.

"Yanmo, next, I'm going to Niyang Realm," Diko looked at Yanmo and Yanmo was stunned for a moment as soon as he spoke: "Niyang Realm? Sir, now you don't have the Skybreaking Map, How else can you enter the Niyang Realm? Could it be that you..."

Seeing Yan Mo's reaction, he had some guesses in his mind. Di Ke also nodded slightly and said: "That's right! I have other ways to enter Ni Yang Realm. This is also my biggest gain in Nine Swords Immortal Mansion. I got Ni Yang The Immortal Emperor said it is a unique treasure in the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion."

"I see, why did you hand over the Heaven-shattering Map to Yuan? You just wanted to take the opportunity to cause a big trouble. This move of yours is really wonderful! I'm afraid no one would have thought that your Excellency would secretly Entering Niyang Realm silently," Yan Mo said with surprise in his eyes.

"I asked you to stay. I have something I want you to do," Diko continued noncommittally: "Next, you go back to the Dragon Clan and quietly teach Ao Yan the secret method of stimulating bloodline."

"Sir, what do you mean by this? The method of stimulating the bloodline is of extraordinary significance and attractive to any monster or divine beast. If the Dragon Clan obtains it, it will probably become the most important secret method for suppressing the clan. Do you think the Dragon Clan is not strong enough? But the Dragon Clan is too powerful, and it doesn’t seem to be of any benefit to us, right?" Yanmo was immediately surprised when he heard this, and said full of doubts.Di Ke smiled noncommittally and said: "Yanmo, you haven't been in the Dragon Clan for long, so you probably don't know that Ao Yan very well. If the secret method is passed on to him, he may not open it to the entire Dragon Clan! After all, Not everyone in this world is so selfless.”

"Your Majesty, what you mean is that Ao Yan is more selfish? But if that's the case, why do you still want to teach him? Your Majesty wants him to transform into a five-clawed golden dragon so that he can compete with the current leader of the Dragon Clan, but like this..." Yan Mo Ning The eyebrows are thoughtful.

"Okay, stop guessing," Di Ke shook his head slightly and said, "I did have the intention of making Ao Yan a five-clawed golden dragon, but I didn't think of dividing the dragon clan. I just felt that compared to the aloof Fang Tian, ​​Ao Yan is actually quite a down-to-earth person. Although his personality is a bit selfish, it is not a big flaw. People are more or less selfish."

"Fang Tian is already a Twelve-Calamity Loose Demon, and there's no telling when he will ascend. And once Ao Yan transforms into a five-clawed golden dragon and further cultivates to become a Twelve-Calamity Loose Demon, then there is no doubt that he will The next leader of the Dragon Clan," Diko continued: "This person is more conservative than aggressive, but fortunately he still takes care of the younger generations of the Dragon Clan, and he can be regarded as an affectionate person. If you teach him the secret method of stimulating the bloodline, he will surely With his trust, I will be like a fish in water in the Dragon Clan in the future, and I have every chance to become a high-ranking member of the Dragon Clan, or even the clan leader..."

Yan Mo's expression changed when he heard this, and his hands slowly clenched subconsciously and his blood began to boil.The leader of the Dragon Clan is much more majestic and noble than the controller of the prehistoric periphery!

"Your Excellency is very thoughtful, thank you for taking the trouble for me," Yan Mo said respectfully, while Dike waved his hand and said, "Don't thank me in a hurry. Whether you can become the leader of the Dragon Clan in the future depends on your ability. And I am so I support you just because I hope that the Dragon Clan can protect my descendants more carefully in the future. As for the rumor of the bloodline-stimulating method that you are worried about, as long as it spreads widely within the Dragon Clan, it will inevitably be leaked. Once it is spread by other demon clans and mythical beasts If you get it, more divine beasts and powerful divine beast bloodlines will inevitably be born, and even threaten to shake the status of the Dragon Clan."

"So... even if Elder Ao Yan obtains the secret method, with his cautious character, he will not easily pass it on to others. Even if it is taught within the Dragon Clan, it must be very cautious. It will only be passed on to the core geniuses of the Dragon Clan, and it is strictly prohibited to spread it outside," Yan Mo continued: "It's just that it seems like this is just the first time for you to meet Elder Ao Yan. Why do you seem to know his temperament very well?"

"Because when I used the enchantment method on him before, I specifically checked his memory. Originally I just wanted to know more about the Dragon Clan, but I didn't expect that I got some unexpected gains." Diko's words immediately made Yanmo's heart With a shudder, the golden dragon with eleven calamity demon-dispelling powers had his memory checked by Diko so quietly. This method was really terrifying!

After Yan Mo Gongjin obeyed the order and left, Di Ke turned to look at Yu Liang and the four people who were standing beside them like wooden figures. An invisible wave of spiritual souls struck them with a sudden thought, causing them to wake up suddenly, and then Sensing something, his face changed drastically, and he stared at Diko in shock and anger: "You, you actually..."

"It seems that you are still not awake enough!" Diko said coldly, and the invisible power of the soul surged towards Yu Liang and the four people again, making them pale and trembling all over. The feeling of powerlessness made them It felt like I was back when I was still weak, and I once again felt the fear of facing a powerful person.

Di Ke, who slowly walked up to the main seat and sat down, looked at Yu Liang and the four people who were weakly kneeling down on one knee, and said slowly: "How is it, do you understand the situation? Do you think, since I can let You have become spiritual beasts without any resistance, and you really care about your life and death. However, I am about to ascend to the immortal world, so I need to leave a strong enough protective force for my relatives and friends. In this mortal world, Zi Xuan On the star, no matter how strong you are, your strength is limited, so I can only pick out the taller ones among the short ones and choose a few of you."

(End of this chapter)

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