Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 395 The Polar Abyss

Chapter 395 The Polar Abyss
Hearing that Di Ke seemed to look down on their little strength, Yu Liang and the other four couldn't help but feel a little sad, angry and bitter in their hearts.

After feeling Diko's strength and methods again, they clearly realized the huge gap in their strength.If he continues to fight against Diko, he will just be asking for his own death.Besides, they have become the spiritual beasts of Yun Lan and others, what choice do they have?

When Yu Liang and the other four wisely chose to bow their heads, Di Ke also smiled and comforted them, saying that in addition to protecting their relatives and friends, they would still be very free in the future. At the same time, he also taught them the secret method of stimulating bloodline and body refining. The secret of Dharma.

They were a little surprised and doubtful at first. After trying to activate the bloodline, they felt the suddenly stronger bloodline power and strength, as well as the benefits brought by the body refining method. They suddenly became excited. They could predict that it would not be long before. Your own cultivation and strength will improve by leaps and bounds.

The improvement in strength and bloodline potential is a huge opportunity for Yu Liang and the others.Therefore, faced with such an opportunity, they soon felt that bowing their heads and surrendering to Dicko was not unacceptable, but it was a pity that they did not directly become Dicko's spiritual beast.

Even after practicing for a period of time on Chaoyang Fairy Island, Yu Liang found that his cultivation was about to break through, and he wanted to break the most critical shackles on the path of cultivation and become the Demon King.

If he hadn't become Yun Lan's spiritual beast, Yu Liang might have directly ascended in a short time.But after becoming Yun Lan's spiritual beast, he was forced to stay on Zixuan Star before Yun Lan ascended to the world of immortals, demons and monsters.

Similarly, Kong Cao, Xing Shou and Wu Shan also improved in their cultivation. Kong Cao quickly passed through the last tribulation of the scattered demons and became the twelve tribulations of the scattered demons. Even his bloodline was further stimulated. It's close to the superior beast.

In other words, after becoming the Twelve Tribulations Loose Demon, Kong Cao's strength is only inferior to that of Yu Liang before him. He is even stronger than the Dragon Clan's Twelve Tribulations Loose Demon Silver Dragon Yanshan, whose strength is second only to Fang Tian. One step ahead, after all, the silver dragon, like the black dragon, is only an intermediate level beast.

And Di Ke, after Yu Liang and the others obeyed, he also left Chaoyang Fairy Island and quietly rushed towards the Zixuan Star Pole where Niyang Realm is located...
Zixuan Star is very big. In the eastern hemisphere of this planet, there are the Qianlong Continent, the ordinary sea area to the north of the Riot Star Sea, the Riot Star Sea, the ordinary sea area to the south of the Riot Star Sea, and the Tenglong Continent.

On the other side of the planet, there is an environment that can be called a Jedi, divided into the polar cold zone and the polar fire zone.Among them, heading north along the Qianlong Continent, millions of kilometers away, you enter the polar cold region.Going south from the Tenglong Continent, probably millions of miles later, you will enter the polar fire region, which is also full of dangers.

The polar cold realm and the polar flaming realm that span billions of miles become more and more dangerous as you go deeper, and even some masters such as immortals and demons dare not set foot in it easily.The most dangerous place is the death abyss without any life at the junction of the polar cold zone and the polar fire zone.

Niyang Realm is located in the rumored terrible abyss of death. Even the five-clawed golden dragon Fang Tian and the golden-winged roc Zongzui have never been there, because the road to the death abyss is too dangerous.

The icy air of the polar cold region and the flaming air of the polar fire region are both very terrifying, and there is also an extremely terrifying wind, which is powerful enough to make the space tremble and even cause small cracks.

Therefore, no matter in the depths of the polar cold realm or the polar flaming realm, because the space is unstable, teleportation cannot be used, and one can only fly slowly.With such a long distance, one can imagine the time and energy required to reach the abyss of death.After all, as we get closer to the abyss of death, subtle space cracks that often appear need to be carefully avoided.Constantly concentrating and flying at a suppressed speed, the spirit is tense. Even the top loose immortals and loose demons will feel very tired after a long time.

But for Dico, rushing to the Death Abyss is not so troublesome at all, because he can directly use the Great Teleport to reach the place closest to the Death Abyss where the space is relatively stable, and then descend from the high altitude above the Death Abyss. Flying into the abyss of death.

Although there is no such route in the map left by Immortal Emperor Niyang, Dike, who is an expert and bold man, is still confident that he can reach the Niyang realm safely with his keen perception and control of space fluctuations.

At the very high place in space corresponding to the Death Abyss, Dicko suddenly appeared, overlooking the blend of purple and green below, and couldn't help but be a little shocked: "This polar environment... is quite beautiful!"

Diko dived directly downwards like a short distance teleportation, and soon felt the violent energy storm below that was sometimes hot and sometimes cold.
Vaguely, one can already see the purple sky fire and green cold air that occasionally spurt out from the black hole-like abyss below, which also makes Diko understand in his heart: "It seems that the polar flames and air on Zixuan Star are... The cold air comes from the abyss of death! In such a special environment, it is no wonder that the bipolar spirit stone, one of the materials used by the craftsman Chehou Yuan to refine the Tianzun spirit treasure, was born."

Feeling the increasingly terrifying storm and the alternating invisible energy impact of hot and cold, Diko's brows slightly furrowed, he thought for a moment and then moved closer to the side of the polar flame domain.

"The wind helps the fire. The environment in the depths of the polar flames is indeed more terrifying." Feeling the hot and terrifying flames in the depths of the polar flames and the strong wind that caused the space to tremble and crack, Diko looked more solemn, relying on With a keen sense of space fluctuations, he flexibly and easily avoided some small space cracks, and flew downwards without much slowing down.

Even as he slowly approached the ground, facing more and more small space cracks appearing around him, and even larger space cracks formed by some touching together, Dico was even able to control the space, causing the space to temporarily stagnate. , so that the space crack cannot come close to itself.

In this way, in this harsh and dangerous environment, Dicko was at home like a fish in water. Especially Dicko, who had used the flame domain and could better control the space, even took the initiative to absorb and refine the increasingly pure materials here during the flight. Fire energy.

The flame energy, which gradually became richer and more pure than normal Yuanling energy, was refined and absorbed by Diko, and it also quietly changed his body, making the force in his body become more pure and powerful.
I don't know how long it took. With his powerful soul realm and keen perception and control of space, Dike, who was close to the ground, finally used the power of his soul to determine the path leading to Niyang that Emperor Niyang had personally opened back then. The safe path to the Central Realm.

After passing through an area filled with purple sky fire that looked scary but failed to bring him any harm, he ignored some seemingly dangerous illusion obstacles and followed the pulse of space fluctuations, shrinking into an inch with each step. They all advanced for distances ranging from hundreds to thousands of miles, and soon they finally arrived at a vast expanse of land.

"We have finally arrived at the Niyang Realm." Looking at the three words "Niyang Realm" carved on the three towering stone pillars standing in the distance ahead, Diko couldn't help but smile and flew closer: "In order to get there It’s really not easy here!”

After getting closer, Diko ignored the oppressive feeling of the words 'Niyang Realm' on the three stone pillars and directly activated the sky-breaking sword energy in the Black Flame Lord's Ring on his finger. Suddenly, an energy shield formed by the sword energy formed. It enveloped him, and then as the three stone pillars trembled, invisible sound waves spread out, causing the sky to crack, endless sky fire and cold air coming from all directions, but the three stone pillars still stood steadily, and then a dazzling white light lit up. ..
(End of this chapter)

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