Chapter 396 Adversity

The dazzling white light and sword energy dissipated one after another, and a beautiful world with gurgling streams and a paradise-like world appeared in front of Diko.

"Is this the Mingxin Realm on the periphery of Niyang Realm?" Diko murmured as he squinted at the surrounding environment, and then Immortal Emperor Niyang's indifferent voice sounded: "I am Immortal Emperor Niyang"

Ignoring Immortal Emperor Niyang's nagging, Dike, who had swept away the power of his soul, quickly discovered the place where the Sanbaoyan was located in Mingxin Realm. There were many immortal weapons placed there, which were given to those who entered by Immortal Emperor Niyang. A meeting gift, but it is also a test, a fatal test!

"More than a dozen top-grade immortal weapons, over a hundred top-grade fairy weapons, and even defensive immortal weapons and armors. This Niyang is quite generous," said Beside Sanbao Rock, looking at the two rows of weapons arranged up and down. Diko, who was looking at the surging aura of the immortal weapons, put all the high-grade immortal weapons into the Black Flame Lord's Ring with a sudden thought.

As for the dozen or so top-grade immortal weapons, the Black Flame Lord's Ring is only a storage ring at the level of top-grade fairy weapons, and the top-grade fairy weapons cannot yet be collected.Anyway, as long as he passes the test of Immortal Emperor Niyang later, he will definitely be able to get more and better immortal weapons, even divine weapons, so Diko doesn't care too much about the dozen or so top-quality immortal weapons.

And if there is no immortal weapon on Fenbaoyan, those messengers from the lower realms of immortals, demons, demons, Zong Zuo, Fang Tian and others will have less reason to fight and less fun when they come to Niyang Realm.

Although those immortal weapons contain the secrets of the Dark Star Realm left by Immortal Emperor Niyang, and those with strength below the emperor level who recognize their master will have their Nascent Soul explode and die, in the future, as long as Diko reaches the emperor level in strength, he will be able to easily resolve the magic in the immortal weapons. Secret energy.

Moreover, these immortal weapons left behind by Immortal Emperor Niyang can also be used to plot against some people with ulterior motives. It is very good to use them to trick people at critical moments.

After taking those high-grade immortal weapons, Diko continued to set off. Although he encountered some formation restrictions and dangers along the way, he managed to get through them successfully by relying on his formation cultivation and keen spatial sensing.

Finally, after passing a long bluestone road, Di Ke finally came to the palace at the end of the bluestone road. He saw two lines of large characters engraved on both sides of the palace gate - Once you enter Qingyun Road, you will ascend to the ninth heaven alone.

Di Ke muttered "Qingyun Road" and walked directly in. Inside was a small white jade square. At the end of the square was a jade bridge made of sapphire, tilted at 45 degrees and rising into the sky, as if It's like a palace connected to the sky, but it's covered in clouds and mist, so you can't even see what's on it.

"What a luxury!" Even with Di Ke's knowledge, he couldn't help but secretly gasp when he saw the square and jade bridge made of jade.

Immediately afterwards, Diko noticed a white jade sculpture standing next to the head of the Jade Bridge. He moved forward and backward, and looked at the white ring on the finger of the statue. Then he reached out and took it off without hesitation. Recognize the Lord with a drop of blood.

Then the Ring of Black Yan Lord and the white ring of Lord Bai Xuan, which emitted black light and white light respectively, were entangled with light. Soon the two rings merged into one, turning into a black and white top-notch fairy-level storage ring. The Ring of Yanxuan.

Dike, who had obtained the Ring of Lord Bai Xuan, was about to step onto the Qingyun Road, but out of the corner of his eye he noticed a pile of crystal stones on the edge of the White Jade Square next to him. A pure Yuanling Qi filled the air, and even formed a There was a faint mist of energy.

"I almost forgot. Immortal Emperor Niyang left the top-grade Yuanling Stone for those who come to Qingyun Road to absorb and replenish their power. Fortunately, it has not been taken away by Jiang Lan, so it is an advantage for me!" The corner of his mouth said softly. Di Ke walked over and waved to put away the pile of top-quality Yuanling stones, then turned and stepped onto Qingyun Road.The highest grade Yuanling Stone, this is the hard currency of the world of immortals, demons and monsters.Such a pile of top-quality Yuanling stones is a considerable fortune even for the Golden Immortal Demon King.

After setting foot on the Qingyun Road that looked like a jade bridge, Di Ke felt an invisible pressure acting on his body. However, this little pressure had little effect on Di Ke, and it could not even improve his body speed. cause obvious impact.

Dico, who was moving forward as fast as a phantom, soon heard a deep voice: "Boy, stop!"

"Huh?" Diko paused for a moment, then squinted his eyes and looked forward, only to see a burly man suddenly appear, looking at Diko helplessly and curiously with his eyebrows raised: "Unexpectedly, only one person came to Niyang Realm. You're very lucky, but your strength is a bit too poor. Hey, it's really unpleasant for me to fight you with my skills suppressed to around level [-] or [-] heavenly beings!"

"In that case, don't fight and let me go directly," Diko smiled noncommittally, while the burly man rolled his eyes at Diko: "I don't want to fight with a little guy like you, who is at the level of an immortal! But I can’t break Niyang’s oath, but don’t worry, I won’t beat you to death.”

As he spoke, the burly man with a grin suddenly disappeared, and his fist as big as a casserole was punched hard at Dico. He clearly showed no mercy and wanted to kill Dico with one punch.

Flames lingered on his fist, and he punched out like a volcano. Dico met the punch of the burly man and staggered back in shock, forcing the burly man to take two steps back.

"Hey, boy, you have so much strength! Have you practiced the body-training technique?" The burly man looked at Diko in surprise with his eyes brightening.

"That's right!" Diko shrugged slightly and moved his wrist, but it made the burly man frown and say, "If it is, it is, if it isn't, it is not. What does it mean?"

"My cultivation method is quite special. I believe you can see it. I am not a loose immortal, nor a real heavenly immortal, but I have the strength of the immortal level." Diko's words made the burly man become more and more confused. : "You kid, you are a little weird! Your skills are not very good, but your soul level seems to be a bit high, even I can't see through it. It's really weird!"

"Haha... nothing weird. The high level of my soul only shows that I have a good understanding. Come, let me have a good fight with you," Diko, who was laughing and saying, took the initiative to move toward the burly man. Kill it.

"Okay!" The burly man also grinned and was too lazy to say anything more. He also dodged and fought with Diko. For a while, the muffled sounds of fists hitting the flesh and the explosion of energy continued to sound. The two people's figures changed, as if they were two people. Like bulls colliding with each other...
Boom.. With a thunderous explosion, as the golden fist shadow and the red fist shadow collided, Dicko flew backwards as if he was struck by lightning. A large number of cracks appeared in the dark red energy armor on his body, and then collapsed and dissipated. At the same time, he trembled and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Good boy, your skills are interesting, keep going..." The burly man, who was also thrown away by the shock, looked at Diko with burning eyes like a hunter, and dodged and swooped over again. .

Seeing this, Di Ke, whose mouth twitched slightly, turned around and shrunk to the ground. He took a few steps and quickly disappeared into the depths of Qingyun Road.
"Huh? Space fluctuation...teleport? No, teleportation is suppressed in Niyang Realm. What method is he using? This kid seems a bit mysterious!" The burly man who looked at this scene in amazement couldn't help scratching his head in confusion. stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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