Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 397 Genealogy of Ten Thousand Beasts, Metamorphosis

Chapter 397 Genealogy of Ten Thousand Beasts, Metamorphosis
After passing Qingyun Road, you will reach the Nine Heavens. This is the core of Niyang Realm, a nine-story palace suspended in the sky.

Along a golden road, Diko came to the gate of Jiuchongtian. He first touched the open gate. As soon as he touched an invisible barrier, he felt a light touch on his hand. One hand went deep into the palace, and then One foot also stepped in.

Diko, who easily entered the main hall, saw a golden scroll hanging high in the main hall at a glance. The scroll exuded a little golden light, which also made Diko's eyes light up: "Artifact Ten Thousand Beasts Book! What a good thing!"

Diko, who was holding on to the divine beast of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum, took it into his hands and recognized its owner without hesitation. As the entire golden scroll lit up, Immortal Emperor Niyang's voice introduced the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum. It was also passed into Diko's mind.

Diko, who controlled the force in his body and poured into the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum, easily opened the first level of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum. At the same time, he instantly felt the green space, the vast earth, the rich spiritual energy, and the There are nearly a thousand spirit beasts, the weakest ones are all seventh-level heavenly demons, and even the ninth-level heavenly demons have two to three hundred.

"The seventh-level celestial demons are just the loose demons of ten tribulations! I'm afraid that the number of powerful loose demons above ten tribulations on the entire Zixuan Star is just a fraction of the first level of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum," Di Ke said with emotion in his heart. , quite a feeling of suddenly getting rich: "With so many subordinates, just leaving a few ninth-level heavenly demon beasts and teaching them the method of stimulating bloodline is enough to protect Yun Lan and the others, and even if they break through and become demon kings in the future , and I won’t be able to ascend. However, after I ascend, I won’t be able to control it well.”

With his mind spinning, Diko briefly communicated with Shuo Yan, the leader of the first layer of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum. After roughly understanding the situation of the spiritual beasts in the first layer of the Ten Thousand Beast Spectrum, he hurriedly walked up to the Nine Heavens. went.

The second floor of Jiuchongtian is a gorgeous hall, the most conspicuous of which is the huge blue stone tablet in the center of the hall, which contains the specific content of the next test... And Diko glanced at it casually, and then went around. Pass the stone monument and go up to the third floor.

After arriving at the central hall on the third floor, Dicko's eyes suddenly focused. He saw a dark and skinny boy standing in it, with very linear muscles and a strange luster on his skin, giving him a sense of maturity and vicissitudes. A man of temperament.

The thin black man just stood there. Facing him, Dicko felt as if he was in a sea storm, like a small boat that might capsize at any time.Even if the other party deliberately restrained his aura, the invisible pressure brought to Diko was still very heavy.

"I didn't expect that after I waited here for so long, you were the only one waiting to break into the Nine Heavens." Looking at Diko with interest, a rare smile appeared on the dark and thin man's indifferent face: "You also know the rules. There are a total of seventeen rooms on the third floor of the Nine Heavens, corresponding to the levels from the first-level Golden Immortal to the eighth-level Mysterious Immortal. Each room has three sword energies. As long as you enter it, you will Trigger one of the sword energy attacks, and I will decide which level of the Nine Heavens you can enter based on how many levels you challenge. Now, you can choose!"

"Do you still need to choose? No matter how many levels I pass, I will always be number one. Why don't you just send me to the highest level of the Nine Heavens!" Diko said with a straightforward smile.

The thin black man was suffocated upon hearing this, and shook his head dumbly and said: "There is another possibility, that is, you were killed by the sword energy in it. In that case, you will naturally have no chance to enter the ninth level of the Nine Heavens."

"Really? Can you wait for me for a while?" Diko raised his eyebrows. The thin black man said noncommittally, "Time, what do you want to do?" "I'll try first to see if I can open the second layer of the Ten Thousand Beasts Book. Space," said Diko, who had directly taken out the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum, and as if blood and flames were rising all over his body, surging pure force poured into the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum, trying to open the second space of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum.

However, even though Diko tried his best, his skill was still a little bit behind after all. Even if he used the secret method, it only made the force explode to the peak of the star level, which was still a little short of the cosmic level, that is, the golden immortal level.

"This technique is really special!" The thin, dark man squinted at Diko, who was full of energy. His eyes flickered, and soon his expression became a little weird: "What are you?"

"Practice, you have been waiting for so long, you are not short of such a little time, right?" After saying that, Diko, who was sitting cross-legged, directly entered the cultivation state. At the same time, the flame field of Yanxuan Ring was released, and the body began to absorb it. With the energy of the sky fire, there was even an extra high-grade Yuanling Stone in his hand, which was quickly refined and absorbed through the fire refining to absorb the Yuanling Qi in the top-grade Yuanling Stone.

Seeing that Diko was really rude and treated this place as his own home, he started practicing as if no one else was around. The thin, dark man who couldn't laugh or cry didn't interrupt him directly.

Time passed quietly. As the thin black man who also sat cross-legged casually waited silently, Diko's aura began to grow stronger at an alarming speed, until it reached a peak level, and the whole person seemed like a human-shaped sun. The breath expanded to the extreme, but it was like a star collapsing. The surrounding space where the breath suddenly converged was somewhat distorted and turned into a black hole, frantically absorbing the surrounding energy...
"Huh? This is... what kind of skill is he practicing? He is so domineering and terrifying!" Seeing this scene, the thin black man couldn't help but stand up with a frown on his face and a look of shock on his face. At the same time, he felt that Di Ke's His aura seemed to be transforming, slowly making him feel inexplicably frightened.

As for Dico, who had successfully broken through from the pinnacle of the star level to the cosmic level, the nine stars in his Dantian that had expanded to the extreme also exploded into a large number of nebulae, star clusters and dust, forming a spiral galaxy like, Its core area is a very small dark area. Almost as soon as it was formed, the black hole-like area instantly broke through the invisible shackles and connected a special space.
In an instant, an eternal and surging aura that transcended time and space also came from the depths of the black hole. It suddenly enveloped Dico's consciousness and merged into Dico's consciousness.

The moment the ancient aura blended into the consciousness of his soul, Diko instantly felt a sense of transformation, a transformation originating from the original level of life, as if he had transformed from an ant on the ground into a god in the sky overlooking the common people.

This is also the reason why the thin black man felt that Dicko's aura had changed, and even gave him an inexplicable feeling of palpitations. It was entirely due to the gap in life levels, just like the difference between a mythical beast and an ordinary monster. Bloodline oppression makes the gap even more exaggerated.

"Hongmeng Space? Unexpectedly, as I imagined before, stepping into the cosmic level and turning stars into black holes really connects to Hongmeng Space. The cultivation method of swallowing the world really has infinite possibilities. It seems that the cultivation method of swallowing the world is The level is indeed higher." Feeling his own transformation, Diko was also a little surprised.

"However, my black hole seems to be different from the black hole created by Qin Yu in the original work. There are not only spiral galaxies around the black hole, but also eight spiral arms. It is like there are eight subsidiary black holes that have not yet been fully formed. They seem to evolve. The process is faster," Di Ke thought to himself: "Maybe my cultivation method has more potential than the star transformation method created by Qin Yu!"

(End of this chapter)

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