Chapter 398 The Ninth Level of the Nine Heavens
Just when Diko broke through and stepped into the cosmic level, all kinds of energy in the mortal world universe where Zixuan Star is located surged together and rushed towards Zixuan Star crazily, turning into various surging energy packages. The entire outer space of Zixuan Star.

Such a terrifying gathering of energy made the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on Zixuan Star become violent, and the space became less stable. The energy of the Polar Flame Domain, Polar Cold Domain and Riot Star Sea became even more violent, shocking the Riot Star Sea. A large number of casual cultivators who were practicing in seclusion, including Zong Zuo, the No. 1 in the Riotous Star Sea, became frightened and uneasy.

Millions of miles away from Qianlong Continent, deep under the sea, where Jiang Lan lived in seclusion protected by formation restrictions, he noticed the changes outside Zixuan Star and couldn't help but change his face: "This is... Such violent energy fluctuations have affected the entire mortal world. It does not look like a normal gathering of energy in the universe, but like someone is deliberately controlling it. What happened? Who has such a method? Even I can't find out what it is. Could it be that the human hand that moves it is the Lord of Heaven?”

"But why did Tianzun make such a big noise in this mortal world?" Jiang Lan, who frowned and was full of doubts, thought for a moment and then teleported away. The next moment, he was on the sea, looking up. The terrifying energy that is constantly gathering in space secretly said: "Even if you want to destroy this Zixuan Star, there is no need to go to such trouble!"

Just when Jiang Lan was surprised, all kinds of energy suddenly condensed on the space station to form a dazzling line of words - little friend, we are waiting for you!
Jiang Lan couldn't help but stare slightly at that line of words, and then subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the Death Abyss where Niyang Realm was located.On the entire Zixuan Star, the only evildoer who could deserve such a big stir caused by a mysterious existence that even he didn't know about was Diko.

"Huh? What's going on outside?" Almost at the same time, on the third floor of the Ninth Layer in the center of the Niyang Realm, Wu Lan, a thin black man who seemed to be aware of something, subconsciously released his demon consciousness to investigate, and couldn't help but be a little stunned: " This is.."

"Little friend? Is it him? What is the origin of this kid? Such a big movement, controlling the cosmic energy of this mortal world, such a method, even the Immortal Emperor can't do it! Could it be that he is a powerful person in the divine world? This Could it be that the boy is the reincarnation of a great master from the God Realm and can't cultivate again?" Then he looked at Diko, who was about to finish his training and wake up as if his breath was slowly introverted, Wu Lan couldn't help but be filled with doubts.

Just when Wu Lan was shocked and confused, Diko stretched out, opened his eyes refreshed and stood up.Noticing that Wu Lan was looking at him a little strangely, he was stunned for a moment, looked down at Dike and frowned and was about to speak, when a sudden clear voice echoed through Zixuan Star, and also between Dike and Wu Lan. It echoed in the depths of my mind and heart: "Little friend, hurry up and practice, we are waiting for you, haha..."

"Uh?" This sudden voice made Diko stunned again, and then his expression became a little strange. The treatment that Qin Yu enjoyed in the original work has now fallen on him?Then in the future, after Qin Yu steps into the black hole and connects to the Hongmeng space, I wonder if Lin Meng and Hongmeng will make such a big fuss to celebrate him?
"Do you know why there is such a big commotion outside? It must be related to you, right?" After noticing the change in Diko's expression, Wu Lan couldn't help but asked curiously.

At this time, as the sound resounded throughout the Zixuan Star, various energies in the space collided, and instantly turned into fireworks that filled the sky. It also shocked all the creatures on the Zixuan Star. I don’t know how many people. I lost my voice and was shocked speechless.

However, Diko, who had reacted, smiled noncommittally after listening to Wu Lan's inquiry: "It's better not to waste time, what's your name? Can I choose the room that will bear the sword energy now? ?”

"My name is Wu Lan, what room number are you going to choose?" He took a deep look at Di Ke's Wu Lan and didn't ask any more questions, but his attitude was obviously different.

"What's the number? Well... let's take Room No. [-]," Di Ke said in a deep voice. Upon hearing this, Wu Lan's face suddenly changed slightly and he frowned: "The sword energy in Room No. [-] is the full strength of a ninth-level Golden Immortal." Are you sure about the sword energy? You have just stepped into the Golden Immortal level. Even if you can fight beyond the level, it is too risky to go beyond the ninth level." "Otherwise, what qualifications do I have to ascend to the ninth level? What about the ninth level? Originally, I was planning to try the sword energy of a first-level Xuanxian. But for the sake of safety, I decided not to take that risk." Diko's words immediately left Wu Lan speechless. But after a moment of silence, he couldn't help but ask: "Are you sure? It's still too late to change now. Even if you have fewer levels to skip, you can still enter the ninth level of the Nine Heavens."

"I won't change it! Now that I'm here, if I don't accept the real test, wouldn't it be a waste of time?" Diko shook his head and walked towards the ninth room.

Seeing this, Wu Lan also reacted suddenly: "Could it be that he is relying on the ninth-level golden fairy beast in the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum to resist? But judging from his intention, it doesn't seem like he is going to rely on external force!"

Not long after, there was a loud bang in Room No. [-], and when the door opened, Dico came out with a breath as violent as a god of fire. Wu Lan couldn't help but look moved: "You have just stepped on the door. After entering the Golden Immortal level, his strength exploded to reach the peak of the Golden Immortal level, which is really abnormal! It seems that he really has hope to avenge Niyang in the future!"

"Wu Lan, can you please send me to the ninth floor of the Nine Heavens now?" Di Ke walked towards Wu Lan and said with a smile. Listening to his polite but casual words, which seemed to have no fear of him, Wu Lan's eyes twitched slightly, and with a wave of his hand, a ray of light fell from the sky and enveloped Diko, and then Dico disappeared out of thin air.

After Diko disappeared, Wu Lan couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "I didn't expect that the Niyang realm left by Niyang would attract such a mysterious evil genius. It's not surprising that the Ten Thousand Beasts Book has such a master. Yes, but the Sky-Breaking Map must have been obtained by someone, and it is estimated that someone will arrive soon, and there may even be people from the world of immortals, demons, and monsters coming down to the realm, so I have to wait here for a while."

"What a pity! After they arrive, they go on an adventure, and finally find out that they can't get the enchanted scroll. They will probably be very disappointed, right?" As he spoke, Wu Lan couldn't help but sneer: "But, what does this have to do with me? Relationship? With that kid’s monster and the speed of his cultivation, I’m afraid it won’t be too long before I can return to the God Realm, right? But I don’t know if he will be some big shot in the God Realm?”

At the same time, on the ninth floor of the Nine Heavens, with the transformation of space, Diko came to the empty hall in this round sky. He saw that there were thousands of fairy weapons on the ground, and the worst ones were high-grade fairy weapons. There are many top-grade immortal weapons, as well as various jade bottles containing elixirs, piled up like a hill of top-grade Yuanling stones, and a few treasures suspended in mid-air.

The energy incarnation left by Immortal Emperor Niyang appeared and was chattering endlessly, but Diko had no intention of listening to his ramblings. Instead, he looked at the things suspended in front of him with some surprise and surprise. The long sword, the black suit, Dico could guess from the picture scroll that exuded misty starlight that these three items were Immortal Emperor Niyang's divine sword Po Kong, the artifact battle suit Hei Ningxue, and the enchanted picture that the top experts in the world of immortals, demons, and monsters all longed for. roll.

But in addition to these three items, the other two items were somewhat beyond Dico's expectations. One of them was a dark red simple war knife, with a faint ancient and restrained violent aura, which made the surrounding space tremble slightly. It was obviously An incredible treasure that seems to be much more powerful than the Divine Sword Breaking the Sky.

(End of this chapter)

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