Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 400 Before Ascension

Chapter 400 Before Ascension
"Ancient Emperor? When did the world of immortals, demons and monsters have such a number one figure?" Dike, who used the Flowing Flame Pearl for the first time to fight against the enemy and was very satisfied with its power, thought of the 'Eternal Green' mentioned by Hua Yan before when guessing his identity. 'What kind of ancient emperor does the Qing Emperor have? He couldn't help but murmured in confusion.

But soon, Diko shook his head slightly and flew towards the Chaoyang Fairy Island ahead.No matter what the ancient emperor is, he will naturally know it when he comes to the world of immortals, demons and monsters.

On Chaoyang Island, outside the Fire Temple, everyone was surprised and excited when they saw Diko rushing back in time and falling from the sky.Just now, Dike killed the powerful immortal messenger Hua Yan with one punch, and they all saw it.

In particular, Yu Liang, Kong Cao, Xing Shou and Wu Shan, who had improved their cultivation and strength, and Ao Yan, the elder of the dragon clan who had also become twelve calamity scattered demons and came to visit them, were even more shocked. He also became more respectful and admirable towards Diko.

"Yu Liang, are you injured?" Seeing that Yu Liang's face was pale and his breath was a little weak, Di Ke couldn't help frowning. Yu Liang also hurriedly and respectfully stepped forward and said: "Sir, I have overestimated my capabilities. I thought that by breaking through and becoming the Demon King, I would be able to fight with that Huayan, but I didn’t expect that he not only had the best fairy sword, but also the best fairy weapon and battle clothes. I’m afraid I’ve died in his hands.”

"The messenger from the fairy world who is specially selected by the big shots in the fairy world to send to the lower world is naturally an outstanding first-level golden immortal, and he has the best fairy armor to protect himself. It is normal that you are not his opponent. You are not scared by him, hide away It's rare to dare not do anything on the island." Di Ke said as he turned over his hands and took out a set of black armor with a pair of fist gloves and said: "This is a set of top-grade immortal armor, which I got in Niyang Realm. Harvest, take it!”

"The best immortal armor? Niyang Realm? Master Di Ke, have you been to Niyang Realm?" Before Yu Liang could react, Ao Yan on the side stared in surprise and exclaimed.

"Since I gave the Sky-Breaking Map to you Dragon Clan, it is naturally because there are other ways to enter the Niyang Realm. Otherwise, why do you think I am so generous? Or do you think I am really afraid of you Dragon Clan?" Diko glanced at him. asked calmly.

When Ao Yan heard this, he couldn't help but said: "No, no... I didn't mean that, it was just a little unexpected, a little unexpected. With your background and skills, it is naturally very easy to enter the Niyang Realm."

"My background? What, you know my background?" Di Ke looked at Ao Yan with a half-smile, but he was a little suspicious in his heart, because he found that Ao Yan's attitude towards him seemed to be a little different, and he felt that he should It's not just because of the secret method of stimulating blood.

"I don't know. Even if I'm just guessing, how can a person like you have no background?" Ao Yan said with a smile, and his increasingly cautious look made Di Ke's doubts even stronger. .

Yu Liang, who had the same reaction on the side, was even more surprised and excited, and he knelt down on one knee and took the top-quality fairy armor given to him by Dike: "Thank you... Thank you, sir!"

Seeing that he was so excited that he couldn't speak fluently, Dico also smiled.Yu Liang was able to take the risk to fight Hua Yan. Although he was a little reckless and overconfident, it could also be seen that he had truly established his identity and was willing to take the initiative to protect Chaoyang Fairy Island, which naturally made Di Ke very satisfied.

"Okay! Get up!" Di Kelian said, waving his hands and smiling: "I have never been stingy with rewards for the people under my command. After I ascend, you can stay on Zixuan Star with peace of mind and protect Chaoyang Fairy Island. . It won’t take long, after I have established myself in the world of immortals, demons and monsters, I will come back to pick you up.”

With that said, Di Ke also gave Kong Cao and his friends top-grade attack weapons based on their needs, which naturally made them very excited and became even more convinced of Di Ke.

"To establish yourself in the world of immortals, demons and demons, with your background, do you still need to establish yourself in the world of immortals, demons and demons?" Ao Yan looked a little weird when he listened to Di Ke's words and secretly cursed in his heart. At the same time, he also thought about what he had thought before coming here. A conversation with Ao Feng, the dragon messenger.He clearly remembered Ao Feng's surprised and unexpected reaction when he told Ao Feng some information about Di Ke, especially Di Ke's name, as well as his careful instructions... In short, he must not offend Di Ke and others. People related to him.

Although Ao Feng did not elaborate, his reaction was enough for Ao Yan to guess a lot.He had a feeling that the dragon clan in the world of immortals, demons and demons were all very afraid of Diko's background.

After Di Ke came back, Ao Yan left quickly.Before leaving, he even expressed that the Dragon Clan and the Fire Temple would be one family from now on. With such enthusiasm, even Diko couldn't help but wonder if the Dragon Clan had some other plans for him.

Next, as the time for ascension got closer and closer, Di Ke stayed on Chaoyang Fairy Island to accompany his wife and children, or used spiritual power to guide Yun Lan and Di Yan to understand and improve their soul realm, and occasionally competed with Yu Liang and others. Fan, who taught them how to use strength and how to exert force, convinced them again with his fighting skills of exerting force.

However, although Di Ke wanted to keep a low profile and be calm, due to Hua Yan's death, the demon messenger Man Gan, the demon messenger Blood Demon Du Zhongjun, and even the dragon messenger Ao Feng and the dragon clan leader Fang Tian all came to visit one after another. Even the rioters in Xinghai Zong Sui also came here with the three Qin Yu brothers whose cultivation levels were rapidly improving.

Some of them came to test Diko's identity and strength, and some came to make friends with him on their own initiative. Especially the Dragon Clan was the most hospitable and polite to him, and even Mangan was cheerful and friendly. In short, they all seemed to want to make good friends with Diko.

Even with his stubborn pride, knowing that Diko killed Hua Yan, the emissary of the immortal world, with one punch, he didn't feel a trace of defiance in front of Diko.

In such a friendly atmosphere, before Di Ke was about to ascend to the realm of immortals, demons and monsters, the Dragon Clan, Demon Cultivators, Man Gan, Qin Yu, Zong Sui and others finally officially set off for the Niyang Realm.

Although they had all guessed that the most important treasure in the Niyang Realm, the Mysterious Scroll, should have fallen into Diko's hands, but since they were going to the lower realm, the envoys naturally had to go and try it out. It would be good to get the artifact. Yes!
What's more, anyone who has guessed Diko's identity and background also understands that since the Mysterious Picture Scroll has fallen into the hands of that secret force, even the big shots behind them will not dare to snatch it.

However, what they are a little confused about is that that force has never been involved in the battles between the various forces in the world of immortals, demons and monsters. It seems that it has no interest in the Mystic Temple. It has never snatched the Mystic Picture Scroll before. Why is this? Why is Ke suddenly trying to seize the Mysterious Picture Scroll?

Unconsciously, the day for Diko's ascension finally arrived. Many people gathered outside the Fire Temple. The most conspicuous among them were several demon kings led by Dan Meng, a ninth-level demon king in white clothes, and two to three hundred demon kings. A celestial demon with varying strengths.

These demon kings and sky demons were naturally left by Di Ke to protect Yun Lan and others.And in order to ensure that Yun Lan and the others can better control such a powerful force that is already invincible on Zixuan Star, Di Ke also specially studied and studied the Ten Thousand Beast Spectrum and the Spirit Beast Circle, and then refined it with Qing Yu Immortal Mansion. Using the immortal weapon refining materials, he refined a top-grade immortal weapon-level cave-heaven fairy weapon spirit beast picture, and gave it to Yun Lan.

Then, Diko selected some demon kings and celestial demons from the first two levels of the Ten Thousand Beasts Map, released their soul restraints, and allowed them to enter the Spirit Beast Map and be controlled by the Spirit Beast Map, leaving Yunlan with such a picture. A powerful trump card.

(End of this chapter)

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