Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 401: Penance, Blue Mars

Chapter 401: Penance, Blue Mars
With Dike's current strength, Kong Lan, the leader of the second level of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum, the ninth-level demon king of the intermediate divine beast, Kong Lan, was crushed and beaten by him. Naturally, Dan Meng and other demon kings did not dare to resist. After releasing the soul constraints of the Ten Thousand Beasts Map, they all obediently entered the Spirit Beast Map.As for the two to three hundred heavenly demons, they were even more at the mercy of Diko.

"Yunlan, I'll leave the child to you." Looking at the sleeping little Diyun in Yunlan's arms, Dike smiled and said, "Everything we have on this Zixuan Star, I leave it all to you. Wait for me, I will come back as soon as possible to take you to reunite in the world of immortals, demons and monsters."

"Well, don't worry, you can go. I will take good care of Yun'er and the family, and wait for you to come back," Yun Lan also said to Di Ke with red eyes.

While the two were talking, the sky suddenly shook, and a special invisible wave enveloped the entire Chaoyang Fairy Island.Feeling the fluctuations of the ascension rules of the world, he looked at Diko who came to see everyone off, and then he smiled and flew up with the ascension light: "Everyone, goodbye, we will meet again in the future!"

Diko, who flew high into the sky while speaking, disappeared out of thin air under the dazzling light. It was like performing a great teleportation from the Zixuan Star in the mortal world to the legendary world of immortals, demons and monsters.
The world of immortals, demons and demons is an extremely huge cosmic space, almost endless, and the entire cosmic space is also filled with a massive amount of Yuanling Qi.Of course, there are also some other powerful and special cosmic energies and special substances.

The entire fairy world is mainly divided into four large areas, namely the fairy world in the east, the demon world in the south, the demon world in the west and north, and the most special and mysterious dark star world between the fairy world and the demon world in the northeast.

Among them, in the Blue Bay star field that connects the fairy world and the devil world, in the largest Blue Moon galaxy, in the outer space of Blue Mars, one of the two largest planets, there is a huge spiral nebula area quite far away from Blue Mars. Di appeared here out of thin air. Ke felt the violent and twisted chaotic power around him, looked at the beautiful planet in front of him that seemed to be burning with blue flames, and then looked at the even bigger star behind him, exuding a terrifying and terrifying aura, covering half of the sky, and couldn't help but smile: " As expected of the fairy world, it is indeed full of energy and there seems to be many strong people on that planet, so it should be a planet with a relatively high reputation in the fairy world."

"However, this world of immortals, demons and monsters is very big, and there are so many powerful people. I am not in a hurry to find out what this place is. We should practice and improve our strength first. We must at least reach the emperor level before we can have the ability to roam freely in the world of immortals, demons and demons. Capital," he said, feeling the fiery and violent aura emitted by the nearby huge star, Diko couldn't help but smile: "This... is a good place for retreat and practice! The environment here is even a golden fairy You won’t get close easily, so you don’t have to worry about being disturbed.”

While talking, he found Diko, who was looking for a larger meteorite. After flying over, Diko sat directly on the ground and started practicing. In this way, Diko, who had just ascended to the world of immortals, demons, and monsters, had already begun a period of time that took a long time. life of asceticism.

After Dicko immersed himself in cultivation and actively absorbed the energy in the surrounding cosmic space, the energy in this huge spiral nebula area became more and more violent, even causing the nearby star to shed more light. The heat makes the entire spiral nebula more beautiful and dazzling.
Di Ke, who has been practicing for many years, seems to be transformed into a human-shaped black hole that is constantly absorbing energy from the outside world. The Dantian in his body is also like a black hole, constantly swallowing up the refined and pure energy and quietly transforming.
But Dicko also discovered that after entering the cosmic level, the speed of cultivation slowed down significantly. If he continued to practice like this, the improvement of each level of the cosmic level would take a long time.

The key is the evolution of the black hole at the core of the spiral nebula in Dantian. It seems that the energy from the outside has no effect on it and can only absorb the energy in the Hongmeng space.The external energy that Diko absorbs and refines can only provide transformation and improvement of the body, making the Force more and more pure.

Unknowingly, years and decades passed in the blink of an eye, and 200 years passed. Dike, who was immersed in cultivation that day, suddenly opened his eyes with a feeling. The space is filled with ripples and fluctuations..
"Such a big movement? What happened on that planet? A battle at the emperor level?" Looking at the huge blue planet in the distance, Dico muttered in his heart with a frown, and then moved his body and stood up. Come, for a moment the muscles and bones all over the body made a trembling sound, and the surging breath swept away like a volcanic eruption, causing the surrounding space to distort violently, some meteorites exploded, and in the blink of an eye, the place where Dico was was surrounded by a Apart from scattered gravel, there is no larger meteorite in space.

But soon, Dico restrained his breath again, and his whole person disappeared in an instant, and the next moment he was on the huge blue planet.

"It is indeed a prosperous planet!" As soon as he arrived on the blue planet, Dico felt a large amount of life breath on the entire planet, some of which were very strong, and there were many masters at the level of Golden Immortal, Demon King and Demon King. , even an emperor-level powerhouse.At the same time, Di Ke also sensed that the place where some emperor-level powerhouses gathered to fight was the famous Blue Fire Cloud Tower on Blue Mars.

"Huh? Qin Yu? This kid, I haven't seen you for 200 years, is already a golden immortal, and his cultivation speed is quite fast! He is worthy of being a protagonist with a cheating device like Meteor Tears! But he didn't get the Enchanting Picture Scroll He should not be chased by Emperor Yu again, why did he come here?" Dike, who was close to the Blue Fire Cloud Tower, immediately sensed the Qin Dynasty from the crowd of immortals and monsters watching the battle around him. Yu's aura, this is also the reason why Qin Yu did not deliberately restrain his aura.

After all, on this Blue Mars, the strength of the Golden Immortal level is not impressive.When Qin Yu was not being hunted, there was no need for Qin Yu to hide his secrets.

Just glancing at Qin Yu in the crowd, Di Ke focused his attention on the emperor-level confrontation outside the Blue Fire Cloud Tower. At the same time, the invisible soul perception also spread, quietly sensing and detecting the people who were hiding in the crowd. There are emperor-level masters in the crowd.

"Huh? Such a strong soul realm, even I can barely see through it," Diko glanced at the cute girl with big eyes next to a decadent young man in the crowd, his eyes slightly condensed, and couldn't help but secretly thought: "The strength of a god? Could it be her? Is she Jiang Li’s sister Jiang Yan?”

When Diko looked at her, Jiang Yan, who seemed to be aware of it, also turned around and smiled and stepped forward to say hello to Diko: "Hi, hello! My name is Jiang Yan!"

"Um, Miss Jiang Yan, hello!" Diko, who was slightly stunned, nodded with a smile and said, "Diko, I don't seem to know the girl. However, I do recognize another girl named Jiang. My name is Jiang Li, I don’t know the girl.”

"How did you guess that Jiang Li was my sister?" Jiang Yan spoke subconsciously, and then she covered her mouth with her hands and realized that she had made a mistake. She then said with an embarrassed smile: "Well, I..."

"Ah, brother Luo Yu, didn't I tell you not to drink anymore? Drink all day long..." As she spoke, she noticed from the corner of her eye that a decadent young man was drinking not far away. Jiang Yan immediately flew over and He snatched the wine bottle from the opponent's hand.

Jun Luoyu, who smiled calmly, looked at Di Ke with a little curiosity, and then his gaze became more and more alarmed: "Emperor-level powerhouse? The emperor-level powerhouse that even I can't see through should not be an unknown person. He is, but I don’t know him. Could it be that he is from”

Jun Luoyu, who seemed to have thought of something, couldn't help but change his expression. He clenched his hands and looked at Diko with a sharp look.

(End of this chapter)

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