Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 402 The first lineage of the ancient emperor?

Chapter 402 The lineage of the ancient emperor?
"Huh?" Seeing that Jun Luoyu looked at him with some hostility, Di Ke couldn't help but frown slightly and wondered: "What's going on with this kid? I've never met him before, so why is he hostile to me? It can't be just because I said a few words to Jiang Yan, right? Moreover, his mood seems to be a little wrong, and he treats me as an enemy. "

While Di Ke was wondering, the battle between the emperor-level powerhouses in mid-air outside the Blue Fire Cloud Tower became increasingly fierce. In a short period of time, not only did several emperor-level powerhouses from all sides take action, but there were even some emperor-level powerhouses taking action. The death of the deceased also led to the transaction in Lanhuoyun Tower between Emperor Yu and Emperor Blood Demon. The number two figures "Green Blood Sword Immortal" Zhibai and "White-haired Blood Demon" Xue Yi Leng were hidden in the dark. The masters of Super Immortal Emperor and Demon Emperor appeared.

After seeing the two of them kill two powerful emperor-level masters who came to cause trouble as soon as they appeared, Jun Luoyu, who had murderous intent in his eyes, didn't seem to have the slightest fear, and actually killed him in front of Zhibai and Xue. Yi Leng faced the other masters of the Blood Demon Emperor and killed him.
"This kid is so murderous!" Jun Luoyu took action as soon as he said it. He killed a second-level demon emperor under the Blood Demon Emperor with one blow, and Xueyi Cooling looked a little wary of him. , Di Ke couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly: "Is this Xue Yi Leng's move against Jun Luoyu directly because he is afraid of Grandma Yinhua behind Jiang Yan?"

While talking to Jun Luoyu, Xue Yileng suddenly took action and directly killed two immortal emperors and a demon emperor among the emperor-level powerhouses who had taken action before.

Seeing this, they were even more shocked, but the sixth-level Demon Emperor Bi Dao Boy, who had been locked by Zhibai Immortal Consciousness, and the fifth-level Immortal Emperor couple's Xuanhuang Swords under Qing Emperor, both chose to escape tacitly, and in two separate ways. Escape in one direction.

Almost at the same time, Zhibai drew his sword out of its sheath, and a green light almost teleported in front of the boy with the green sword. The boy with a ferocious and crazy face, the boy with the green sword, just tried his best to block the sword, and another sword light came. in front of him
There seems to be little difference between the sixth-level Demon Emperor and the seventh-level Immortal Emperor, but at the emperor level, the strength gap at each level is not small, and the gap in strength becomes larger as the level goes up.What's more, Na Zhibai is a swordsman who is good at attacking. He is the strongest swordsman except the original Niyang Immortal Emperor. His strength can be imagined.

Before he had time to react, Bidao Boy was cut into two pieces by the sword energy. The sharp sword energy directly affected the Nascent Soul of Bidao Boy, causing his soul to fly away in an instant.

Xue Yileng also stopped the Xuanhuang Double Sword, and his momentum completely enveloped the Xuanhuang Double Sword couple, making them dare not move any more, secretly accumulating immortal energy to prepare for Xue Yileng's fatal attack.

Ah... The screams of the Bi Dao boy made the expressions of the couple change. While their hearts were shaken, Xue Yileng immediately saw the opportunity and launched an attack on them...
However, the Xuanhuang Dual Swords couple also stabilized their minds in an instant. Facing Xue Yileng's attack, they directly launched a joint attack. The yellow and white sword energy was entangled with each other to meet Xue Yileng's bloody attack.
Boom... Amidst the violent energy explosion, Xue Yileng was so shocked that he coughed up blood and flew away. At the same time, the Xuanhuang Double Sword couple even vomited blood and were thrown away by the dissipated energy storm.

Chi... Zhibai's sharp sword was also directed at Huang Yi, the couple, but then there was a sound of gold and iron clashing, and a fist wearing a fiery red crystal glove that seemed to be surrounded by flames. Blocked the sword light.

"Huh?" Zhibai's face changed slightly. He missed a hit. When he saw Dicko, who was covered in flames and wearing fiery red crystal armor, he couldn't help but stare at him: "Artifact Armor? Who are you?"

"Zhibai, now you are considered the strongest swordsman in the immortal world. As a person of status, you can just ambush and scheme against the emperor-level masters of other forces. You also join forces with Xueyileng to drive them all away. Don't you think it's too much? More?" Dico asked with a sneer.

"Hmph, that's too much? If you dare to ruin the deal between Emperor Yu and the Blood Demon Emperor, no matter who you are, you must be prepared to die. If you dare to take action, let me see your strength!" He said that he took action again. Zhi Bai, countless sword energy surged in an area of ​​dozens of miles in an instant, and then the long sword in Zhi Bai's hand condensed a green sword energy, causing a large amount of sword energy to shoot towards Diko.Facing the swift and fierce sword energy that blocked all his retreats, Diko remained calm and punched out seemingly casually. The space suddenly became distorted, and Dico's fist carried the twisted space package. Hold that sword energy...
Chi Chi As for the other sword energy, it fell on Diko like rain hitting banana trees, faintly splashing some sparks, but it failed to hurt Diko in the slightest. After all, the battle armor condensed from the flame beads on his body Defense is no joke.

At the same time, the twisted space directly collapsed, and the space was shattered. In the chaotic and collapsed space, the disintegrating green sword energy could still be faintly seen.
Keng... Almost at the same time that Diko defeated the green sword energy with one punch and he was shaken away slightly, a sudden sword light fell on him.

Dike, who was caught off guard and staggered away, looked at Jun Luoyu who had appeared not far from where he was before and was also shaken back. He couldn't help but frown and said, "Why are you so crazy?"

"Where's Mo Le? Where is he? Ask him to hand over Gillian!" Jun Luoyu looked at Dike with bloodshot eyes and gritted teeth.

Moller?Di Ke became confused after hearing this, and looked at Jun Luoyu with a puzzled look on his eyebrows. Who is Gillian?Could it be the adopted daughter of the Blood Demon Emperor, the woman who fell in love with Jun Luoyu?Wasn't she killed by the Blood Demon Emperor's son, Demon Emperor Xueyi?Why did you pull out another mole?And if this Gillian was taken away by some kind of Mo Le, then Jun Luoyu should go find Mo Le. What does it mean to attack him?

And judging from Jun Luoyu's look, he seemed to be sure that he knew where Mo Le was, which made Diko even more depressed and speechless.

"Who is Mo Le?" Diko asked directly, but Jun Luoyu continued: "Don't pretend to be confused here. We are both descendants of the ancient emperor. How could you not know who Mo Le is?" who?"

The lineage of the ancient emperor?Di Ke frowned and became more and more suspicious, the ancient emperor, the ancient emperor that Sword Immortal Hua Yan mentioned?In the original work, there are no ancient emperors in the world of immortals, demons, and monsters. What is this lineage of ancient emperors?Where did it come from?How could Jun Luoyu conclude that he was also from the lineage of the Ancient Emperor?
Seeing that Di Ke seemed a little confused, Jun Luoyu said in a cold voice: "In the entire world of immortals, demons and monsters, except for the Dark Star Realm, the lineage of the Ancient Emperor is the best at refining the body. Even the practitioners of the Black Demon Dao can't Compared with you, do you dare to say that you are not on the path of body training?"

"A lineage of the ancient emperor?" After listening to Jun Luoyu's words, even Zhibai stopped attacking. Xue Yileng didn't even care about the Xuanhuang Swordsman and his wife who had taken the opportunity to escape. They all looked at Dike with some surprise. , the atmosphere at the scene seemed a little stagnant and awkward for a while.

"Yes! I am indeed on the path of body refining, but I have never heard of the ancient emperor's lineage, nor am I a descendant of the ancient emperor's lineage," Dike said helplessly, feeling that he was really being wronged. After he ascended to the world of immortals, demons and demons, he has been practicing hard for the past 200 years, but he has not come into contact with anyone in the world of immortals, demons and demons. How could he have anything to do with the ancient emperor's lineage?

(End of this chapter)

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