Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 404 Ao Wuxu and the mysterious ancient emperor lineage

Chapter 404 Ao Wuxu and the mysterious lineage of the ancient emperor

His brother's life was under Diko's control, how could Ao Wuming take action against Diko?As for Zhibai and Xue Yileng, they also did not dare to take action. After all, Di Ke was already very strong. With the addition of the three demon emperors, if they really took action, Ao Wuming would probably die if he did not take action. them.

Diko, who easily left Blue Mars, did not rush to escape far away, but still returned to the Whirlpool Nebula where he had practiced hard before.He is not Qin Yu who was weak when he first came to the world of immortals, demons and demons. Even with the Book of Beasts and the Charm of Mysterious Gods in hand, he can be relatively calm and confident in dealing with some dangers and troubles.

If Emperor Yu and the Blood Demon Emperor really came to kill him and seize the treasure, it would make his life of ascetic cultivation in the world of immortals and demons more enjoyable and not be too boring.

In the empty void in the Whirlpool Nebula, Diko appeared out of thin air. He turned over his hand and took out the Spectrum of Beasts. After that, his body had reached the fifth level of the cosmic level, which was almost equivalent to the fifth and sixth levels of Xuanxian level. Power poured into the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum, and the third layer of space in the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum was immediately and easily opened.

Then with a thought, Qingyu Immortal Mansion turned into a meteorite and appeared aside. Dike entered the Qingyu Immortal Mansion with the book of beasts, and then disappeared from the quiet courtyard of Qingyu Immortal Mansion. Arriving at the third level of the spectrum of beasts.

In the nearly infinitely vast third layer of space of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum, the intensity of energy is much higher than that of the previous two layers.However, there are only five demon emperors in the third level of the huge Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum.

"Meet the master!" After Diko appeared, the four weaker demon emperors were busy bowing respectfully, and the strongest one was only a fifth-level demon emperor, the weakest was only a first-level demon emperor, and the other two were They are the strength of the third-level demon emperor and the fourth-level demon emperor respectively.

Diko nodded lightly and waved for them to go aside first. He frowned and looked at the tall, thin, cold and arrogant man with the strongest strength: "In this Ten Thousand Beast Species, there are those who have the strength of level six demon emperor or above. Are you the only one?"

"I didn't expect you to open the third level of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum so quickly. It seems that Ni Yang has chosen a successor who is better than himself," the tall, thin, cold and arrogant man said in a cold tone: "Brother Wulan and Ye Zhai, maybe I didn’t expect you to come to the world of immortals, demons and monsters so soon, so they should still be in Niyang Realm.”

"Still in Niyang Realm?" Diko was a little stunned and speechless after hearing this, and then said helplessly: "It seems that we have to wait until we return to Zixuan Star in the future to bring the two of them back."

"Do you have a way to go down to the lower world?" Ao Wuxu, a tall, thin, cold and arrogant man asked, while Dike smiled noncommittally: "Then tell me, how did Niyang Immortal Emperor get to Zixuan Star in the first place?"

Ao Wuxu fell silent as if thoughtfully. Dike smiled and said, "Excuse me, my name is Dike. What do you call me?"

"Ao Wuxu!" Ao Wuxu's words always seemed to be so straightforward and he refused to say another word. Dike also nodded slightly and said: "Although I have not been in the world of immortals and demons for too long, I have also heard This name. Blood Dragon Ao Wuxu is also famous. By the way, I just met Ao Wuming before."

"Nameless?" Ao Wuxu, whose cold face finally showed some emotion after hearing Diko mention his brother, remained silent for a while before saying, "My second brother, is he okay?"

"It should be pretty good! But his strength is not as strong as yours," Diko said casually. After hearing this, Ao Wuxu frowned and looked at Diko: "Can you tell how strong my second brother and I are?" Weak? What is your strength? It’s actually a little difficult for me to judge, and your soul realm is..."

"It's a little higher than you. It should be considered as the ninth-level Immortal Emperor level, but there should be some gap between it and the soul-condensing golden elixir," Diko said casually. "Soul golden elixir?" Ao Wuxu frowned in confusion, and Dike also explained: "The soul power is strong enough, and the soul golden elixir condensed in the mind is the soul realm of gods and men in the world of gods. The world of immortals, demons, and demons For a strong person, even if his cultivation reaches the ninth level of Immortal Emperor, Demon Emperor or Demon Emperor, it is more difficult for his soul to reach the level of Soul Golden Core."

"But once the soul realm reaches the soul golden elixir level, with strong soul power and realm perception, it will be easier to cross the divine realm. And after reaching the divine realm, the speed of cultivation improvement will be faster," Di Ke Hearing these words, Ao Wuxu suddenly became surprised and suspicious: "How come you know so much about the God Realm?"

"Well, I also found out by chance because of some special opportunities," Diko said and then said, "By the way, brother Wuxu, do you know anything about the ancient emperor's lineage in the world of immortals, demons and monsters?"

"You don't know about the ancient emperor's lineage?" Ao Wuxu was obviously a little surprised, while Dike said noncommittally: "I just came to the world of immortals, demons and monsters, so naturally I can't understand everything. And, as far as I know, this The lineage of the Ancient Emperor seems a bit mysterious."

"It is indeed very mysterious," Ao Wuxu nodded slightly: "The ancient emperor's lineage is not only mysterious, but also an extremely ancient force in the world of immortals, demons, and demons, which can be traced back to the early days when the coexistence of the immortal world, the demon world, and the demon world was formed. . The Di family of the ancient emperor's lineage is not only low-key and mysterious, but also has strong men. Each generation of ancient emperors, the patriarchs of the Di family, are all strong men who stand at the highest level in the world of immortals, demons and monsters."

"Oh? Could it be said that the ancient emperor, the patriarch of the Di family, is as powerful as the Dragon Emperor? Are the ancient emperors of every generation so powerful?" Di Ke asked with some surprise and curiosity.

"Perhaps, the Ancient Emperor is even stronger than the Dragon Emperor. Otherwise, do you think that since so many forces in the world of immortals, demons and demons have disappeared over the years, why can the Ancient Emperor's lineage be passed down for so long?" Ao Wuxulian said seriously. road.

"Stronger than the Dragon Emperor? The Dragon Emperor of your dragon clan has inherited treasures, so why can the ancient emperor be stronger than the Dragon Emperor?" Dike became more and more surprised, and secretly wondered whether this ancient emperor's lineage is also like the three monarchs of the Dark Star Realm. Do you also have a powerful inherited spiritual treasure?

"Do you think the ancient emperor's lineage has no inherited treasures?" Ao Wuxu looked at Dike with a strange expression. After hearing this, Dike secretly thought that this was indeed the case, and suddenly realized that the background of the ancient emperor's lineage was becoming more and more mysterious.

Although the population of the Dark Star Realm is relatively small compared to the Immortal Realm, Demon Realm and Demon Realm, the people of the Dark Star Realm, as natives of the Immortal, Demonic and Demonic Realm, have higher talent potential and a higher probability of strong men being born. The base number of Immortal Emperors is even It is not inferior to the fairy world, demon world and demon world combined. It is understandable that each generation selects the three strongest monarchs, but the ancient emperor's line seems to be just a mysterious family. How come the ancient emperors of every generation are so strong?

Diko, who was confused in his heart, thought that this ancient emperor's lineage seemed to be spread across many cosmic spaces. It must have been terrifying for the population to reproduce over the long years, and it seemed understandable that geniuses and strong men were born.

Moreover, for such a powerful and mysterious family, it is probably due to the bloodline. Perhaps the special bloodline makes the people of the Dedi family have high cultivation potential.

"Brother Wuxu, does the ancient emperor's lineage have a good relationship with the dragon clan?" Dike suddenly asked after pondering for a moment.

"The relationship between the Ancient Emperor's lineage and the Dragon Clan is very complicated. A long time ago, the Dragon Clan was a vassal force of the Ancient Emperor's lineage. Even the entire demon world was secretly controlled by the Ancient Emperor's lineage in the early days," Ao Wuxu said The answer shocked Dico a little. Are the Ancient Emperor's lineage so awesome?
Immediately afterwards, Di Ke couldn't help but asked curiously: "Why was this lineage of the ancient emperor able to control the early demon world? Even in the early demon world, there were so many demon beast groups and powerful mythical beasts. How could it be? So easy to control? How powerful is the lineage of the Ancient Emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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