Chapter 405 The Emperor Yu
"I don't know how powerful the ancient emperor's lineage is, but in the early days of the demon world, the reason why the ancient emperor's lineage was able to secretly control the entire demon world and make so many monster beasts and groups of mythical beasts obey orders was mainly because of the ancient emperor's lineage. "Mai has mastered a secret method of stimulating blood, which can stimulate the thin blood of the divine beast in the monster's body, and can also make the blood of the divine beast more powerful," Ao Wuxu said.

The secret method to stimulate bloodline?Di Ke was a little dumbfounded when he heard Ao Wuxu's words. Does the ancient emperor's lineage also have such a secret technique?But in the original work, there is no mention of such secret techniques. This ancient emperor's lineage also appeared suddenly, and his surname is Di. Could it be that...
This secret method of stimulating bloodline was created by Diko in the world of Panlong. The only ones who understand this secret method are his descendants in the world of Panlong.As for the Lin Meng Universe where the world of immortals, demons and monsters is located, if nothing else happens, it should have been created by Lin Lei.With Linley's ability, it would not be difficult to bring some descendants of Diko from the Coiling Dragon World to this universe.
"Could it be that the Di family, the ancient emperor's clan in the world of immortals, demons and monsters, are really my descendants?" Thinking of this, Di Ke couldn't help but feel hot in his heart, and became inexplicably nervous.

Seeing the change in Di Ke's expression and his mood swings, Ao Wuxu, who had always been indifferent, couldn't help but asked curiously: "Do you also know the secret method of stimulating bloodline of the Ancient Emperor clan?"

"Is that the secret method like this?" Diko said as an invisible soul wave was transmitted towards Ao Wuxu. Ao Wuxu, who had a slight perception, looked at Diko in surprise: "You also know this Secret method? Moreover, it seems to be more clever. Are you related to the ancient emperor's lineage?"

As the son of the Dragon Emperor, Ao Wuxu looked like just a red dragon when he was born. Dragon Emperor Ao Fang naturally hoped that his son could inspire the blood of the five-clawed golden dragon, so he taught him the imperfect inspiration inherited from the Dragon Clan early on. The secret method of bloodline.

Unfortunately, what disappointed Ao Fang was that after his son Ao Wuxu got the secret method, he tried to stimulate the bloodline, but he was still a red dragon. Naturally, he became more and more dissatisfied with his son. However, what Ao Fang didn't know was that Ao Wuxu It is a mutated super beast, the Blood Dragon, and its bloodline is already very powerful. No matter how much it is stimulated, it will naturally not be able to improve the bloodline more significantly.

Therefore, Ao Wuxu should be regarded as one of the very few among the dragon clan who knows how to activate the secret method of bloodline, and he is the one who has the deepest impression of this secret method.After all, it was precisely because of this secret method that his father Ao Fang decided that he was a useless waste, and it also made the relationship between their father and son even worse than in the original work.

"Are you sure it's the same secret method?" Seeing Ao Wuxu's surprised look, Dike also asked with bright eyes. Ao Wuxu didn't say much, but he also passed on the secret method of stimulating bloodline that he had learned through his immortal consciousness. into Dicko's mind.

After getting the secret method and thinking about it for a while, Diko determined that this was a simplified version of the secret method for stimulating bloodline that he created. It was the secret method for stimulating bloodline that he created at the beginning of the Panlong World, and the secret method that he gradually improved later. The gap is still huge.

"Unexpectedly, they actually came to Linmeng Universe from the universe where Panlong World is located... It seems that Lin Lei must have refined the few main godheads left behind after I entered Hongmeng Space and died. The avatar of the main god of the four elements of Feng, Water and Fire..." Di Ke naturally had some guesses, and if Lin Lei had not benefited from him and received such a great opportunity from him, he would not have taken such good care of his descendants: "I don't know, in God World, is it possible that my Di family is one of the eight holy royal families? Or is there a more special family? "

Thinking of Diko here, he suddenly became more and more eager to ascend to the divine realm as soon as possible.He had a hunch that there might be unexpected surprises after arriving in the God Realm.

"This world of immortals, demons, and monsters is not interesting. After I go to the Mystic Temple and find out the details of the Di family of the ancient emperor, I will cultivate and break through as soon as possible, and strive to cross the divine world as soon as possible and ascend to the divine world. ," Diko, who was thinking about the world of gods, was not very interested in the world of immortals, demons and demons.

Di Ke, who was just thinking about it, suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly: "You have such a strong immortal consciousness, but it seems to be just a little bit inferior to mine. Could it be that Emperor Yu? He came so fast! It seems that this guy is really He is very eager for the enchanted picture scroll."

"Huh?" But then, Dico's brows furrowed and his face looked a little uncomfortable, and he disappeared in an instant as his thoughts moved.

Seeing Di Ke disappearing from the third level of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum in a hurry, Ao Wuxu couldn't help frowning: "With his cultivation level, what could make him so nervous? Could it be the Scroll of Confused Gods? Trouble?"

In the whirlpool nebula not too far away from Blue Mars, in an empty void, the very conspicuous meteorite transformed by Qingyu Immortal Mansion came with a surging golden sword energy, and immediately trembled and flew out. The surrounding space was shaking.
The next moment, the Qingyu Immortal Mansion that flew into the distance disappeared out of thin air. Dike suddenly appeared in a dark red robe. At the same time, he saw a majestic middle-aged man in a purple robe and holding a golden rapier in the distance. "I didn't expect that the majestic Emperor Yu would actually do such a sneak attack," Dike, who guessed the identity of the other party, couldn't help but sneered and said.

"Since Qing Yu's Immortal Mansion is in your hands, you must also have the Book of Ten Thousand Beasts and the Map of Mysterious Gods in your hands, right?" Emperor Yu looked at Dike with sharp eyes: "Hand over the Book of All Beasts and the Book of Mysterious Gods" Divine Picture Scroll, I can spare your life, otherwise"

"Otherwise?" Diko sneered, and the previously restrained soul aura was released without reservation, causing the surrounding space to ripple like water, and also made Emperor Yu's face change. Change: "Are you a ninth-level Immortal Emperor in your soul realm?"

"Did you hide your strength in front of Zhibai before?" After reacting, Emperor Yu couldn't help but look a little embarrassed: "Are you a hidden master of the ancient emperor's lineage? Why do you, the ancient emperor's lineage, want to use the enchanted scroll like this? Means? Could it be that your lineage of ancient emperors is still short of divine weapons?"

"You care about me?" Diko curled his lips and said: "If not, how can I attract you here? Don't you want the book of beasts and the enchanted picture scroll? As long as you have the ability to kill me, the things will naturally be It’s yours. But even if you get it, you may not be able to keep it, just like the Immortal Emperor Niyang back then.”

"Dike, don't go too far. Do you really think I'm afraid of your lineage of ancient emperors?" Emperor Yu shouted in anger.

"Even if you are not afraid of the ancient emperor's lineage, you don't have to be so loud," Diko said with a wider smile: "Actually, my soul level is just higher, and my skills are actually not as good as yours, so you don't have to be so afraid. You can let go and have a good discussion with me."

Upon hearing what Di Ke said, Emperor Yu, whose face turned red, was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Then he was too lazy to say any more nonsense. As soon as he made a move, the golden sword light filled the sky and fell towards Di Ke like a rain of swords...
Sword energy fell one after another, blocking all of Diko's escape routes. Sword energy continued to fall on Dicko's body, but the dark red robe on his body was not damaged at all, and not even a hair was damaged. .
"Artifact battle clothes? You are indeed from the lineage of the ancient emperor," Emperor Yu gritted his teeth and secretly resented seeing this. There are very few divine weapon battle clothes in the world of immortals, demons and monsters. Almost all of them are in the hands of some top power leaders. An unknown one The Immortal Emperor possesses an artifact and a battle suit, and it is estimated that he is most likely a descendant of the Ancient Emperor's lineage.

You must know that the extremely mysterious lineage of the ancient emperor in the world of immortals, demons, and demons. Before the Temple of Mystery came to the world of immortals, demons, and demons, and the top experts in the entire world of immortals, demons, and demons did not have artifacts, the Di family who came from the lineage of the ancient emperors Almost everyone among the disciples has artifacts and even more precious artifacts and battle suits.

Therefore, the disciples of the ancient emperor's lineage are very difficult to deal with. With the combination of the divine weapon and the armor and the powerful body, even the Dragon Emperor, whose attack power is the most powerful in the world of immortals, demons and monsters, will probably have a hard time killing an emperor with the help of the dragon clan's inherited treasures. A descendant of the Di family with a high level of cultivation.

The key point is that the top experts in the world of immortals, demons and monsters do not dare to easily kill the children of the Di family of the ancient emperor.After all, the real top experts in the entire world of immortals, demons and monsters all know how terrifying the ancient emperor of the ancient emperor's lineage is who rarely shows up.

What is even more frightening is that in the long history of the existence of the world of immortals, demons and monsters, it seems that no one has been heard of who can defeat the ancient emperors of the past generations.And the records about some of the actions of those ancient emperors show that they were almost invincible and invincible in the world of immortals, demons and monsters.

It is precisely because of the unfathomable strength of the ancient emperors in the past that the lineage of the ancient emperors has become even more mysterious. At the same time, it has also made all forces and powerful people in the world of immortals, demons, and monsters increasingly fearful of the lineage of the ancient emperors. .

(End of this chapter)

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