Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 406 Battle with Emperor Yu

Chapter 406 Battle with Emperor Yu

Could it be that the masters from the lineage of the Ancient Emperor all have divine weapons and battle suits?Seeing Emperor Yu becoming more and more sure of his 'identity', Di Ke, who raised his eyebrows slightly, couldn't help but thought to himself: "It seems that the foundation of the Di family is indeed in the God Realm. Otherwise, how could it be possible to obtain so many artifacts so easily? ?No wonder, they don’t care about the Mystic Temple, and they don’t compete for the Mystic Picture Scroll.”

"Emperor Yu, don't you have a divine weapon suit? You all have a divine weapon suit, so it's more fair to take action like this!" Dike said with a smile, but Emperor Yu felt more and more depressed.

fair?People from the Di family of the ancient emperor still talk about fairness with others?Their appearance in the world of immortals, demons and demons is the greatest injustice.It has always been the strong men of the ancient emperor's lineage who bully others, making all forces in the world of immortals, demons and demons fearful and fearful. Who dares to bully people from the Di family?
If this was not for the Ten Thousand Beasts Book and the Mysterious God Picture Scroll, if Emperor Yu had not wanted to obtain the treasures in the Mysterious Temple to deal with the divine calamity, he would not have easily provoked a Di family member who was suspected of being an ancient emperor. The mysterious emperor-level master.

"If you don't take action, then I will take action first." It's rare that Emperor Yu, the top emperor-level expert in the world of immortals, demons and demons, comes to your door. Di Ke will naturally not let him go to spar with him and test the top experts in the world of immortals, demons and demons. Opportunities with deep strength.

Before he finished speaking, Di Ke disappeared in an instant. Emperor Yu's face changed, and then an invisible wave spread out with him as the center. Then, as the surrounding space trembled and fluctuated, Di Ke's face changed. Ke's figure also appeared again...
However, at this time, Di Ke had already appeared in front of Emperor Yu, and at the same time, he punched Emperor Yu as if smashing the space, forcing Emperor Yu to instinctively wave the Jinghuang Sword in his hand to block...
Emperor Yu, who was shaken and flew away amidst the clash of gold and iron, forced Di Ke into the air and took two steps back before he stabilized his figure, and then smiled and said: "The power of the middle-grade artifact is really good! "

"What? He actually resisted my sword with his bare hands?" Emperor Yu was a little surprised: "Is the glove on his hand... another divine weapon? Or is it an extension of the divine weapon suit on his body? If it is a divine weapon The gloves attached to the suit can easily withstand the attack of my Jinghuang Sword. Could it be that the suit he is wearing is a mid-grade divine weapon?"

Although mid-grade artifacts are rare in the entire world of immortals, demons and monsters, they are still available.But I have never heard of anyone owning the mid-grade artifact battle suit.The powerful people in the world of immortals, demons and demons cannot obtain the mid-grade artifact battle clothes from outside the Mystic God Temple. Immortal Emperor Niyang entered the Mystic God Temple with the help of the Mystic God Picture Scroll, but he also never obtained the mid-grade divine weapon battle clothes.

I'm afraid that in the entire world of immortals, demons, and monsters, only the mysterious lineage of the ancient emperor has the possibility of possessing a mid-grade artifact battle suit.And as far as Emperor Yu knew, the inherited treasure of the ancient emperors of the ancient emperor's line seemed to be a battle armor with amazing defensive power, and it was a battle armor with gloves.

It is said that the ancient emperor of the previous generation used his armor to resist the attack of a middle-grade artifact, and even smashed a mid-grade artifact sword with his fist gloves.It was also at that stop that the leaders of the various forces in the world of immortals, demons and demons, who had successively obtained artifacts from the periphery of the Mystic Temple, became increasingly aware of the terrifying strength of the ancient emperor and the heritage of the ancient emperor's lineage.

Therefore, even though many powerful emperor-level warriors in the world of immortals, demons and monsters now own artifacts and even artifact battle suits, their respect for the ancient emperor's lineage has not diminished but increased.Even Jin Xingjun, the most powerful among the Dragon Emperor and the three great monarchs of the Dark Star Realm, was not sure that he could withstand the ancient emperor's fist that could easily smash the middle-grade artifact.

"Sure enough, he can't do it with boxing. His skills are indeed not as good as mine." After a brief confrontation, Emperor Yu, who was more and more 'confirmed' about Di Ke's identity, no longer wanted to kill Di Ke to seize the Book of Ten Thousand Beasts and the Charm of Mysterious Gods. Juan's idea, but he didn't want to lose easily to an unknown Di family descendant of the ancient emperor's lineage.Therefore, after being surprised, Emperor Yu looked at Di Ke with an even sharper gaze. His whole person was filled with fighting spirit, and the Jinghuang Sword in his hand was trembling with dazzling golden light, causing visible phenomena to appear in the surrounding space. Distortion marks
"Okay! This is the Emperor Yu!" Diko's eyes lit up when he saw this, but he was not surprised but overjoyed and dodged towards Emperor Yu again.

At the same time, Emperor Yu, whose eyes were narrowed, also waved the Jinghuang Sword with dazzling golden light in his hand, and stabbed Di Ke fiercely...
Bang... Bang Diko's power was restrained, twisting the space wherever it passed. It collided with the Jinghuang Sword that left a clear crease in the space when it was swung in Emperor Yu's hand, and suddenly As if thunder from the sky collided with fire from the earth, violent fist power and sharp sword energy erupted at the same time...
For a moment, the surrounding space was distorted and blurred, and then a terrifying energy storm swept across instantly, causing the entire spiral nebula to stop its trajectory in the void, and then a large number of meteorites shattered...
In the energy storm, Emperor Yu was shaken all over and his figure retreated violently. After he stabilized his figure in the distance, his face turned red. He couldn't help but look into the distance with some surprise and disbelief: "This punch is so good to him." How could his skill unleash such a terrifying attack power?"

After the energy storm in the distance quickly dissipated, Dicko, standing in the storm, was completely unaffected by the energy storm. Blood-like crimson flames rose from his body, and the terrifying hot temperature caused the surrounding space to tremble. It's all distorted and blurred.

"What kind of flame is this? It's so powerful, it's even more terrifying than the eternal fire in the body of an emperor-level expert?" Emperor Yu, who was keenly aware of the terrifying temperature of the flames on Dike's body, couldn't help but become more and more surprised: "This ancient emperor People from the Di family really have unique and powerful methods...could this be the rumored Suzaku Divine Fire?"

There is no such mythical beast as the Suzaku in the world of immortals, demons and demons. Apart from the Golden Winged Peng King and the Dark Lightning Peng King of the Peng Clan, the only super beast among the birds is the extremely rare Phoenix.

However, in the history of the world of immortals, demons and monsters, there was once a strong man in the lineage of the ancient emperor who was good at controlling flames, and the power of the flames he displayed was close to that of divine fire.It is said that the strong man of the ancient emperor's lineage has the bloodline of a special kind of sacred beast, the Suzaku, so he can use the terrifying Suzaku Divine Fire.

Therefore, in the world of immortals and demons of that era, even if the Di family disciple who was good at controlling the Suzaku Divine Fire was not the Ancient Emperor, the patriarch of the Di family at that time, his reputation was no less than that of the Ancient Emperor at that time, and even compared to very few The mysterious ancient emperor took action, and all the forces and powerful people were more afraid of the Suzaku Divine Fire controlled by this person.

After all, even the ninth-level Immortal Emperor is afraid of the Suzaku Divine Fire, which is comparable to the power of the flaming black divine fire that can only be possessed by a god. It's hard to resist, even the divine weapon battle suit can't resist the divine fire that keeps burning!
You know, generally speaking, the flame needed to refine artifacts is divine fire.Since this divine fire can refine artifacts, it can also destroy artifacts.

Therefore, when Emperor Yu thought of the Suzaku Divine Fire, his heart trembled and his face turned slightly pale.If it was really the Suzaku Divine Fire, it would have destroyed the divine weapon and armor on his body, or even killed him.

"Emperor Yu, take another punch from me!" The grinning Diko's figure disappeared like a ray of fire. Following the distortion and fluctuation of space, he arrived in front of Emperor Yu in an instant. At the same time, the moment he stopped seemed to be slow. raised his fist...
(End of this chapter)

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