Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 407: Can this still be considered?

Chapter 407: Can this still be considered?
Every movement and silence seemed to contain the most essential mystery between heaven and earth. Dico seemed to raise his fist slowly, but the flames on his body quickly gathered on his fist. In the blink of an eye, Dico's fist had condensed into a Like a layer of dark red crystal gloves, the flames still burning on it turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye.
Buzz... In an instant, as Dico's punch fell, the space trembled, as if the strings of the space were plucked, and the energy in the void was boiling. A terrifying punch caused the space to silently collapse into a black hole and whirlpool. At the same time, Emperor Yu screamed in excitement, and the Jinghuang Sword in his hand with a red face instantly shone with golden light, as if it had turned into a sword. Like a golden sun.

For a moment, the twisted black space vortex collided with the golden sun, without any violent energy fluctuations, as if the golden sun was directly swallowed by the black space vortex.
The next moment, as the twisted space expanded, it was like a star exploding. In an instant, black and golden violent energy swept across like a wave, and the space wherever it passed seemed to be plowed. It is like passing through the ground, with traces of ravines and twists constantly appearing...
Visible to the naked eye, the entire Whirlpool Nebula was trembling and collapsing. It was devastated by the violent and terrifying energy wave. Not long after, the energy storm swept across the entire Whirlpool Nebula. After the energy storm slowly dissipated, The spiral nebula that originally occupied a vast area in the void was also wiped out.

"Hey, it's a pity that this Whirlpool Nebula is just gone." Diko stood in the void outside the energy storm, his whole body covered in armor with rising dark red flames, like a reef in the sea. The impact of the energy storm remained motionless, as if the breeze was blowing against his face.

Diko, who ignored the energy storm, looked across the chaotic space and looked into the dark void in the distance, where he saw a golden stream of light flashing away: "Emperor Yu, the top boss in the immortal world , that’s all! In terms of strength, among the truly top experts in the world of immortals, demons and monsters and the leaders of all major forces, he should only be at the middle or lower level, right?"

The one who turned into a golden stream of light and fled quickly was naturally Emperor Yu.Emperor Yu, who quickly escaped from the area affected by the energy storm with a burst of speed, used the Great Teleportation to disappear instantly, and then used the Great Teleportation several times in succession to ensure that he was out of the detection range of Diko's immortal consciousness. Stopped on an uninhabited mineral planet.

Poof... As soon as he landed on the surface of that barren mineral planet full of gravel and rocks, Emperor Yu couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. His face was pale and his breath was a little disordered. The right hand that had previously held the sword was even more bloody. The finger bones on the hand are faintly visible.

"His punch was able to suppress space, with such terrifying pressure and explosive power... How could it be possible that an emperor-level master with only the fifth- and sixth-level Immortal Emperor skills could perform it?" Recalling the moment he faced Di Ke, The feeling of a punch and inexplicable fear made Emperor Yu still full of shock and lingering fear.

"As expected of a descendant of the Ancient Emperor's lineage, his strength and skills are really powerful! A little-known Emperor-level master of the Ancient Emperor's lineage is so terrifying. What level of strength does the rumored Ancient Emperor's strength reach? Could it be that it's really like that? As guessed by all the forces, he has the strength of a god?" Emperor Yu, who was thinking about it, couldn't help but glance at the blood-stained golden sword in his hand: "Even my Jinghuang Sword can't withstand his power. If the fist is more explosive, my Jinghuang Sword, which is a middle-grade artifact, may be damaged or even shattered. It seems that the rumor that the ancient emperor can shatter a middle-grade artifact with one punch is indeed true."

"This guy named Diko, the gloves in his hands are probably at least top-grade artifacts, right? Top-grade artifacts are extremely difficult to obtain even outside the Mystery Temple, but a powerful emperor-level master from the ancient emperor's lineage actually has top-grade artifacts. Divine weapon. It can be imagined from this that the armor on the ancient emperor is definitely a treasure like the treasure inherited by the Dragon and Peng clans, or even stronger. It is probably much more terrifying than the top-grade sacred weapons." Emperor Yu thought of this, I couldn't help but feel angry and unwilling in my heart.

Thinking about it, Emperor Yu is also the overlord of the immortal world, but he does not have treasures at the level of high-grade artifacts, and even the artifacts in his hands are very few.But what about the ancient emperor’s lineage?Almost anyone appears at random. Not only are they not weak in strength, but they all have artifacts in hand.It's really annoying to compare people to each other!
From Emperor Yu's point of view, if the gloves on Dico's hands were not too powerful, how could the explosive power of the fists be weakened by the divine sword in his hands and still hurt him through the artifact's armor?

In fact, the key point is that Diko's power burst out too much. The power of his fists was superimposed, and the dark energy rushed towards Emperor Yu like a superimposed wave. Even the divine weapon suit could not effectively weaken the attack power.

Emperor Yu, who suffered a loss and was injured, saw the true strength of Di Ke and no longer wanted to be a punching bag for Di Ke, so he decisively retreated.

After Emperor Yu left, some powerful men on Blue Mars not far away came over to investigate out of curiosity. With a sudden thought, he disappeared from the empty and somewhat chaotic void and appeared in On Blue Mars, there is a wilderness only more than a hundred miles away from the teleportation array. "Green Blood Sword Immortal, where do you want to go in such a hurry?" Along with Di Ke's clear laughter, a sword light from the distance came to the front in an instant, turning into the Green Blood Sword Immortal carrying the divine sword on his back. 'Zhibai.

Seeing Di Ke looking at him with a smile and teasing, Zhi Bai couldn't help but smile bitterly and helplessly in his heart: "I didn't expect that you are so strong, even His Majesty Emperor Yu can't do anything to you."

"It's not that I'm too strong, it's that he's not strong enough." Diko, who shook his head slightly, looked at Zhibai with a faint smile and said, "I guess you didn't expect that Emperor Yu would be defeated by me and run away, right? You guys. , are a little too confident in their own strength. They think that with the strength of the seventh-level and eighth-level Immortal Emperor, they can walk sideways in the world of immortals, demons and monsters. But even the arrogant Niyang Immortal Emperor, what will happen to him? ? Do you think you can compete with Niyang?"

"Did you stop me just to tell me this?" Zhibai frowned and looked at Diko. Although Diko was telling the truth, it still made people feel a little uncomfortable, and Zhibai was also a little confused. Why did Di Ke take action to stop him? Was it because he didn't keep Emperor Yu and wanted to take out his anger on him?

Di Ke smiled noncommittally and said: "Actually, I'm a little curious. With your seventh-level Immortal Emperor's strength and the Sword Immortal who is famous for his attacks, you are actually willing to follow Emperor Yu and succumb to others. This shows that you don't care too much. Identity and power. Then, why do you want to follow Emperor Yu?"

"Because Emperor Yu saved my life and protected me when I was not strong enough," Zhibai said, his eyes flashing slightly: "Do you want me to follow you?"

"The sword immortal of the seventh-level Immortal Emperor is pretty good. It would be a pity to kill him directly." Di Ke shrugged slightly, and Zhi Bai couldn't help but twitching when he heard this: "Are you so confident that you can kill me?"

"In terms of attack, you are not as good as Emperor Yu. So Emperor Yu can't hurt me, and you can't hurt me. In terms of defense, you are even worse than Emperor Yu. Emperor Yu has a magical weapon to protect himself, but he is still injured by me. Do you think Can the top-grade immortal weapon battle suit on your body withstand my punch?" Di Ke continued: "You said that Emperor Yu saved your life, so I obviously could kill you, but I spared your life. , do you owe me a life now?"

".." Zhibai was speechless, how could he think so?But Di Ke is right. Defense is indeed Zhibai's weakness. He is the swordsman second only to Ni Yang Immortal Emperor in the world of immortals, demons and monsters, but his strength and means are much worse than that of Ni Yang Immortal Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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