Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 408 Picking up artifacts

Chapter 408 Picking up artifacts

Seeing Zhibai's silent expression, Di Ke smiled lightly and continued: "You should know why Emperor Yu came to see me. Next, I am going to visit the Mystic Temple. I have the Mystical Scroll, and it is easy to get the artifact. Maybe you can pick up a few divine weapons and battle suits, or mid-grade or high-grade divine swords. What do you think, are you interested in taking a trip with me?"

When Diko said this, Zhibai's eyes lit up immediately.How could a powerful swordsman resist the temptation of an even more powerful sword?

What's more, if he could possess an artifact battle suit that could make up for the lack of defense of the Sword Immortal, Zhibai was completely confident that he would be able to leapfrog the level and fight the eighth-level Immortal Emperor.Among the emperor-level masters in the world of immortals, demons, and demons, who can withstand the attraction of becoming the true top powerhouse in the world of immortals, demons, and demons?
Therefore, there is no doubt that Zhibai ultimately made the wise choice to leave with Dico.However, he still had some principles and made it clear that he would not be an enemy of Emperor Yu in the future.

Di Ke didn't pay much attention to this. How could a mere Emperor Yu be worthy of being his enemy?After seeing Di Ke's strength and methods, Emperor Yu, who suspected that he was from the lineage of the ancient emperor, would never easily provoke Di Ke again in the future.

With Zhibai, a local snake in the fairy world, with the help of the teleportation array and the Great Teleportation, it didn't take long for Di Ke to take Zhibai through the entire fairy world to the chaotic star field at the junction of the fairy world and the dark star world, which is also the Temple of Mystery. The star field where it is located.

A planet in the far east of the Chaotic Star Territory, the Star is Coming. It is the most chaotic planet in the Chaotic Star Territory because it is the planet closest to the Mystic Temple. The attraction of the peripheral artifacts of the Mystic Temple has also attracted many emperor-level Experts gather here to try their luck.

After all, Niyang Immortal Emperor was lucky enough to get the Mystic Scroll outside the Mystic Temple, and thus easily obtained many artifacts. He even entered the Mystic Temple, and then he really soared into the sky and became a top figure in the world of immortals, demons and monsters.

Since other emperor-level masters have been able to cultivate to the emperor-level, they are naturally eager to go one step further and stand at the true pinnacle level of the world of immortals, demons and monsters!

The moment he and Zhibai arrived at Milin Star through the teleportation array, Dike clearly felt that the entire space of the planet was in a slight tremor, so that whether it was a heavenly immortal, a golden immortal, or an emperor-level master on Milin Star , dare not easily perform teleportation or teleportation.

However, Diko, who released the power of his soul to investigate the direction and location of the Mystic Temple, directly used Zhibai to use the space movement method, and instantly disappeared from the teleportation array on the Mylin Star, leaving him watching. Everyone in the teleportation array was stunned for a moment.

In the vast and chaotic void filled with endless space cracks of all sizes, next to a space crack that is hundreds of miles wide and is constantly being torn and repaired, Zhibai suddenly appears with Diko, his expression is slightly panicked, waiting to see clearly After noticing the surrounding situation, his face turned a little pale, and then he stared at Diko in surprise and said: "You are actually able to perform great teleportation in such a chaotic place in the space. Could it be that you also have an artifact similar to 'Turn Away'?"

"Artifact 'transformation'?" Diko, who raised his eyebrows slightly, smiled meaningfully: "Who said that you have to use the power of an artifact to teleport or perform teleportation in unstable places? If you have enough realm, even if Even in places where space completely collapses, teleportation can still be performed."

"Realm?" Zhibai frowned slightly. Although he knew that Diko's soul realm was very high, it was still difficult to imagine that Diko's understanding of the way of space could reach this level.

After all, Space Dao is the most essential Dao of the entire universe. It is so mysterious and profound that even experts at the level of ninth-level Immortal Emperor and Demon Emperor may not be able to scratch the surface of Space Dao.

While Zhibai's mind was spinning, Dico was shocked by the scene in front of him of a large number of space cracks gathering like rivers.He even thought of the Five-Colored Aurora Lake, the protective treasure of the Ancestral God Sect of the Devouring Starry Sky World. Although he had never seen it, except for its power, even the Five-Colored Aurora Lake was not as shocking as the scene in front of him! "Let's go! Let's go in," Dico took a deep breath and flew towards the entrance of the Mysterious Temple first. Zhibai, who was also holding his breath, was followed by the Alliance.

But even at the speed of Diko and Zhibai, it took them a full day or two to actually reach the outside of the Mysterious Temple. They saw an even more shocking picture in front of them. It was a star a thousand times more powerful. The 'planet' is, to be precise, a combination of two black and golden hemispheres.

The golden one is a flow of cosmic gold fragments that is so powerful that even emperor-level masters dare not easily resist it, while the black one is made of countless gravels, which rub against each other and even create black divine fire, which also makes the surrounding wide space full of energy. Tear directly, the space vibrations and fluctuations are transmitted further
"The Temple of Mystery is within the protective film of these two special materials. There is a special passage to enter." Continuing to fly closer, Zhibai pointed at the entrance in the center of the golden hemisphere. It was a ten-meter-diameter The dark caves on the left and right.

The entrance to the Mysterious Temple near the Immortal Realm was always open, and no one was there to guard it, so Dike and Zhibai entered it easily.

After the entrance, there is the foggy outer area of ​​the Mystic Temple.In fact, this is not mist, but the formation restriction of the God Realm. Even if it is not a brilliant God Realm formation, it is enough to make the emperor-level masters of the Immortal, Demon and Demon Realm helpless and not dare to break in.

Squinting at the fog in front of him, Dico only flew forward a little distance, and then he discovered that there were scenes of landslides and ground cracks, and sometimes volcanoes erupting in the mist. It was a very powerful illusion.

"The illusion outside the Mystic Temple is very strange. It's easy to get lost if you trespass," Zhi Bailian, who followed, reminded: "But it is said that with the help of the Mystic Picture Scroll, you can find the correct path to enter the Mystic Temple, and you can easily pass through it. Pass through this fantasy area and enter the interior of the Mysterious Temple..."

Before he finished speaking, Diko, who closed his eyes and felt it carefully, was already walking towards the left.Seeing this, Zhibai hurriedly followed in this illusion area. There was no enchanted picture scroll to guide the way. Once deep inside, the soul power could not sense the outside, and it was easy to get lost and trapped.

Although the God's Restriction arranged here is only an illusion restriction and has no lethality, it would be very miserable if it were lost and trapped for hundreds of millions of years.

"This illusion restriction doesn't seem to be that clever!" Diko, who was hurriedly walking with his eyes closed, felt that the large-scale restriction penetrated by the power of the soul was very familiar. The memory information is a relatively simple and basic thing among the mysterious divine formation information that can be understood as if it were swallowed up. The memory information is combined with the actual object and can be easily understood.

Therefore, without using the enchanted scroll, Diko quickly figured out the correct path through the illusion restriction, and even did not follow the correct path at all, just to pick up some artifacts detected by soul perception.

If someone could clearly see the situation in this illusion restricted area, they would find that the restriction here seems to have no effect on Diko. He is rushing to the exact location of the artifacts, sometimes taking detours to pick up the artifacts. , and they all go straight to the target artifact in a straight line distance.
In the blink of an eye, he had advanced less than a third of the distance, and Dico had already picked up more than a hundred artifacts. There were indeed many artifacts outside the Mystery Temple, and they were just thrown everywhere like garbage. After all, it was very important to the craftsman. For the Divine Che Houyuan, it is too easy to refine artifacts, and ordinary artifacts really have little value.

In the next journey, some low-grade artifacts like Dico that could be picked up with a slight detour were not picked up, unless it was an artifact battle suit.What he picked up were all mid-grade artifacts, some special artifacts, and even a few high-grade artifacts that only appeared in the deeper areas where illusions were restricted.

(End of this chapter)

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