Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 410 The opened palace door

Chapter 410 The opened palace door
"What? In addition to the mysterious demon emperor, Immortal Emperor Niyang actually took away another powerful demon emperor?" Listening to their stories, Zhibai became more and more surprised: "With his strength, is it possible that he also took away another powerful demon emperor?" Stronger than Na Ye Zhai?"

"His name is Wu Lan. Although he only has the strength of a seventh-level demon emperor, he is an extremely powerful demon beast in the God Realm. He is indeed very strong. He should be the strongest among the three demon emperors under Immortal Emperor Niyang." Dico said from the side.

"Monster beasts from the God Realm?" He took a breath, calmed his mind slightly, and then continued: "With such a powerful man under Immortal Emperor Niyang, how can he not be famous? Could it be that this is Niyang? Immortal Emperor’s trump card? But when Immortal Emperor Niyang was in trouble, why didn’t he let him take action?”

"Because even if Wu Lan takes action, he can't save Immortal Emperor Niyang. Moreover, you heard what they said. Immortal Emperor Niyang took Wu Lan away through threats. Do you think Wu Lan will be willing to follow him? Him?" Dico shook his head and said.

When Zhibai heard this, he immediately became curious: "Sir, how did Niyang Immortal Emperor die? With his strength, I really can't think of anyone who can kill him? And if he kills him, how can he not be taken away? What about the treasures such as the Book of Beasts and the Scroll of Mysterious Gods on his body? If he was only seriously injured, how did he escape to the mortal world? "

"Don't worry, I will let you know," Diko said with a slight smile, and then looked at the cages containing various monsters: "If you want to leave here, then don't resist, I will take you in In the catalog of all beasts. Otherwise, just stay here and continue to be lonely!"

"I'll give you a cup of tea to think about it," Dico said and waited for a moment before his mind moved. In the blink of an eye, all the cages placed in various directions in the courtyard had disappeared.

Most of these monsters are emperor-level in strength, and the weakest ones are all monster kings. They are very intelligent. No matter how unruly they are, they cannot want to live in such a prison life forever.Therefore, they naturally didn't resist and let Diko take them in.

Although the entire room and courtyard are covered by formation restrictions, Dicko's soul power can still easily cover those cages, and naturally it can be easily collected.

Unlike the original Immortal Emperor Niyang, whose soul state was so poor that his immortal consciousness could not leave his body. He only managed to release Ye Zhai and Wu Lan who were close by, and was unable to take away other monsters.

After accepting these monsters and not remembering to help them break the special cage that imprisoned them, Diko took Zhibai and left the pet room.

Next, Dike and Zhibai entered some other rooms, including a plant room that looked like a garden with various exotic flowers and plants, and a room that contained various sculptures that could not be touched or taken away. It was really an eye-opener for Diko and Zhibai.

After walking around, Di Ke and Zhibai finally saw the passage leading to the general courtyard. When they came to the courtyard, they saw a tree growing in it, surrounded by three or four people, which was 20 meters high and the diameter of the crown was over [-] meters. of ancient trees.

"Is this the ancient red copper tree? It is indeed the sacred tree in the divine world after the ancient ironwood tree." Feeling the breathtaking ancient aura exuded by the ancient tree, Di Ke couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "The sacred tree that contains Hongmeng's aura. No wonder Jiang Lan just used the branches of the ancient ironwood tree to cut it into weapons. It was comparable to a top-grade artifact. It could even make Hou Fei and Heiyu's soul realms improve faster. quick."

Zhibai on the side looked at the row of weapons next to the long stone bench under the tree. When he was about to walk over subconsciously, he was grabbed by Diko. At the same time, Zhibai turned to look at him when he reacted. Bai gestured to the corpses of dozens of poisonous insects on the ground in front of the weapon rack: "Did you see the poisonous insects in the God Realm, even if they are dead? Immortal Emperor Niyang accidentally stepped on the poisonous insects, and the poisonous sting stung his skin. The poison also directly invaded his soul. Immortal Emperor Niyang, who had not yet condensed the golden elixir of his soul, barely resisted for some years, and finally died." "Poisonous insect in the divine world? Immortal Emperor Niyang was poisoned to death?" Zhibai He was surprised when he heard this, and at the same time he looked at the poisonous insect corpses on the ground with some fear.If Diko hadn't caught him in time, I'm afraid he would have followed in the footsteps of Immortal Emperor Niyang.Things in the God Realm, even if they are just poisonous insects, are very terrifying!
"Those weapons should all be divine weapons. Even if you get them, it's useless. You can't recognize the owner at all." As soon as Diko finished speaking, a cheerful and slightly older voice suddenly came: "You have such good vision, I never thought you would know about the divine weapons." , are you a descendant of the Di family?"

Diko suddenly turned around and saw a kind old man walking over... Zhibai on the side saw the old man, and his expression changed and he was surprised: "There are other people in this mysterious temple?"

"Hello, young people from the world of immortals, demons, and demons. Let me introduce myself first. I am Afu, the steward of the Mysterious Temple." He smiled at the old man who knew what he was talking about, and then looked at Diko: "Young man, are you still here?" You didn’t tell me, are you a descendant of the Di family?”

"Unexpectedly, you actually know the Di family of the ancient emperor," Di Ke, who looked at the old man Ah Fu, said noncommittally: "My name is Di Ke!"

"As expected, he is from the Di family! I didn't expect that the Di family, who is good at body refining, would have a junior who is good at formation prohibition." Ah Fu, who looked at Di Ke with a smile, said, "You and me Let me do it!"

Diko was stunned for a moment, and saw that the old man Ah Fu turned around and left after finishing speaking, and subconsciously followed him. Unexpectedly, Ah Fu paused again and turned to look at Zhibai behind Dico and said: "You stay here. Wait honestly and don't rush in. Otherwise, if you touch any formation restrictions, I may not be able to save you in time."

"Just wait for me here," Diko, who had reacted, ordered Zhibai, and then hurriedly followed the old man Afu.

Ah Fu took Diko straight to the opposite side of the Artifact Hall. Looking at the dark red door that had been opened, Dico couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in surprise. Shouldn't the Artifact Hall be closed?After all, there are many precious weapon-refining materials stored in it, such as the heavenly artifacts left by the craftsman Chehou Yuan, the Hongmeng Lingbao, etc., and even the core of the entire Mystic Temple. How important are those nine Purple Origin Fire Beads!How can the door be left open?
"Uncle Fu, why did you bring me here?" Diko, with a twinkle in his eye, asked tentatively. Ah Fu was slightly stunned when he heard Diko call him, but the smile on his face became even stronger. Said: "Of course I will take you in!"

"Go in? I can enter this artifact hall? Then why can't Zhibai, who came with me? Is it because..." Diko then asked.

"Because you are a descendant of the Di family," Uncle Fu said, "Actually, this artifact hall was originally closed. But later, after the owner left, a person came and opened it..."

"Oh? Someone can easily enter here and open the door of the Artifact Hall. It seems that the other party is a master. Could it be a strong man in the God Realm?" Diko, who raised his eyebrows and said, couldn't help but look into the Artifact Hall and said, "So Say, the things in this artifact palace"

"He is indeed a master. He is a famous figure even in the God Realm." Uncle Fu nodded slightly, and then said: "However, he did not take away anything in the artifact palace. Perhaps it is because of the relationship between the master and the master. The relationship between the master and the master is quite special. Or maybe, he simply does not value the things left by the master in the Palace of Artifacts."

Speaking of this, Uncle Fu also sighed with some sighs. Diko was slightly stunned when he heard it. He looked down upon what was left behind by the carriage?Who is so awesome?
(End of this chapter)

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