Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 411 Comprehending the Formation

Chapter 411 Comprehending the Formation
"Do you know who this person is?" Forbes suddenly looked at Dike and asked, and Dike's expression changed slightly when he heard this: "Could it be that his surname is also Di?"

"That's right! He said his name is Di Feng." Before Fu Bo nodded and finished speaking, Di Ke raised his eyebrows in surprise and said, "Feng from Phoenix? Female?"

"He is indeed so handsome that one can't tell his gender, but he should have used a pseudonym," Fu Bo said, shaking his head and saying, "Although he changed his appearance and calmed down his aura when he came here, I still have a rough idea. I guessed his identity, his real name should be Di Feng."

Di Feng?Dico's brows furrowed slightly upon hearing this, and he secretly muttered in his heart that this was a completely unfamiliar name.He has many descendants in the Panlong World, and many of them are outstanding. But if his descendants came to this Linmeng Universe and changed their surname to Di, it would be hard to tell who they were for a while!

Moreover, this Di Feng may not be his descendant who was born when he was still in the Panlong World. After all, 2000 trillion years have passed since Lin Lei created the Lin Meng Universe. What a long time it is!

"Opening the door to the Palace of Utensils but not taking anything from it, then why did Di Feng come from the God Realm to the Realm of Immortals, Demons, and Demons, and enter the Mysterious Palace to open the door to the Palace of Utensils?" Di Ke, whose mind was spinning, immediately became curious. asked like.

Uncle Fu shook his head slightly: "Actually, I don't quite understand. After Master Di Feng opened the artifact hall, he just looked at the formation scroll left by the master, and then left. But before leaving, Master Di Feng gave some instructions I, if any Di family disciple who is good at formation restriction comes here in the future, I will take him to take a look at those formation scrolls."

"Oh?" Di Ke frowned and became more and more surprised when he heard this. Did Di Feng know that he would come?Or is it that Lin Lei, the master of Lin Meng's universe, sensed something and asked Di Feng to make some arrangements? Was it a test or simply to help him?
As the controller of Hongmeng and able to create and control a universe, Lin Lei's abilities are not something that Diko can fully understand and speculate on today.

Or is it just a random and unintentional act by Di Feng, leaving an opportunity for the children of the Di family of the ancient emperor in the world of immortals, demons and monsters?It's just that Di Ke thinks this possibility is relatively small, because according to what Forbes said and what he learned, the ancient emperor's lineage seems to be good at body training and should not be good at formation restrictions.Then why does Di Feng think that a formation master can be born among his descendants?

"It seems that Di Feng specially went down to the world to open the artifact hall of the Mysterious Temple, and it is probably because of me." When Di Ke was thinking deeply, Uncle Fu couldn't help but said: "Come with me! I will take you Go and see the formations left by the master."

"Okay," Diko nodded slightly and said yes, then followed Uncle Forbes into the artifact hall, followed the winding and deep passages with various carvings on the walls, and came to an empty hall with elegant and elegant decoration.

Immediately afterwards, Forbes took Dicko into one of the corridors with a huge dragon-shaped relief in black and red. Soon they came to the door of a room on the right side of the corridor, and then pushed the door open and entered.
There is a house suspended in the starry sky like a misty starry sky, and thousands of golden scrolls suspended around the house.

"These scrolls are all the scrolls collected by the master that record various information. There are a total of nine hundred scrolls of formations. After you have finished reading them, as long as you can understand something slightly, you can still do it in the God Realm. He can be considered a master of formations," Fu Bo said, pointing to the scrolls.

Learn formations?Di Ke's eyes brightened when he heard this. In fact, one of the reasons why he came to the Mi Temple was to experience the various formations and weapon refining methods left by Che Houyuan.

"I can only read the information recorded in these scrolls. Can't I take away other things in the artifact palace?" Diko, who was not in a hurry to ponder the formation, turned to Forbes and asked. "Yes, the treasures that the master left in the artifact hall are all for heirs," Uncle Fu said simply: "Although you are a descendant of the Di family and have good formation talent, you are not enough to become the master's heir."

"Really?" Diko, who raised his eyebrows and smiled, said nonchalantly: "Forget it, I don't want to be your master's successor. Next, I have to study the formation. By the way, which nine hundred volumes are the records of the formation? Legal information?”

"Forget it, I'll take it easy," said Diko, who stepped forward and sat cross-legged in the air casually. With the help of his strong will, his soul power invaded the golden scrolls. He first roughly understood each scroll. The recorded information was quickly sorted into categories, and then he began to carefully ponder the analysis and arrangement of various divine formation prohibitions recorded step by step in one of the formation scrolls.

Seeing Dicko being so straightforward, Forbes was slightly stunned, then he shook his head and smiled, walked towards the suspended room and sat down cross-legged.

The dark starry sky became quiet for a while. Di Ke, who was immersed in the various mysterious formations and restrictions in the divine realm, felt like a fish in water. Facing the detailed introduction to the formations, he understood the formation information in the memory of Zuo Qiumei, God King of Life. Things that I only half-understood soon became enlightened, and I felt suddenly enlightened, as if there was a thread connecting the scattered insights in the past.
Naturally, with such continuous in-depth understanding, the formations that are pondered become more and more complex and mysterious, which inevitably involves the understanding of the laws. The understanding of the laws of space is also rising rapidly.

In the God Realm, a strong person is not necessarily a master of formations, but a powerful master of formations is at least a god, or even an upper god or even a god king.After all, the ultimate form of formation is to use formation to construct a real space. This is a path that directly points to the essence of space laws.

With the in-depth understanding of the laws of space, Diko's soul realm has rapidly improved, and his soul power has become more concentrated and powerful. The soul power in his mind finally quickly gathered and solidified, turning into a round golden elixir that was as bright as a ray of light. Instantly, the soul power has stronger control over the surrounding space.

The transformation of his soul made Dico wake up from the immersive understanding of the battle. Feeling the invisible control of the surrounding space by the soul power, he couldn't help but have a flash of light in his eyes: "It feels like the soul power alone can make the surrounding space distort and collapse." Yes, with my current understanding of the laws of space, I can completely control space to suppress opponents in the world of immortals, demons and demons. If I use the domain, its power is so strong that I am afraid that the ninth-level immortal emperor, demon emperor and demon emperor will all be easily suppressed by me, right?"

The powerful soul power and control of the laws will undoubtedly improve Dicko's strength in all aspects.Even a powerful divine weapon, or even a Hongmeng Lingbao, may not be able to increase Diko's strength so much.

"Sure enough! The law of realm is the kingly way!" Feeling the changes in himself, Diko couldn't help but sigh in his heart. No wonder the upper gods in the divine world, once they understand the complete laws of space and become the king of gods, can reach the sky in one step and completely dominate all the upper gods. .

"Huh? Your soul realm has improved? It seems that you have gained a lot from pondering the formation information left by the master!" Feeling the change in Diko's aura, Fu Bo couldn't help but said in surprise.

"It's just a little gain, and I've only seen a very small part of the formations," Diko shook his head and smiled, then closed his eyes again and continued to be immersed in thinking about the formations...
Time passed quietly, and Diko's practice took a relatively long time... and as the soul realm improved, the speed of thinking and understanding of formations became faster and faster. Combined with the memory of Zuo Qiumei that Diko had obtained before With the formation information in, Dico's understanding of formations and level of formations are also rising.
(End of this chapter)

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