Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 412: Year, Breakthrough

Chapter 412 Millennium, Breakthrough

While Dico was immersed in the understanding of the battle method, time passed quickly, and more than a thousand years had passed before he knew it.

Although Dicko has no time to distract himself from absorbing energy from the outside world and only relies on his body to absorb energy instinctively to replenish his consumption, his genetic force has hardly been enhanced. However, with the in-depth analysis and understanding of the formation, he can gradually comprehend the laws of space. The improvement of soul realm is very fast.

Of course, even if Diko's soul power has increased more than ten times compared to when he first condensed the soul golden elixir, there is still a big gap between the soul and the infant. It is not that easy to reach the soul realm of a god.

Without enough talent, most of the gods in the God Realm, who have been practicing for a long time, will not be able to become gods.For a strong person in the God Realm, the soul realm and understanding of the laws are the most critical, while skill is not that important.

After a thousand years, Di Ke finally read through the information recorded in the formation scroll left by Che Houyuan. At least the formation theory has been improved by several levels.

Combined with some information about formations in Zuo Qiumei's memory, Di Ke, who is in a high position, is like taking a reference answer to an open-book exam. The efficiency of learning and understanding formations can be imagined, which is almost equivalent to being a formation. It was as if everyone in Fa had crushed up a massive amount of formation information and fed it to him.

Of course, this is just that the theory is a perfect basic formation theory.A true master of formations must have an in-depth and unique understanding of basic formations, so that he can simplify the complex and create higher-level and more powerful mysterious formations.

It's like using many parts to make a machine. There are many parts and the manufacturing process is complicated. Making a machine is not a skill. Making the most perfect and best machine with the fewest parts is awesome!
It is undoubtedly difficult to use formations to explain laws and Tao. If it cannot be simplified into complexity, it will be impossible to truly control the essence of space laws through formations.

"Huh? Have you read all the formation scrolls?" Seeing Diko, who had been sitting cross-legged and immersed in the formation comprehension for thousands of years, finally opened his eyes, stretched and stood up, Fu Bo couldn't help but said in surprise.

"I've finished reading it," Diko nodded slightly, while Forbes frowned and said, "You finished reading it so quickly? Young man, you may not know how precious this opportunity is! You finished reading the nine hundred volumes without hesitation. Formation scrolls are of little use. If you want to become a true master of formations, you must not only have talent and understanding, but also have enough patience."

Diko was stunned when he heard this, then looked at Uncle Forbes with a twinkling gaze and said, "How about I wait until I have time to look back and continue reading?"

Uncle Fu was suffocated when he heard this. He frowned and was silent for a moment before saying, "Okay! Since you are a descendant of the Di family, you can be allowed to come back and see me again."

So easy to talk to?Uncle Fu's words made Di Ke raise his eyebrows in surprise: "It seems that the status and influence of the Di family in the God Realm cannot be underestimated. Even the Shura God King of the Shura Sea, I'm afraid We can’t let Ah Fu, the housekeeper of Chehouyuan, change the rules easily.”

"In addition to the formation scroll, can I take a look at the information recorded in other scrolls?" Diko continued tentatively.

"You are really troublesome! However, it is indeed the way of the Di family children to only take advantage and not suffer any losses," Uncle Fu said helplessly: "Okay, anyway, all kinds of information about the divine world, cultivation techniques and so on , you Di family are not lacking either, just take a look if you like."

"That's really easy to talk about." Diko chuckled inwardly, and couldn't help but glance at the remaining thousands of scrolls. In fact, Diko had already browsed through the contents of those scrolls as if he were swallowing them up while pondering the formations for thousands of years. After reading it over, with his soul realm and ingenious control of soul power, it is very easy to multitask, and it did not affect his research on formations.Among them, there are various weapon refining methods collected by Chehou Yuan, some are simple, some are complicated, some are ordinary and some are very brilliant and special. But learning and being able to use them are two different things, being able to use them and using them well are another. Something happened.

After all, this weapon refining is a real hands-on skill. It really requires repeated practice. Only after refining a large number of weapons can you truly master the superb skills and become a master of weapon refining.

Diko, who followed Uncle Fu and left the Utensils Hall, couldn't help but look back at the Utensils Hall with a little regret.It's a pity that I can't get some of the divine weapon refining materials collected by Chehou Yuan in the Artifact Palace. Even if I get some materials that can only be used to refine artifacts, I can still go back and think about the weapon refining and practice my skills!

Of course, Di Ke could also ask for it from Uncle Fu shamelessly. I believe that considering his status as a "child of the Di family", Fu Bo would give him some, but he still couldn't ask for it after all.

"Sir, you have finally come out!" In the courtyard, under the ancient red copper tree, Zhibai, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating, seemed to realize that he opened his eyes. When he saw Diko, he immediately stood up and greeted him with a sigh of relief. Come up.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time," Diko said with a slight smile, and then looked at Zhibai in surprise: "Huh? You made a breakthrough? You actually entered the realm of the eighth-level Immortal Emperor so quickly. Now, say You are the most powerful swordsman in the world of immortals, demons and monsters, and you are worthy of your name."

"Being with adults is a bit stressful. I didn't expect that during this trip to the Mysterious Temple, under this invisible pressure, I would be able to have an epiphany, my soul realm would be improved rapidly, and my skills would naturally be achieved naturally. The level of the eighth-level Immortal Emperor," Zhibai said with a smile.

"Haha... Only when people are under enough pressure can their potential be unleashed. It seems that this trip to the Mysterious Temple is indeed an opportunity for you." Diko nodded and smiled, and then said: "However, even though you have reached He has reached the realm of the eighth-level Immortal Emperor, but compared with Immortal Emperor Niyang, his background is still a little worse after all. If you want to match or even surpass him, in addition to your own accumulation, you also need some external strength."

As he spoke, Diko turned over his hands and took out a set of cyan battle clothes and a dark green divine sword that exuded a sharp aura: "Paired with this set of divine weapon battle clothes and a top-grade divine sword, you will be the strongest sword in the world of immortals, demons, and monsters. Only the immortal’s reputation and combat prowess can truly be worthy of the name.”

The artifact battle suit and the top-grade divine sword were naturally picked up by Diko from the God's Restriction outside the Mystery Temple.The artifacts and battle suits were just that, but Di Ke had picked up a dozen or so sets.But Diko only had a handful of high-grade artifacts, and among them, he only had two divine swords. Giving one directly to Zhibai was already considered a big deal.

"Thank you, sir!" Seeing the inconspicuous blue suit with a restrained aura, and the dark green divine sword with a sharp aura that caused twisted ripples in the surrounding space, Zhibai's eyes suddenly lit up and he was a little excited and surprised. road.

The reason why Zhibai chose to follow Diko was not only because of Diko's strength, but also because of the opportunity to come to the Mystery Temple to find artifacts.Even if he unexpectedly breaks through and finally becomes the eighth-level Immortal Emperor, he can be regarded as the top level powerhouse in the world of immortals, demons and demons. However, without the divine weapon suit and powerful attack weapon in hand, he can only be regarded as the bottom among the top level powerhouses in the world of immortals, demons and demons. That’s all.

But with the divine weapon battle suit and the high-grade divine sword, Zhibai's strength is considered to be top-notch among the top-level powerhouses in the world of immortals, demons and monsters. Compared with the most evil and perverted old guys, even if it is not as good as I don't even have the courage to take action anymore.

After learning that Bai had collected the artifact battle suit and the high-grade divine sword, Diko turned to look at Uncle Forbes and said: "Uncle Forbes, there should be a passage to the lower mortal world in the transit hall in the Mysterious Temple. Bar?"

(End of this chapter)

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