Chapter 414 Millennium Changes
After humorously comforting Ye Zhai, who was full of resentment, Di Ke teleported away with him, Wu Lan and Zhi Bai, returning to the long-lost Qianlong Continent.

Over the course of thousands of years, dynasties have changed. The former Qin Dynasty and Ming Dynasty have disappeared in the long river of history. Nowadays, the area where mortals live in Qianlong Continent has seen a rare unification. The prosperous and powerful Dayan Dynasty has ruled Qianlong Continent. Dragon Continent for hundreds of years.

"Great Yan Dynasty?" Di Ke, who had a brief understanding of the current situation of the entire Qianlong Continent through his spiritual consciousness, was a little surprised when he also discovered Yun Lan's aura: "Huh? Yun Lan didn't stay in Huo. Temple, but returned to Qianlong Continent..."

Di Ke, who knew Yun Lan's whereabouts, ordered Wu Lan and the others to wander around Zixuan Star by themselves, and then teleported to the outside of Baisha Town, one of the three eastern counties of the Chu Dynasty, which was close to the prehistoric times.
Yun Lan was staying in the secluded manor outside Baisha Town where she had lived with Di Ke for a long time. Di Ke suddenly appeared in the manor. When she saw Yun Lan sitting in the pavilion and looking at the lake in a daze, she couldn't help but smile. .

It has been thousands of years, and Yun Lan has not changed much from the beginning, but her cultivation has reached the Mahayana stage, and she is close to ascending to the world of immortals, demons and monsters.If Di Ke comes back later, he may not only be unable to see Di Yan, Xu Liangxian, Yuyin and others who are no longer in Zixuan Star, but he may not even be able to see Yun Lan.

"Huh?" Yun Lan turned her head to look in the direction of Diko as if she was aware of it. She saw Diko's appearance clearly, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened with surprise and she stood up excitedly: "Master, it's really you. ?"

After a while, Yunlan calmed down and chatted with Di Ke in the pavilion. Seeing Di Ke asking about the Great Yan Dynasty, Yun Lan couldn't help but smile and nod: "Yes, the Di family of the royal family of the Great Yan Dynasty , is indeed a descendant of Yun'er. The person who founded the Great Yan Dynasty was none other than your ninth generation grandson, Di Kan. He was also an outstanding member of the Di family, very courageous and very talented in cultivation. Now he has ascended to the throne. The world of immortals, demons and demons.”

"The Great Yan Dynasty has been prosperous for hundreds of years, and it is also secretly supported by the Fire God Temple and the Fire God Chamber of Commerce." Yun Lan continued: "The martial arts sects, family forces, and a few cultivation sects on the Qianlong Continent are also behind it. There are shadows of the Fire God Chamber of Commerce and the Fire God Temple. It can be said that the entire Qianlong Continent is now under the control of the Di family. Even the Qin family, which established the Qin Dynasty a thousand years ago, now follows the lead of my Di family. The Mu family even directly changed their surname to Di, but now, except for a very few outstanding ones, the descendants of the Mu family have no access to the core of the Di family and are just branches of the Di family."

"Using the power of cultivators to clear away the corruption in the dynasty, the entire dynasty has been able to maintain prosperity and peaceful development. The people are rich and the country is strong. In the Qianlong Continent of the mortal world, the practice of cultivation is also becoming more and more prosperous... "Di Ke doesn't know how to judge the current development of the Great Yan Dynasty and the entire Qianlong Continent.

Under the intervention of the Di family's secret forces, although the entire Qianlong Continent has deviated from the normal direction of development, overall it is still very good. At least the people's lives are good and there is no impact of war. Even some of the shortcomings of development have been eliminated. Solved and eliminated.

Therefore, compared to the Tenglong Continent, where there are more practitioners and fight openly and secretly, the Qianlong Continent, where mortals and immortal cultivators coexist now, is peaceful and peaceful under the invisible constraints of the Di family, with almost no major battles.

At the same time, Di Ke also learned from Yun Lan that the nine brothers Di Yan, Xu Liangxian, Yuyin, Hongluan and Di Long were practicing faster, as well as Kong Cao, Xing Shou and Wu Shan who were under the original core controller Yu Liang. Among them, Kong Cao, Xing Shou and Wu Shan, the three great scattered demons, even broke through and became the Demon Queen and ascended.

On the contrary, the Golden Flame Eagle Jin Yu, the Three-Eyed Ancestor, and the Black Dragon Yanmo, who were constantly stimulating their bloodlines while improving their cultivation, and their bloodline gradually became comparable to that of super beasts, failed to survive the astonishingly powerful Nine-Ninth Tribulation, so they all chose To become a scattered demon.

But even so, after they became the scattered demons, their cultivation level still improved by leaps and bounds. They survived the demon scattered tribulations one after another and became the top masters of the Fire Temple and the Dragon Clan. They also gained a lot of fame in the chaotic star sea. Mo Geng has become the current leader of the Dragon Clan by virtue of his strength second only to that of the Dragon Clan Great Elder Ao Yan.

In fact, it was extremely thrilling for Hongluan to cross the Nine Nine Tribulations, but with her bloodline constantly stimulating her, she was comparable to the super beast Phoenix. With the immortal ability brought by her powerful bloodline, she managed to survive the Nine Tribulations dangerously and dangerously. After the ninth level of calamity, he was able to reborn and ascend. "What, you said that Yun'er failed to survive the ninety-nine tribulations and became a loose immortal?" When talking about his son Di Yun, listening to Yun Lan's story, Di Ke couldn't help but frown and said: "I also stayed at the beginning. Having acquired many immortal weapons, how could Yun'er not be able to survive the ninety-ninth calamity? Could it be that his character has not been tempered enough? His Taoist heart is too bad?"

Yun Lan shook her head slightly and said: "No, Yun'er has a very good talent for cultivation and works very hard, but he is too strong and wants to figure out and create a cultivation method on his own... and he feels that in the Mahayana period, he will ascend to become Celestial Immortal is only at the bottom of the Immortal Realm. He is too weak and can fall easily, so he took the initiative to practice as a Loose Immortal. He hopes to become a Golden Immortal and rise to the top in the future. At least he can be considered a master and has the ability to protect himself."

"This kid." Diko shook his head and smiled helplessly when he heard this, and then said: "Cultivating the Sanxian, experiencing the Sanxian tribulations again and again is also a training for him. His choice to take this path cannot be considered wrong. By the way, what about others? ?”

"He's going to riot in the Xinghai Sea," Yun Lan also said helplessly: "Don't worry, I have arranged for a few eight- and nine-level heavenly demons to follow him, and there is a demon king secretly protecting him, so there will be no danger. Moreover, Yun I am not considered weak among the Sanxian now."

"Hey, there is obviously an easier way, but I have to choose a difficult one," Diko said with a sigh, but there was a smile on his lips, and he was very satisfied with this strong son in his heart: "Yunlan, this kid is so restless. He has made you worry a lot in recent years, right?"

"Fortunately, when Yun'er grew up, I didn't worry too much. I just kept talking about you as my father..." Yun Lan shook her head and smiled. Before she could finish speaking, Diko laughed at himself and said, "Talk about you." What am I? Are you blaming me as an irresponsible father?"

"No, Yun'er is actually quite sensible. It's just that with a father as evil as you, the child will inevitably feel a little stressed, so he is holding his breath and wants to compete with you!" Yun Lan chuckled.

Competition?Di Ke laughed secretly in his heart when he heard this, but he became more and more satisfied with Di Yun, his son.The father is always the biggest role model for his children. If a father is too outstanding, it is indeed a pressure for the children.However, Di Yun did not choose to lie down. Instead, he worked harder, hoping to compete with his father. Even if he could not catch up with or surpass him in the future, at least he would not be too bad.

"By the way, when Di Yan and others ascended, did they all ascend alone?" Thinking of the troubles that those immortals who had just ascended to the immortal world might encounter, Di Ke couldn't help but frown and look at Yun Lan and asked.

Yun Lan continued: "Young master, are you worried that they will be in danger? You don't have to worry too much about this, because when they ascended, there were eight or nine level heavenly demons staying with them. Taking advantage of the opportunity of ascension, Ascend with them. Even if you encounter some trouble after ascension, as long as you don't provoke a master at the level of the Golden Immortal Demon King, there shouldn't be any danger."

"No, Yunlan, you are wrong! Immortal cultivators and monsters will ascend to the fairy world and the demon world respectively after they ascend. The two are far apart," Diko frowned and shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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