Chapter 415 Munro!Romon?
"What? It's like this? I thought that the world of immortals, demons and monsters was in the same universe, but I didn't expect that the immortal cultivators and the monsters would be separated after they ascended." Yun Lan's face changed slightly when she heard this, and she frowned and became worried: "Then Di Yan, Yuyin and Uncle Xu will have to venture alone in the fairy world, will there be any accidents?"

Di Ke, who frowned and remained silent, shook his head and said, "Di Yan and the others are not as weak as they appear on the surface. In addition, they also have powerful protective and attack weapons. As long as they don't encounter too strong opponents, At least we can still protect ourselves.”

"However, if we don't find them, we still can't rest assured. It seems that I can't stay in Zixuan Star for too long," Di Ke said and looked at Yun Lan and said: "Yun Lan, you should be about to ascend. Are you ready? Just come with me this time, I will take you directly to the world of immortals, demons and monsters."

"By the way, I saw that you weren't in high spirits before. Is it because you were about to ascend and you couldn't let go of Yun'er?" Then Diko couldn't help but frowned and said, "You are about to ascend, and Yun'er is still running around outside? You didn't shout. Is he coming back?"

"He has been notified, but he had some things to do in the turbulent sea of ​​​​stars and was delayed for some time. He should be back soon," Yun Lan shook her head and said.

It is a coincidence that on the third day after Diko came back, Di Yun hurried back to the time when Diko ascended. Di Yun was still a child, but now he has grown into a handsome man with good bearing. It seems that Although he is very young, his whole person exudes a mature charm, and his deep eyes also have a hint of vicissitudes of life.

After all, Di Yun has lived for thousands of years and has experienced many things. He is also a big-shot figure in the entire Zixuanxing cultivation world. He has a distinguished status and is not weak in strength. Naturally, he is comparable to ordinary immortals.

After seeing Di Ke, Di Yun was also stunned for a moment, because just looking at their looks, father and son looked very much alike, and even their temperaments were somewhat similar.Looking at Di Ke, whose aura was restrained in front of him, and his whole person gave him a sense of incomprehension, Di Yun naturally guessed his identity.

So facing his father Di Ke who looked at him with a smile, Di Yun felt a little agitated and complicated for a while. But soon, under Yun Lan's attentive introduction, Di Yun, who had lived for thousands of years and was already very mature and steady, also He accepted Dico as his father very calmly.

The family of three reunited, ate a delicious and hearty dinner together, and chatted for a long time. The next morning, when Di Yun took the initiative to ask Di Ke for advice, Di Ke, who was very interested in his son's cultivation and methods, also brought him He and Yun Lan came to the wilderness together, and the father and son began to compete.
"Sure enough, this boy has some ideas. He actually took the path of martial arts training and body training." After a brief discussion and seeing his son Di Yun's fighting skills and methods, Di Ke couldn't help but be a little surprised and a little pleasantly surprised.

This martial arts training method is actually somewhat similar to the gene energy training method. Both are extremely good at fighting, can cultivate a strong physical body, and are especially good at exerting force.As you continue to practice, it can be said that it is a path of cultivation with great potential.

"Father, I'm going to come up with a way to suppress the situation next," Di Yun gritted his teeth slightly when he saw Di Ke easily neutralizing his own attack with a casual move. As he spoke, green-gold dragon scales appeared on his body. The whole person's aura is surging and powerful.

Feeling the long-lost familiar feeling in the surging aura, an excited Diko changed his face slightly and asked hurriedly: "Yun'er, how did you absorb the blood essence of Qinglong?"

"Azure dragon essence and blood?" Di Yun frowned and said in confusion after hearing this: "It's strange, father, why do you also say what kind of azure dragon essence and blood it is? How can the essence and blood of the azure dragon of the Dragon Clan on Zixuan Star be so powerful? However, It is true that I absorbed a drop of powerful blood to have such a powerful physical body and dragon scales with astonishing defense. Father, do you know what the blue dragon essence and blood is?"

Di Ke looked at Di Yun with a serious expression and asked: "Yun'er, who gave you the Qinglong essence and blood? What is his name?" "I don't know who he is, he is quite mysterious. His cultivation level seems to be very high, but I can’t see through it anyway. It feels like I am facing my father. He said his name is Munro." Di Yun shook his head slightly, seeming a little confused: "He is very good to me. He also said that he was destined to me, and by the way, he also gave me a ring, which he said could protect the soul, but it didn’t seem to be an immortal weapon, and I don’t know if it was a legendary artifact.”

As he spoke, a blue ring made of a material that was neither stone nor jade appeared on Di Yun's finger. He stepped forward to take it off and handed it to Diko.

"The main artifact of soul defense?" He reached out to take it, feeling the familiar touch of the material, and murmured Diko, whose expression became more and more complicated. "I don't know what it is in this Lin Meng universe," he said. Level artifact? Munro...Romon, are you actually in this Linmeng universe?"

"Master artifact? Father, what level of artifact is this? Is it very powerful? Why did that mysterious senior Munro give me this?" Di Yun asked curiously.

"Senior? Maybe he can't bear to be called that by you," Diko shook his head lightly and said, "Okay, don't ask any more questions! There are some things that my father hasn't even figured out yet! Wait for the future. When you arrive in the God Realm, you may be able to know everything."

"God Realm? I am only a Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal now, and I don't know how long it will be before I ascend to the Immortal, Demon and Demon Realm! Going to the God Realm is a bit too far for me," Di Yun frowned and shook his head with a hint of helplessness: " If I had known, father, that you would come back so soon, I would not have chosen to cultivate as a loose immortal. Father, you are going to take mother to the world of immortals, demons, and monsters, and we will be separated again."

"Haha..." Di Ke smiled and patted Di Yun's shoulder and said: "Yun'er, maybe by the time you ascend to the world of immortals, demons and monsters, your father will already have gone to the world of gods. When you go to the world of gods, your father will Maybe you have left the God Realm again. Therefore, if you want to catch up in your father's footsteps, you have to work harder."

Upon hearing this, Di Yun felt depressed and speechless, and then asked with confusion and curiosity: "Leaving the God Realm? Father, is there a higher-level universe than the God Realm? What is that place?"

"Of course there is, but if you are not strong enough, there is no point in knowing it," Di Ke said with a smile, and then asked Di Yun and Yun Lan, who were watching the battle not far away, to leave together, but he subconsciously turned his head to look. Eyes far away.

For some reason, he always had an inexplicable feeling of being noticed. He didn't know if that boy Luo Meng was still in Zixuan Star. If he was there, would he still be recognized?
Just when Di Ke was returning to the quiet manor outside Baisha Town with his sons Di Yun and Yun Lan, in the distance, on the sea in the northern part of the chaotic star sea, stood a green robe hanging in the air, as if the whole person was integrated with the surrounding environment. The handsome young man looked into the distance with deep and wise eyes full of vicissitudes of life, but he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows with suspicion: "The soul aura is very similar...but, can he really be the grandfather?"

"The same name, the familiar soul aura, as well as the body refining method, the secret method of stimulating blood, knowing the essence and blood of Qinglong, and knowing the main soul defense artifact. All the signs indicate that he is indeed Grandpa. However, Grandpa has obviously already After falling into the Hongmeng space, why did he appear on a mortal planet in the Linmeng universe? Reincarnation? Or is it for other reasons, even Mr. Lin Lei is a little confused," the handsome young man who murmured to himself became slightly silent. Then he said: "It's better not to be in a hurry to meet him! Whether he is my grandfather or not, perhaps as Mr. Lin Lei said, we can only find out after he reaches the God Realm and truly grows up."

(End of this chapter)

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