Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 416 Hong Luan, Ni Huang

Chapter 416 Hong Luan, Ni Huang
In the Mysterious Temple of the Immortal, Demonic and Demonic Realm, Yunlan, who walked out of the transfer hall into the courtyard with Diko, looked around curiously: "Is this the Immortal, Demonic and Demonic Realm? What kind of tree is this? It's so powerful. Breath of life!”

Just when Yun Lan was looking at the ancient red copper tree in the courtyard with her beautiful eyes, Fu Bo, the butler of the Mysterious Temple, also appeared later. After looking at Yun Lan with a slight surprise, he turned to Di Ke and smiled. : "Come back so soon? Are you ready to leave the Mysterious Temple?"

"There are no other benefits, so of course I have to leave. Otherwise, why are you staying in the Mystic Temple?" Diko said with a joking smile. After hearing this, Uncle Fu also shook his head in confusion and said: "With your Di family's background, you really care. Are these things in the Mystic Temple? After you ascend to the God Realm, if you perform well and can enter the core layer of the Di family, it will not be difficult to obtain even the Hongmeng Lingbao."

"Oh? Uncle Fu, I heard you tell me that the Di family has quite a status in the God Realm! The Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure is not something that can be obtained casually. Is there a master refiner among the Di family who can refine the Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure?" Dico raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

Uncle Fu shook his head and smiled: "After you ascend and return to the Di family, you will naturally know. The Di family is a very special and transcendent force in the God Realm. It is not convenient for me to go into details. In fact, I am very fond of the Di family. His understanding is also very limited. In short, you only need to know that the Di family is very strong. In the God Realm, even the eight holy emperors who are the natives of the God Realm do not dare to provoke the Di family easily."

"Eight Holy Emperors? So, the Di family is not an aboriginal force in the God Realm?" Di Ke couldn't help but asked, but Uncle Fu smiled helplessly and said: "The Di family is very mysterious. I don't know its origin. It’s too clear. I only know that the Di family has appeared very early. Its history is not inferior to that of the eight holy royal families, but its relationship with the eight holy royal families is not very good. However, it does not seem to be an ascended force, and it has relations with several major forces on the ascended side. It’s just average.”

"Actually, I have only heard a lot of news about the Di family. Even my master Che Houyuan has a good relationship with the Di family, but his understanding of the Di family is very limited," Fu Bo continued: " Di Ke, since you are a disciple of the Di family, as long as you show some potential after ascending to the God Realm, and you are strong enough, you will naturally understand many things."

"Di's family?" Yun Lan on the side heard something murmuring in her heart, and subconsciously glanced at Di Ke. Of course she knew Di Ke's origins very well, so how could he have anything to do with Di's family, a mysterious power in the God Realm? What about relationships?If the Di family on Zixuan Star had a background in the divine world, how could it be just an ordinary family in the mortal world of Qianlong Continent?

After Diko said goodbye to Uncle Forbes and took Yun Lan away from the Mysterious Temple, Yun Lan couldn't help asking about the doubts in her heart, and Diko just explained calmly and casually: "Di and I do have some differences. The origin, as for what the relationship is, I can’t tell for a while, but you may understand it later.”

"Well." Yun Lan nodded lightly and didn't ask any more questions. Then she looked at the dark void around her: "Why does the space here keep vibrating? Is it because of the Mysterious Temple? It can keep the space of the world of immortals, demons and monsters at all times. The unstable state is worthy of being a palace left by a big shot in the God Realm! By the way, where should we go next? Young Master, do you have a way to find Di Yan and the others as soon as possible?"

"I can probably guess where they have ascended to, and when they arrive at the approximate location, I can detect them through my spiritual sense, as long as they are not too far away, I should be able to find them," Diko said, but suddenly he looked at the direction with a frown. the other direction.

"What's wrong? You wouldn't have discovered them so soon, would you?" Yun Lan asked curiously and unexpectedly when she saw this, while Dike shook his head and said: "It's not them... I seem to feel Hong Luan's breath, she It seems that he is in trouble, and his soul aura is very unstable."

"Hong Luan? She must have ascended to the demon world, right? Moreover, she may have ascended to the territory of the Bird Clan. There is a dark star realm separated from here. The distance is not close. You can feel Hong Luan's soul from such a distance. Breath fluctuations?" Yun Lan became even more surprised upon hearing this.

"Hong Luan and I have a soul connection, which is closer than the soul connection between the master and the spirit beast," Di Ke said seriously: "Hong Luan must be in big trouble. It seems that we have to go first. A trip to the territory of the Bird Clan in the Demon Realm will do."

"It's a good time to go find Di Yan and the others' spirit beasts first. Through the connection between the spirit beasts and their souls, it will be much easier to find Di Yan and the others," Yun Lan also nodded and said.With Diko's current soul state and his understanding of the laws of space, he used the Great Teleport to cross the Dark Star Realm in less than half an hour and arrived at the territory of the Monster Clan and the Bird Clan, and quickly followed it. Following the invisible induction of the soul, he came to the place where Hong Luan was.

"This planet... seems to be the nest of the Eagle Clan in the Bird Clan, right? Green Mars, this Green Fire Eagle seems to be the only superior divine beast of the Eagle Clan. The current clan leader Liu Tu and the cultivation level of the eighth-level demon emperor are He is one of the top three masters under the command of the Peng Demon Emperor." Diko squinted at the planet with green light flowing in the void in front of him. Diko, with twinkling eyes, recalled the information about the green fire eagle of the bird family. He was also a direct god. I searched the entire Green Mars.

"Hongluan is really here. Is he imprisoned? Huh? The eighth-level demon emperor is Liutu, the clan leader of the Green Fire Eagle? The Green Fire Eagle clan captured Hong Luan and actually wanted to force Hong Luan to marry them. The future leader of the Green Fire Eagle clan, Na Liutu came back to host the wedding. Is it because he took a fancy to the potential of Hong Luan's bloodline?" Dike, who had probably guessed the situation through his divine sense detection, couldn't help but sneered: "This Green Fire The Eagle clan, with their good calculations, have all set their sights on my people... huh?"

Before he finished speaking, Diko suddenly noticed something and frowned. Yunlan on the side also frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Here comes a master! Very strong!" Diko's words made Yun Lan even more curious: "How strong can he be? Is he stronger than the leader of the Green Fire Eagle clan, Liu Tu?"

"Even the Peng Demon Emperor of the Bird Clan, with the inherited treasure in hand, I'm afraid she is no match for him," Di Ke nodded sternly, and then said: "Because she is the strongest master in the entire Bird Clan now, with a ninth-level demon The super divine beast Phoenix Ni Huang with the imperial cultivation level!”

"Ah, the super beast of the ninth-level demon emperor, a strong man who can cross the divine realm and ascend to the divine realm at any time. Isn't he the top strong man in the entire world of immortals, demons and monsters? Who else is her opponent?" Yun Lan's beautiful eyes He stared slightly and let out a low voice, subconsciously covering his mouth with his hands.

"Although the super beast of the ninth-level demon emperor is strong, it is not necessarily invincible in the world of immortals, demons and demons. At least, the Dragon Emperor of the dragon clan and the Qing Emperor of the immortal world are not inferior to her in strength, and are even stronger. After all, Ni No matter how powerful Huang is, he still has no inherited treasure," Diko shook his head.

"In the world of immortals, demons and demons, there are indeed as many powerful people as there are," Yun Lan said with emotion, then frowned and said, "But what is that Ni Huang doing here? Attending a wedding? Even if it's the wedding of the next leader of the Green Fire Eagle clan. , even with Ni Huang’s identity, he might not be able to come here in person, right? Could it be because of Hong Luan? Hong Luan’s Phoenix bloodline?”

"It should be so. It seems that I don't need to take action personally," Diko said with a faint smile. He did not rush to save Hong Luan. He just waited for a moment in the void closer to Qing Mars, and then there seemed to be something there. Su Sue raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Ni Huang has already left with Hong Luan, saying that he will accept her as his disciple! Haha, Ni Huang is so proud! In just one sentence, Liu Tu obediently let her go. "

"Being a disciple of a super powerful person like Ni Huang in the demon world is probably something that many people in the Bird Clan dream of doing, right? I never thought that Hong Luan would have such an opportunity," Yun Lan said with a smile, "Since Hong Luan Luan is fine, can we leave now?"

"No rush! Let's go meet Liu Tu first. If someone dares to touch me, how can we just let it go?" Di Ke looked at Qing Xingxing with a cold look in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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