Chapter 417 Ao Ku
Amidst the roaring violent energy explosion, the space was torn apart. Even the grand and festive wedding scene arranged on Qing Mars was turned into ruins. It was as if a layer of land had been peeled off. Qing Qing flew upside down into the void in embarrassment. Fire Eagle Liutu, a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly, looking at the mess below, with an unknown number of dead and injured Qing Xingxing, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and looked at Dike who was flying into the sky with Yun Lan: "Who are you? Who is this person? What grudge do we, the Eagle Clan, have against you? Why do we directly attack you like this? Are you trying to make an enemy of the entire Bird Clan and the Peng Demon Emperor?"

"The Bird Clan? The Peng Demon Emperor? Do you think I care about the Bird Clan and the Peng Demon Emperor Zongyan?" Looking at the embarrassed and injured Liu Tu, Dike said with a disdainful smile.

Hearing Dico's words, Liu Tu reacted with excitement. He was suffocated and also a little frightened.Being able to directly and seriously injure him with one punch without any resistance was a method that even the Peng Demon Emperor could not easily accomplish. It immediately reminded him of the Dragon Emperor, who was known for his strong attack power.

"In the world of immortals, demons and monsters, when did such a mysterious strong man appear? Could he be from the lineage of the ancient emperor? But why did he come to trouble me?" Then Liu Tu became filled with surprise and doubt.

However, Di Ke, who didn't wait for Liu Tu to think too much, stared at him with a playful smile. As the invisible soul power swept away like a storm, Liu Tu's face changed drastically. He was suddenly confused and his mind was in a daze. After waking up again, he found that he had arrived in a strange and huge space world, and several figures whose aura was not weaker than his were looking at him with a little surprise and curiosity.
"Ao Wuxu? Ye Zhai?" Recognizing the Liutu of two of them, feeling the restraint of their souls from the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum, the whole person suddenly turned pale and felt a little depressed.

Not long after, another embarrassed figure appeared out of thin air, but it was a tall and gloomy man.He fell down with frowning expression in pain and confusion. After coming back to his senses, he felt the constraints of the Ten Thousand Beasts Book on his soul, and his face suddenly became more gloomy and ugly.

"Ao Ku?" Seeing the other party's flow chart, his expression changed.This Ao Ku is also one of the three masters under the Demon Emperor Peng. He is the mutated superior beast of the eighth-level demon emperor, the two-headed dragon vulture. He is also the strongest and most adept at fighting among the three. Unexpectedly, he was easily dealt with by Di Ke. Included in the catalog of beasts.

"Liu Tu?" Ao Ku frowned when he saw Liu Tu, his face also changed slightly, and then he asked in a low and hoarse voice: "Liu Tu, what is going on, who is he? Why are you targeting my bird family?"

Liu Tu said helplessly and bitterly: "I don't know either! Previously on Qing Mars, he attacked me directly as soon as he showed up, without mercy. I didn't expect that after he dealt with me, he dared to go directly to our Bird Clan. If the core Black Crow Star goes to attack you, isn't he afraid that His Majesty the Peng Demon Emperor is on the Black Crow Star?"

"His soul level is higher than mine, and he has already come to me before I find him. I think he is not afraid at all even if he is facing your Majesty. Maybe, with your Majesty's strength, if If you don't escape as soon as possible with the inherited treasure, you will very likely fall into his hands." Ao Ku shook his head and said seriously: "This person's cultivation is unfathomable, and he clearly wants to target our Bird Clan. Could it be that there is some grudge against my bird family?"

"Grudges? I don't have any grudges between the Bird Clan and the Ancient Emperor's lineage! Could it be that the helper invited by Qin Yu?" Liu Tu said with an eyebrow, thinking of the person who made a big fuss in Black Star before. The three Qin Yu brothers.

Just when Ao Ku was about to speak, Ye Zhai's loud voice suddenly rang out: "Hey, let me tell you, don't you two think that we don't exist, okay? We have already become spiritual beasts in the spectrum of beasts, why do you still think so? What's the use? I think you should be glad that Diko thought you were still of some use, so he didn't take your lives directly. From now on, just follow Dico obediently! It's better than following the Peng Demon Emperor. ah!"

After looking at Ye Zhai and Ao Wuxu, Wulan's Liutu and Ao Ku, they couldn't help but fell silent with complicated expressions.After falling into the hands of Dico, being included in the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum, and becoming the spiritual beasts in the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum, their fate was already doomed.

In the demon world, on an ordinary planet of life at the junction of the Dragon Clan and the Bird Clan, in the quiet courtyard of the inn at night, Ao Ku suddenly appeared and saw Di Ke, who was sitting casually drinking tea at the stone table in front of him, and the very weak, Yun Lan, who seemed to have not yet become an immortal, could not help but frown, as if she did not understand how Di Ke, with his unfathomable cultivation, could be accompanied by such a weak woman, and she did not look like a maid or anything like that. of.

"Ao Ku, what are you thinking about? Do you still want to resist now? Or are you hoping that the Peng Demon Emperor Zong Yan will come to save you?" Di Ke asked Ao Ku with a faint smile.After hearing this, Ao Kucai was silent for a while and said in a low voice: "My skills are inferior to others, and I fell into your hands. There is nothing to say. If you want to kill me or behead me, it's up to you!"

"Kill you? I can't bear to kill the mutated superior divine beast at the eighth-level demon emperor level," Dike shook his head lightly and said immediately: "Ao Ku, do you want to continue to stimulate your bloodline and make your own bloodline truly comparable to the super divine beast? "

"Inspire bloodline? Can you make my bloodline reach the level of a super beast? It seems that you are indeed a descendant of the Di family of the ancient emperor," Ao Ku's eyes narrowed upon hearing this.

Diko, who was noncommittal, turned to ask: "Where is the Peng Demon Emperor Zongyan? Why not on the Black Crow Star?"

"Are you looking for him?" Ao Ku frowned when he heard this, while Dike shook his head and said: "Don't worry, I'm not planning to deal with him, I'm just a little curious. The majestic Peng Demon Emperor is not on the Black Star. Where to go?" Where are you? It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to say it, I’m not too interested in this.”

"There's nothing that can't be said. Your Majesty, Emperor Peng, went to the Yindi Star." Ao Ku's words made Dike raise his eyebrows in surprise: "Yindi's Yindi Star? What did he do there?"

"It seems that he is going to attend the wedding of Emperor Yin's granddaughter," Ao Ku's answer made Di Ke stunned for a moment, and then he burst into laughter: "Attending the wedding? This Emperor Yin is so proud that he even invited Emperor Peng to get married. Go ahead, when did the bird clan in the demon world have such a good relationship with the Yin Emperor?"

"Not only His Majesty, it is said that the leaders of all the forces in the world of immortals, demons and monsters, as well as many emperor-level masters have been invited," Ao Kunlian said.

"Oh? It sounds like the Yin Emperor Star is going to be lively! It seems that before the Qing Emperor went through the Divine Tribulation, he also invited many powerful people to watch it. Could it be that this Yin Emperor is also about to go through the Divine Tribulation?" Di Ke asked with an interested smile.

"It should be so. It's not long since Emperor Yin has entered the realm of the ninth-level Immortal Emperor. It's almost time to cross the divine tribulation," Ao Ku said: "Moreover, once Emperor Yin has passed through the divine tribulation, after ascending to the divine tribulation, , the Black and White Immortal Emperor whose strength is second only to the Yin Emperor on the Yin Emperor Star can only be considered average among the eighth-level Immortal Emperors. Even if they join forces, it will be difficult to guarantee the transcendent and independent status of the Yin Emperor Star in the future. Therefore, the Yin Emperor seems to do I have made some decisions and heard from Your Majesty that there seems to be a shadow of the Ancient Emperor's lineage behind this gathering of powerful people on the Hidden Emperor Star."

As he spoke, Ao Ku glanced at Diko thoughtfully, apparently thinking that Diko should know about this and even understand some of the secrets behind it.

The lineage of the ancient emperor?When Di Ke heard this, he frowned and his eyes flickered, and he began to murmur in his heart, what is the relationship between the lineage of the Ancient Emperor and the Hidden Emperor Star?Could it be that the ancient emperor's lineage is going to change its past ways of doing things and prepare to intervene in the battle between immortals and demons?Want to support the Hidden Emperor Star?
"Yin Emperor, is he the only ninth-level immortal emperor in the immortal world that you mentioned?" Yun Lan suddenly asked curiously. Dike also nodded and smiled: "That's right! Although the Qing Emperor in the immortal world is known as 'Eternal Green' , The cultivation time is very long, and the strength is also unfathomable, but the only one who has the cultivation level of the ninth-level Immortal Emperor is the Yin Emperor Lin Yin."

(End of this chapter)

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