Chapter 421 Dicko’s Gift

Listening to Di Ke's slightly apologetic words, what else could Lin Yin say?He could only smile and say: "Your Excellency, you can come to Yin Emperor Star to attend my granddaughter's wedding. It will give Lin Yin face, and it will also make my potential leader Peng Pi shine! I just don't know you and my little disciple."

Lin Yin said and glanced at Xu Liangxian, which made Di Ke stunned for a moment.Disciple?When did Uncle Xu become Lin Yin's disciple?Subconsciously, Dico glanced at Moller next to him...
"This matter has nothing to do with me. I don't know them at all, and I have no intention of helping them introduce their apprentices," Moller shook his head and said.

"I just think that Liangxian has a lot of potential for understanding, and he is also very suitable for my temperament, which is suitable for practicing the secret technique I created, so I accepted this disciple," Lin implicitly explained with a smile, and Di Ke nodded slightly and said: "That's it! To be honest with Emperor Yin, Uncle Xu is my elder. It is his good fortune that he has the honor to join Emperor Yin's family."

Uncle Xu?elder?Upon hearing Dike's words, not only Yin Emperor, but also Dragon Emperor, Yu Emperor and other top powerhouses in the world of immortals, demons and demons were stunned for a moment.A junior who doesn't even have the cultivation level of a Golden Immortal is actually the elder of Dike, an unfathomable and mysterious powerhouse?Is his cultivation speed too slow?Or is Diko's cultivation talent too fast?
But obviously, Xu Liangxian is definitely a rare genius who can be valued by Lin Yin as a disciple, and his training time is definitely not long.Therefore, Diko's cultivation time should not be too long, but his cultivation has already made them unable to see clearly. How fast can he practice?It's a bit too evil!
You must know that none of the top figures in the world of immortals, demons, and demons such as Emperor Yu, and the leaders of all forces, have not practiced for hundreds of thousands or millions of years to reach their current level of cultivation.Especially after reaching the emperor level, each level of improvement takes a long time. Many of them have been stuck at the eighth level of Immortal Emperor, Demon Emperor or Demon Emperor for a long time, but still cannot break through to the ninth level.

Even if he is a disciple of the ancient emperor, he may be gifted with monsters and have almost the same strength that has appeared in the world of immortals, demons and monsters, just like Mo Le, but even if his training time is not as long as that of Emperor Yu and others, he will never be too powerful. short.

"Dike, how long have you been practicing?" Even Moller couldn't help but look at Diko with a strange expression and asked curiously.

"It's almost the same as Qin Yu," Di Ke's words immediately caused everyone to look at Qin Yu again, with increasingly weird expressions.They also had some knowledge of Qin Yu's cultivation time after he ascended to the world of immortals, demons and monsters.In just over a thousand years, being able to compete with Zong Yan is already a big deal. The cultivation speed of the three Qin Yu brothers is definitely very fast, and they are not inferior to the genius Immortal Emperor Jun Luo Yu.

As for Di Ke, if he has been practicing for about the same time as Qin Yu, it can only mean that he is more evil than Qin Yu. He can be called the evil among evils. It is probably very rare in the entire history of the fairy, demon and demon world!

"Qin Yu, I didn't expect that you would dare to come to the Hidden Emperor Star to join in the fun after provoking the Peng Demon Emperor," Di Ke looked at Qin Yu's three brothers again and smiled: "This doesn't seem like your character!"

"Huh, so what about the Peng Demon Emperor? Our brothers are not afraid of him," the somewhat unruly Hou Fei said and continued: "Besides, the person who is going to marry Senior Yin Emperor's granddaughter today is my eldest brother's disciple, so naturally we are the elders. I want to come for a wedding banquet."

"Oh? I didn't expect Qin Yu that you were actually married to Emperor Yin," Di Ke, who pretended to be surprised, then said with a smile: "In that case, when I come here today, I have to bring out some decent gifts. Now. Qin Yu, where is your apprentice and the granddaughter of Emperor Yin?"

Diko said and glanced at Emperor Yin again. When Emperor Yin heard that Diko wanted to send a gift, he waved to the distance with a smile on his face. Then he saw the handsome man in festive clothes who was watching the battle in the distance. The man and the pretty girl flew over hand in hand.

After the introduction by Emperor Yin and Qin Yu, the newlyweds were busy bowing respectfully to Di Ke and calling their senior.

"Okay, as expected, they are a talented man and a beautiful woman. They match each other very well." Looking at the young couple in front of him who were still just cultivating immortals with a smile, Diko turned over his hands and took out two sets of artifact battle suits: "It's nothing too good. These two sets of artifact battle suits are the ones I got recently, so I’ll give them to you to protect yourself.”

Artifact suit?Two more sets?Seeing those two sets of artifact battle suits, everyone around them couldn't help but stare in shock. Isn't this something very good?You must know that in the entire world of immortals, demons and monsters, artifacts and battle suits are also very rare. Only those leaders of the major forces with the strength of the eighth-level and ninth-level immortal emperors, demon emperors or demon emperors may have one or two.Although there are occasionally people who are lucky enough to obtain artifacts outside the Mystic Temple, most of them are just ordinary attack artifacts, and artifact battle suits are too rare.

Therefore, before I knew that as the No. 1 subordinate of Emperor Yu, the seventh-level Immortal Emperor did not even have an artifact battle suit.It's not that Emperor Yu was reluctant to give it to him, but that Emperor Yu himself only had one set of artifact battle clothes.

But as soon as Diko made a move, he gave two sets of artifact battle suits as gifts. Even Moller, a descendant of the ancient emperor, was not so generous!
After reacting, someone subconsciously looked at Moller, and sure enough, they saw Moller's expression of shock and surprise. Apparently they didn't expect Dico to be so generous. This is the artifact battle suit as a bonus!

"Brother Di, this gift is too heavy..." Emperor Yu also reacted and subconsciously wanted to refuse. Qin Yu was also surprised and said: "Master Di Ke..."

"Haha, it's just two sets of artifact battle suits. I can still afford them as a gift." Before they could finish speaking, Diko said with a smile: "Besides, there's no reason to take back what you gave away?"

"What's the matter? Do you think the gift I gave you is too light?" Seeing that the two young men in front of him were still hesitant, they subconsciously looked at Lin Yin and Qin Yu. Dike raised his eyebrows and smiled jokingly, and then turned to another page. He took out two divine swords with his hands: "Forget it, I'll give each of you an attack artifact. It's not a very good artifact, just a middle-grade divine sword."

Liu Hanshu and Lin Lin, the young couple who were about to get married, were dumbfounded again, and everyone around them, including Moller, couldn't help but twitch their mouths slightly and their expressions became more and more weird. Is this Dico a wholesaler of artifacts?
However, Lin Yin and Qin Yu also saw that Di Ke had no shortage of artifacts, so they both signaled Lin Lin and Liu Hanshu to accept the artifacts given by Di Ke, and then Lin Yin also greeted Di Ke warmly and politely. Ke went inside to where the wedding was held.

Emperor Yu and others who followed him slowly came back to their senses and guessed that Di Ke must have gone to the Mystic Temple with the help of the Mystic Picture Scroll, and he probably gained a lot.

"Could it be that he got some kind of opportunity in the Lost Temple to improve his soul realm so quickly?" Everyone couldn't help but speculate in their hearts.

There is actually nothing much to say about the wedding of two junior immortals. Even if one of them is Qin Yu's disciple and the other is Lin Yin's granddaughter, they will not have so many powerful people congratulating them on their marriage.

Sure enough, after the lively wedding was over, Lin Yin directly stated that in a few days it would be the day when he would pass the divine tribulation, and he hoped everyone would stay and watch.

Di Ke also stayed to watch Lin Yin pass through the divine tribulation, and the process went smoothly. Although the power of the divine tribulation was terrifying, it could not pose any substantial threat to Lin Yin whose soul realm had reached the level of a god-man.

However, after successfully surviving the divine tribulation, Lin Yin deliberately announced something to the leaders and powerful men of all the forces in the world of immortals, demons, and demons, which made everyone surprised and suspicious...
(End of this chapter)

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