Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 422 Clan land, Qinglong?ancient emperor

Chapter 422 Clan land, Qinglong?ancient emperor
What Lin Yin announced was also very simple, that is, after he ascends to the divine realm, Molecule will take charge of the Yin Emperor Star...
" don't need to be nervous. You should all know that our ancient emperor's lineage has never paid much attention to the disputes in the world of immortals and demons. Senior Lin Yin has some connections with our ancient emperor's lineage. After he ascended, for the stability of the Yindi Star , so I temporarily handed over the Hidden Emperor Star to me." Seeing the changes in everyone's expressions, Moller smiled and said: "In the future, the Hidden Emperor Star will be the same as in the past, and people from all forces can come here to do things. Business and play, but you must abide by the rules of the Yin Emperor Star. The Yin Emperor Star will continue as always and will not get involved in any battles between various forces, unless these battles involve the Yin Emperor Star."

Upon hearing what Moller said, the leaders of all the forces who looked slightly relieved secretly breathed a sigh of relief.It seems that the ancient emperor's lineage does not want to change the old rule of keeping a low profile and ignoring the disputes in the world of immortals and demons.However, Moller was in charge of the Hidden Emperor Star, but it still made them uneasy.

But Mo Le was obviously too lazy to pay attention to them and didn't care about them. After everyone left one after another, he came to Diko specifically and said that he was taking Diko back to the ancient emperor's lineage under the orders of the elders of the clan. clan land.

"Go to the lineage of the Ancient Emperor?" Diko was a little surprised, but not too surprised. Out of curiosity about the rumored lineage of the Ancient Emperor, he agreed without much hesitation and wanted to take this opportunity to explore. Explore the details of this ancient emperor's lineage.

In the southeast of the endless space of the fairy and demon world, in the Blue Bay star field at the junction of the fairy world and the devil world, in a dark void in the Silver String Galaxy, there is an inconspicuous black hole, less than one foot in diameter, like the mouth of a well.

"I didn't expect that the entrance to the ancient emperor's clan is actually in the Blue Bay Star Territory." He and Moller took the teleportation array together, and teleported on their way, and they arrived in this area in less than a stick of incense. Diko, who was in the dark void, looked at the inconspicuous black hole vortex, and couldn't help but squinted his eyes and asked: "What kind of place is the clan of the ancient emperor?"

"Follow me in, and you will know it naturally," Moller said with a smile, flying towards the black hole vortex first, while Diko, with twinkling eyes, followed without much hesitation.

Diko and Moller entered the black hole vortex one after another. They felt the space change. The next moment they came to a dark underwater world. Next to where they came out, there was a door of light.

Looking at the somewhat familiar light door, Diko couldn't help but look slightly dazed. He suddenly remembered the experience of entering the cemetery of the gods in the world of Panlong. How similar the space door was!Moreover, this space gate is actually under the sea.

The roaring and sudden roar of the dragon came, and Di Ke felt the water surge, and the invisible pressure swept over him. He suddenly turned his head and looked, and saw a huge green dragon flying with green light flowing in the dark sea water. Coming over, Diko stared slightly: "Qinglong?"

This green dragon is exactly the same as the green dragon among the four divine beasts in the Panlong World. Even the breath is very similar. The surging breath of life makes the surrounding water flow agitate, and the spatial fluctuations seem to be full of joy. Even the more mysterious and difficult-to-feel time fluctuations were affected. For a moment, Dico felt a sense of time and space confusion that he had not seen for a long time.

"Little Moller, why did you bring outsiders here?" Qinglong's eyes fell on Moller and Diko with a real gaze, and invisible binding power enveloped them. At the same time, his gentle and majestic voice spoke to the two of them. echoed in his mind.

"Outsiders? Senior Qinglong, isn't it rare that you haven't sensed the aura of Di family blood on Di Ke?" Mo Le asked with a surprised look on his face.

"...No," Qinglong looked at Diko carefully before shaking his head slightly. Before Moller's expression changed, he frowned and looked at Diko and spoke, Qinglong added with some confusion: "But, his The soul breath makes me feel a little familiar, which is really strange..."

"I didn't expect that after my descendants in Panlong World came to Linmeng Universe, they actually created Qinglong with the blood of the four divine beasts. I just don't know if there are also three sacred beasts: White Tiger, Black Tortoise and Suzaku?" Feeling the power of Qinglong With the familiar aura, Diko was almost certain of the origin of this ancient emperor's lineage.Immediately afterwards, Qinglong, who was shaking slightly, turned his head and looked into the distance, then turned to Diko and said seriously: "The ancient emperor and the elders of the clan want to see you..."

After saying that, before Diko could respond, the green dragon's eyes flickered, and with the fluctuation of the surrounding space, Diko disappeared out of thin air.

"Senior Qinglong, what is going on? If Diko is not a descendant of the Di family, why do His Majesty the Ancient Emperor and the elders want to see him specifically?" Mo Le asked in confusion when he saw this.

"I'm not sure about this, but since His Majesty and the elders attach so much importance to this Diko, there must be some special reasons," Qinglong shook his head and said without comment.

At the same time, in front of a palace in the high-altitude clouds and fog, Dico appeared out of thin air. He looked at the vast land and boundless ocean below, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was a little surprised at the vastness of this world: "It doesn't seem to be an independent universe. , it is more like a world like the Panlong World, the Magnolia Continent Plane. Could it be that this is a space artifact like the Jianglan Realm?"

Turning to look at the palace with the open door, feeling the faint and powerful aura fluctuations in it, Diko's eyes flashed and walked directly in.
In the slightly dark hall, as soon as Diko entered, he saw the sturdy figure sitting high on the throne, covered in dark blue armor, and even wearing a blue mask on his face.

On the seats on both sides below, there were also figures sitting with surging auras, including men, women, old and young.Seeing Di Ke walking in calmly and calmly, they all subconsciously turned their heads and looked over, with curiosity and exploration in their eyes.

"What a lineage of ancient emperors. The soul realm of these elders is so high that none of them are lower than the level of the ninth-level Immortal Emperor. There are even several who have condensed the soul golden elixir. Just one of them can go out and use the powerful artifacts and armors. Enough to play the role of the 'Ancient Emperor'." His eyes swept over the elders of the Di clan of the Ancient Emperor's lineage, and then looked at the dark blue armored figure sitting high on the throne. Diko suddenly stopped and narrowed his eyes: " This person's soul state is so high that even I can't see through it. Could it be that he is a god? It seems that he is an ancient emperor of the ancient emperor's lineage. No wonder the ancient emperor of the ancient emperor's lineage has always been invincible in the world of immortals, demons and monsters. With such a high soul realm, no real god or man can be a match for this ancient emperor, let alone those emperor-level masters in the world of immortals, demons and monsters."

"Are you Diko?" The dark blue armored figure cast a sharp gaze on Diko through the mask, and a low voice sounded: "I don't have any information about you in the lineage of the Ancient Emperor. Since you are here for the first time, The Di family’s clan will be tested, and we will first determine the bloodline of your Di family’s children.”

Bloodline?How could I have the blood of the Di family in this world?Di Ke frowned when he heard this, and at the same time he secretly wondered in his heart. Didn't Qinglong already realize that he didn't have the blood aura of the Di family in his body?Why does this ancient emperor still need to test?
"Clan leader, is there anything else to test? There is no aura fluctuation of the Di family's blood on him at all," among the elders, the man sitting next to the left with a face as bronze as a knife said expressionlessly. He said coldly: "Who dares to pretend to be a descendant of my ancient emperor's lineage, no matter who he is?"

"Let's test it first," before he finished speaking, Gu Di glanced at him and said, "Third brother, don't you even have this little patience?"

"Why bother? I admit that this kid is very evil, but it does not mean that he will definitely be a descendant of my ancient emperor's lineage." The bronze-skinned man shook his head and said: "The patriarch asked us to determine his bloodline together. Is your identity a little too serious?"

(End of this chapter)

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