Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 423: Ancestral lineage awakening?

Chapter 423: Ancestral lineage awakening?

As soon as the bronze-skinned man finished speaking, a beautiful woman in a dark red skirt sitting first on the right said coldly: "Di Zhan, are you questioning the patriarch's intention?"

"Di Yuan, Di Zhan is just talking about things." The bronze-skinned man Di Zhan on the left, the gray-haired old man in black robes at the top, frowned and said.

Before he could finish speaking, the ancient emperor, who was sitting on the main seat above, said in a low tone: "Okay, I called you here to be a witness, not for you to argue. If you have any different opinions, just talk about it later. Let's quarrel slowly. If the quarrel doesn't lead to any results, you can also go to the clan's secret place to spar... As long as it's not a life-and-death duel, no one will interfere."

As soon as the ancient emperor said these words, the faces of the Di family elders of the ancient emperor's lineage suddenly became quiet, and Di Ke's brows raised slightly.What is that place?The defensive power of a place where the elders of the Di family, who possess divine strength, can compete can be imagined.Since it is a secret place, it must also be the most important place of the Di family.

After speaking without any unnecessary nonsense, the ancient emperor waved his hand and an invisible wave spread. Suddenly, the ground in the center of the hall shook. It rotated to both sides like a folding fan, revealing a huge hole. Then a dark red stone platform rose up. As he stood up, an invisible surging aura filled the air, causing all the elders in the hall to look at him with breathless eyes, and their expressions became serious.

"Is this... the breath of Hongmeng spiritual energy? I didn't expect that this stone platform actually contains Hongmeng spiritual energy? Is it an ore that was bred from Hongmeng spiritual energy at the beginning of the universe? Such a good thing can be used as a stone platform. It's really It's such a waste, but it's indeed a big deal." Dike, who was very familiar with Hongmeng's spiritual energy, also raised his eyebrows in surprise.

But then, Diko looked at an inconspicuous gray crystal ball suspended on the stone platform. It was about the size of a basketball. There seemed to be mist floating in it. At the same time, the crystal ball There is also a faint flash of colored light on the surface.
"This is..." For a moment, Diko couldn't figure out what the crystal ball was. He just felt that the faint aura emanating from the crystal ball was somewhat familiar.There was even some familiarity and familiarity, but for a while I couldn't figure out what it had to do with me.

"Come forward, approach the stone platform, and place your hand on the crystal ball on the stone platform." The ancient emperor's words brought Diko back to his senses. His eyes flickered, and he vaguely guessed the crystal ball. The purpose should be to detect the bloodline of the Di family.

Therefore, after listening to the words of the ancient emperor, Diko, who was silent for a while, stepped forward with a little solemnity, squinted at the gray crystal ball that was close at hand and felt increasingly familiar, and then without hesitation He stretched out his hand... Dicko had an inexplicable feeling. Perhaps, this special crystal ball could really sense something, and it might bring him some unexpected surprises...
Buzz... almost the moment Diko put his palm on the gray crystal ball, the entire crystal ball began to tremble, and the light flowed on it, but then, the crystal ball seemed to be very spiritual, and it trembled slightly in confusion. stagnant, causing all the Di family elders who were watching solemnly around to frown.

"I just said he didn't." The bronze-skinned man Di Zhan looked at the unresponsive crystal ball and couldn't help but sneered. But before he finished speaking, his expression froze and his eyes widened, as if he had seen As if something incredible happened, he suddenly stood up.

Not only him, but the other elders, including the ancient emperor who was sitting in the main seat above, all stood up one after another with greatly changed expressions, their eyes fixed on the four-color light emitting yellow, green, green, and red in the hall. On the crystal ball, the four-color light illuminated the entire hall, followed by invisible fluctuations. Diko, bathed in the four-color light, was dazzling for a moment, and everyone looked at him in surprise and disbelief. To him.

"Huh? This is..." At the same time, under the dazzling four-color light, Diko felt as if he was soaking in a hot spring. His soul felt warm for a while, and even gradually became a little warm.
Just when Diko was immersed in it and narrowed his eyes comfortably, suddenly four surging and familiar energies poured into his body like a torrent, making him feel his whole body boiling with blood, and his powerful body was also undergoing a transformation. The change
"The essence and blood of the four divine beasts? That crystal ball actually contains the essence and blood of the four divine beasts? No wonder it can be used as a tool to detect the bloodline of the Di family. No wonder it makes me feel inexplicably familiar," Di Ke was surprised and happy in his heart.At the same time, watching the blood mist with four-color light escaping from the crystal ball and pouring into Diko's body, everyone was stunned and looked at it dumbfounded. Even the ancient The corners of Di Ye's eyes twitched, and the flickering gaze in his deep eyes showed that he was also very uneasy at the moment.

"The Ancestral Veins Awakening? He was actually able to inspire my Di family's ancestral veins, and he received the opportunity given by the God of Ancestral Veins to activate the bloodlines. How is it possible that he can also activate four ancestral veins at once?" Di Yuan, a beautiful woman in a dark red skirt, said. Tokiya could no longer maintain his previous aloof attitude. His beautiful eyes widened as he looked at Diko, who opened his arms as if bathed in the four-color light, and murmured absently.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!" Di Zhan, the bronze-skinned man, glared and shook his head and said: "He clearly does not have the aura of my Di family's bloodline, how could... how could he activate the four ancestral bloodlines? Patriarch, this thing is strange, this person must be coming for the ancestral lineage of my Di family, and wants to steal the blood power of my Di family..."

"Shut up!" Before he could finish speaking, Gu Di glanced at him sharply and said coldly.That low shout was like a basin of ice water being poured down on them, causing all the surprised and disbelieving Di family elders to come back to their senses. They all looked at the ancient emperor in surprise and even some eagerness.

It was about the blood of the Di family, how could they not be anxious?You must know that the dignity of the Di family's bloodline is not inferior to that of the Holy Emperor's blood in the divine world. This is also the basis for the Di family's geniuses and strong men to emerge in large numbers, and it is what all the Di family's children value most.

Generally speaking, no matter how good the bloodline talent is, it is very rare to be able to activate an ancestral vein when testing the bloodline, and to get the divine gift of ancestral veins to stimulate one's own bloodline to become more powerful and perfect. As for stimulating two ancestral veins at the same time, the ancient emperor In the history of the world of immortals, demons and monsters, only three of the many descendants of this lineage have achieved this.

The lineage of ancient emperors who inspired the three ancestral veins has never appeared in the entire world of immortals, demons and demons. It seems that there is only one ancestor who has reached the divine world and is amazingly talented and has inspired the three ancestral veins, but he has only heard about it.

As for stimulating the four ancestral veins, it is a legend among legends. Even the elders present are not sure whether it has ever happened before.But now, such a legend has become a reality, and the shock and excitement it brings can be imagined.

"Patriarch...this...what is his origin? Which lineage is he a descendant of? Could it be that he comes from the main sect of the God Realm?" The gray-haired old man in black robe looked at the ancient emperor with a flushed face and asked tremblingly.

"I'm not too sure about his origins." Before he finished speaking, Gu Di shook his head slightly, suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Diko, and at the same time shouted in a low voice: "Get out of the way, everyone."

At the same time, as the dazzling four-color light dimmed, an invisible mysterious aura suddenly spread from the center of Diko's eyebrows, and the surrounding space suddenly became stagnant, as if the space fluctuations had stopped, but the time fluctuations did not. It was extremely chaotic and violent, and then a terrible sense of time and space chaos, making the space in the hall boil like boiling water. The Di family elders only felt an invisible and terrible sense of crisis coming over, their faces changed drastically, and they were all trembling, instinctively. hurriedly stepped back
(End of this chapter)

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