Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 424 Di’s Secret Land

Chapter 424 Di’s Secret Land
The ancient emperor, who was also shocked, looked at the vague shadows of the four divine beasts that vaguely appeared behind Diko. After the figure trembled, he gritted his teeth and swayed, as if he was flying against Diko against the flood, trying to block this invisible figure. The terrifying attack caused clear traces of distortion in the space wherever it passed.
However, the moment he approached Diko, Diko, who was also filled with excitement, suddenly opened his eyes. The invisible fluctuations in his eyes caused the space in front of him to ripple like water, and the ripples approached like a wave. The moment the ancient emperor trembled, he stopped abruptly with a flash of Diko's eyes, and then the violent invisible attack that made the space boil also dissipated in an instant.

The ancient emperor staggered back a step and steadied his figure. He was already covered in cold sweat and looked at Di Ke with a lingering fear. His voice was hoarse and trembling: "Time and space are confused? I didn't expect that you would be able to use the four ancestral veins just after you awakened them." This is the most powerful bloodline magical power in the Chu Di family. It is indeed a magical power that even the God King is afraid of, it is indeed terrifying!"

"Is time and space out of order?" Dico murmured, his misty eyes also became complicated, and then he took a deep breath, and after calming down for a while, he looked at the people around him who were looking at him with complex, shocked, and excited eyes, who also had lingering fears. The elders of the Di family were silent for a moment before looking at the ancient emperor in front of them and asked: "Now, it can be proved that I am a descendant of the Di family, right?"

"Of course! If you can awaken the four major ancestral veins, even in the God Realm, you will become a core member of our Di family. You will have a noble status and have the potential to become a high-ranking member of the Di family and even a god king in the future. If you can awaken the four major ancestral veins, There are very few people in my Di clan who have pure blood. Therefore, there is no doubt that your blood and identity can never be faked." The ancient emperor nodded affirmatively, with obvious excitement and excitement in his tone. The taste of fanaticism.

Diko smiled after hearing this, and turned to look at the bronze-skinned man Di Zhan with a flicker of his eyes. He was still a little dazed when he saw it, and when he faced Diko's half-smiling gaze, his face suddenly turned red. , with an awkward expression on his face, wanting to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

At this time, if he questions Diko again, he will be insulting the intelligence of all the Di family elders present.Just as the ancient emperor said, the main sects of the Di family who can activate the four major ancestral bloodlines when testing bloodlines are very rare in the divine world. Most of the ordinary Di family children cannot activate even one ancestral lineage. The comparison is simply worlds apart.

Just like the bloodline of the Holy Emperor in the God Realm, in the first few generations, the bloodline is still very strong. Even if they cannot become God Kings, the children of the Holy Emperor's bloodline can easily become gods.But as time goes by, the bloodline gradually becomes thinner, and the impact on talent becomes more obvious.

Descendants of the Holy Emperor, those with poor bloodline would find it difficult to become gods even when they reach adulthood.Although the bloodline of the Di family is somewhat special, and is even considered by many in the God Realm to be more powerful than the bloodline of the Holy Emperor, it is normal for the children of the Di family whose bloodline is too thin after many years of reproduction to be unable to awaken their ancestral lineage.

Later, as Di Ke learned more and more about the Di clan, he was surprised to learn that most of the Di clan's children were unable to awaken the bloodline of the four divine beasts.But if you think about it carefully, it seems understandable that in the 2000 trillion years since the birth of Lin Meng's universe, the children of the Di family have continued to multiply, and their bloodline has become so thin that it is difficult to awaken the bloodline of the four divine beasts.

Otherwise, the Di family, which relies on the blood of the four divine beasts, would have many children and strong men after so many years of reproduction!Are other creatures in the God Realm allowed to live, especially the eight holy royal families?

And because Di Ke has 'awakened' the four ancestral lines, his status in the Di family of the ancient emperor's lineage is naturally different. Even the ancient emperor, whose strength he thinks is somewhat unfathomable for the time being, has no respect for him. Very politely, he also got the privilege of being able to enter anywhere in the Di clan.

The secret land of the Di clan of the ancient emperor is located deep in the sea. There is a space gate connected to the world where the Di clan is located. It is an independent plane space that is one and two sides with the Di clan.
In an ancient palace built entirely of dark stone in a dense place, in the dark and vast space inside the palace, looming light flickers, a sharp aura and some violent energy fluctuations permeate the air. Some are vaguely visible, either placed on the stone platform or floating. Weapons in mid-air.

"There are many artifacts. The number of artifacts here is probably not tens of thousands, but several thousand, right? Moreover, there are quite a few mid-grade artifacts, and there are also some high-grade artifacts." Diko, who was in this dark void, finally Now we understand why the Di family's descendants from the ancient emperor's lineage have no shortage of divine weapons.The old man in green robes and green hair who had transformed into a human form from the green dragon on the side said with a kind and gentle smile: "After a long period of multiplication, our Di family has many children, and there are also some who are good at formation restraints and know how to refine weapons. It is easy to refine some artifacts using some rare materials obtained from different universes. However, it is much more difficult to refine artifacts."

"Is there a divine weapon here?" Diko, who raised his brow slightly, looked at the old man Qinglong in green robes with some surprise. When he came to Di's secret place where various divine weapons were stored, Diko only discovered that there were many of them. The divine weapon did not sense the aura of the divine weapon.

"Of course! Although the heavenly artifacts are relatively precious in the God Realm, my Di family's main sect in the God Realm is very powerful and profound in the God Realm, so there is still no shortage of ordinary heavenly artifacts," Qinglong continued: "There is no shortage of ordinary heavenly artifacts in this clan. The secret place was left by a big shot of the main sect, and there are some divine artifacts hidden in this divine treasure hall. However, it takes chance and luck to get them, and only a disciple who is outstanding enough can hope to obtain the divine artifacts."

"Oh? Are there many heavenly artifacts here? In the history of the world of immortals, demons and monsters, how many people have obtained heavenly artifacts?" Diko raised his eyebrows and asked curiously. At the same time, the invisible soul power filled the air, feeling the power in this dark space. Invisible space fluctuations, some special places with special space fluctuations were soon discovered.

"No one knows how many heavenly artifacts there are in the Shenzang Palace. However, in the history of the world of immortals, demons and demons, there are twenty or thirty children of the Di family who have obtained the heavenly artifacts, and there are even three ancestors who have obtained them. Hongmeng Lingbao," Qinglong's words made Di Ke look moved.

Hongmeng Lingbao?In particular, the offensive Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures are very rare even in the God Realm, and ordinary God King experts may not be able to easily come up with a few. There is actually a Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure in the Divine Treasure Hall in Di's Secret Land?

"What level of Hongmeng Lingbao is it? A third-rate Hongmeng Lingbao?" Di Kelian asked. Qinglong was also surprised when he heard it: "You actually know the level of Hongmeng Lingbao? Hongmeng Lingbao is very rare and rare. The history of the world of immortals, demons and monsters Among the Hongmeng Lingbao obtained by the three ancestors of Shangdi family, two are third-rate Hongmeng Lingbao, and one is a second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao.”

"Is there actually a second-rate Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure?" Di Ke became more and more surprised upon hearing this, secretly thinking that the Di clan seems to have a transcendent status in the God Realm, and their heritage cannot be underestimated. Second-rate Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures are casually placed in the world of immortals, demons and monsters. In this cosmic space, the Secret God's Palace of the Di branch is not afraid of wasting natural resources, right?

You know, most of the weapons used by the God-Kings are nothing more than second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao.Among the top-grade heavenly artifacts refined by the craftsman Che Houyuan, the ones with the best quality and the most powerful power are comparable to the second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao. The vast majority of the top-grade heavenly artifacts are only as powerful as the third-rate Hongmeng Lingbao, or even worse. Where is the third-rate Hongmeng Lingbao!
In other words, in the world of immortals, demons and monsters, the third-rate Hongmeng Lingbao that the ancestors of the Di family once obtained, no matter how poor the quality is, is still a divine weapon at the level of a top-grade heavenly artifact. In the world of gods, it is enough to make many high-level gods greedy.

"The ancient emperor seems to have said that I can pick three divine weapons at will in this divine treasure hall, right? So even if I pick three Hongmeng spiritual treasures, it will be no problem, right?" Di, whose mind was spinning Ke, suddenly looked at Qinglong with a flash of eyes and a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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