Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 425 Picking the Divine Weapon

Chapter 425 Picking the Divine Weapon

After hearing this, Qinglong was stunned for a moment. Faced with Diko's burning eyes, he nodded and said "Yes" with a smile, but he couldn't help but secretly cursed in his heart: "You still want to get three Hongmeng spiritual treasures? You What do you think the Hongmeng Lingbao is? It can be obtained so easily? If there is not enough opportunity, even if you are lucky enough to get the Hongmeng Lingbao, it is hard to say whether you can deny the main refining!"

"Dike, that's what I said, but in the history of the world of immortals, demons and monsters, even those elite disciples who have awakened an ancestral line basically only have one or two more good artifacts, and can obtain low-grade heavenly weapons. The artifacts are all lucky. If you want to get Hongmeng Lingbao..." Qinglonglian shook his head slightly and smiled and reminded: "So I advise you, don't expect too much. I can get one that suits you. The divine weapon used is already excellent."

"The Heavenly Artifact? Although the Heavenly Artifact in the Divine Treasure Hall is well hidden, I can still find it," Diko shook his head and smiled noncommittally. His figure disappeared into the dark void in the distance, and he stretched out his hand to explore. Entering the space in front of him, as if he were reaching into the water to fish for something, ripples appeared in the space around the disappearing palm and forearm, and then Dico took out an inconspicuous black long sword in the dark void. Come.

"I didn't expect that you could take out this heavenly artifact so easily. It seems that you have a deep understanding of the laws of space," Qinglong, who then flew over and looked at this scene with some surprise, couldn't help but said: "You should be able to get most of the heavenly artifacts collected in the Shenzang Temple. However, you can only choose three. I suggest that in addition to the attack and defense heavenly artifacts, it is best to choose one. It is a heavenly artifact that can assist in self-protection and escape. Otherwise, if you encounter danger and trouble in the God Realm and cannot escape, the heavenly artifact in your hand will also become someone else's trophy."

"Can you please stop saying such unlucky words?" Diko coughed slightly and looked at Qinglong speechlessly. He threw the long black sword into the dark void in front of him and let it disappear into thin air. Then it disappeared again. It flew deeper into the dark void.

Next, after sensing and investigating all the way, Diko took out a lot of heavenly artifacts to play with, put back more than ten low-grade heavenly artifacts, and even gave up three mid-grade heavenly artifacts, and finally managed to hide in one place with some difficulty He tore apart the space in the tightly sealed void and pulled out a broken knife.

"A broken high-grade divine weapon?" Ningmei looked at the dark red sword in his hand, which was only one and a half feet long, and the handle alone was almost half a foot long. Diko couldn't help but be speechless. He had no interest in picking up tatters, even if it was a A damaged high-grade artifact.

"Huh? This knife doesn't seem to have been cut off. Could it be that it was cast like this?" Diko, who was about to throw it back, took a closer look at the 'break' of the broken knife, and saw that the break was slightly It was rough, as if it had fine spikes, and there was a hint of violent aura emanating from it, causing the surrounding space to become turbulent, and traces of subtle fluctuations appearing in the space.

Diko, who narrowed his eyes lightly, immediately raised his brows after dripping blood to identify his master: "The name of the sword is 'Duan Kong', and it has the special auxiliary effect of 'shattering'? It turned out to be an excellent top-grade divine weapon! Compared to the General God The 'Can Xue' divine spear that Che Houyuan left behind in the Mi Temple is probably only inferior, and should be comparable to some third-rate Hongmeng spiritual treasures of excellent quality."

The so-called crushing means crushing space.Since space can be shattered, if it falls on the opponent, the result can be imagined.If the defense is not strong enough, I am afraid that it will be shattered into pieces in an instant.

"In the history of the world of immortals, demons and monsters, even if the Di family's ancestors were talented evildoers, there were only a handful of people who were able to obtain top-grade heavenly artifacts in this divine treasure hall," Qinglong looked at the side. As Diko recognized the master of the top-grade divine weapon 'Duan Kong' with blood, he couldn't help but say with a somewhat complicated expression.

"This top-grade heavenly artifact is not bad, so I will choose it first for the time being," said Diko, who turned over his hand and put away the magic sword 'Duan Kong'. He carefully sensed and inspected it, and soon discovered several top-grade artifacts one after another. Almost all of the Celestial Artifacts are attacking Celestial Artifacts. There are no special Celestial Artifacts and no auxiliary effects. The only relatively precious high-grade Celestial Artifact Armor was discarded by Diko.

Seeing Di Ke continue to fly into the depths of the dark void, trying to get the Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure, Qinglong couldn't help but frown when he saw him giving up the top-grade divine artifact armor. He couldn't help but say: "His Majesty the Ancient Emperor's inherited divine armor is just It’s just a mid-grade divine weapon with special defense and attack effects. Even if it’s an extremely rare high-quality mid-grade divine weapon, it’s only comparable to this high-grade divine weapon armor. You just give up like that?”

"Even if you can get a Hongmeng Lingbao, in terms of power and use, it may not be better than this set of high-grade magical armor! I'm afraid there is only one high-grade heavenly artifact armor in the entire Shenzang Temple," Qinglong couldn't understand. Dicko's thoughts. "Look again, what if I come across a Hongmeng Lingbao that is more suitable for me!" Diko said with a noncommittal smile. He was betting that there was a better Hongmeng Lingbao in the Shenzang Palace.As long as you can find a second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao, you will make a lot of money.If you can find an auxiliary Hongmeng Lingbao that suits you, it will be of greater use than attacking the Hongmeng Lingbao.

With that said, Diko continued to fly forward, and soon he came to a void with a faint dark red color. He saw that the space in front of him was a little blurry, which made Diko narrow his eyes slightly and closed his eyes. After taking a closer look, he frowned.

"Strange, this space is obviously not normal. Why doesn't it seem that there is no hiding space?" Di Ke looked at the dark red blur in front of him with an eyebrow. Just when he was surprised and confused, he suddenly felt a sudden surge of heat in his body, and then only He saw a crystal-like crimson bead surrounded by flames flying out of his body. It was the third-rate Hongmeng Lingbao Flowing Flame Bead that he had previously obtained from the ninth level of Niyang Realm's ninth heaven.

The moment the flame beads flew out automatically, they illuminated the dark red blurry void in front of them, and at the same time, it also made the blurry space distort...
The next moment, Diko felt that the light in front of him became more and more dazzling. In the blink of an eye, time and space changed, and a sea of ​​fire appeared in front of him. The surging hot breath rushed towards his face. Even if there were flowing flame beads to resist it, Diko still felt that his whole body was burning. It hurt, and I subconsciously narrowed my eyes.

"Floating Flame Bead" With a thought, Diko directly controlled the Flowing Flame Bead to turn into magma fluid and wrap around his body, turning it into a set of flame armor.

"Huh?" Diko, who was wearing the flame armor made of flowing flame beads and could easily withstand the blazing heat, also keenly felt the friendly atmosphere deep in the sea of ​​fire in front of him: "Is there anything hidden in this sea of ​​fire? ? What can make the Flowing Flame Pearl react like this... could it be other fire-attributed Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures?"

Thinking of this, Diko stepped into the sea of ​​fire without hesitation. Using his kind breath sensing, he soon saw a crimson bracelet suspended in the increasingly powerful flames. No, to be precise, it seemed to be A ring that has grown several sizes larger.

"Ring? This thing shouldn't be a Hongmeng Lingbao born innately. Could it be a Hongmeng Lingbao refined the day after tomorrow?" When he saw the ring, Diko raised his eyebrows and stepped forward without hesitation. He reached out and grabbed it in his hand.

In an instant, I felt like I had grabbed a piece of Dicko like a red-hot iron. Even though it was a glove made of flowing flame beads, I still felt a burning pain in my palm. I frowned slightly, and then my gaze With a determined thought, the glove in his hand quietly disappeared.

"Hissing" The burning pain became more and more terrifying in an instant, causing Dico, who was shaking all over, to take a deep breath and almost instinctively throw out the ring the size of a baby's fist in his hand.

And just when the ring burned the flesh of Dico's palm and soaked it with Dico's blood, the scorching heat on the ring disappeared instantly, followed by a warm touch and a connection like blood. intimacy.

(End of this chapter)

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