Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 426 The Mysterious Crystal

Chapter 426 The Mysterious Crystal
"Eh? Have you recognized the owner now?" Diko was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that it would be so easy to recognize the owner of this ring, and almost half of it was refined in the blink of an eye, as if it was imminent. Actively cooperate with Diko in refining.

At the same time, after being stained with blood and recognizing its owner, some information about this ring also poured into Di Ke's mind: "The second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao Red Flame Ring is not only a space artifact, but also contains a nearly infinite space, and also has powerful The realm of red flames can influence, control or even suppress space?"

"What a powerful Red Flame Ring. It is simply an evolved version of the Black Flame Lord's Ring, and it is much more powerful than the Black Flame Lord's Ring." Diko was a little surprised, and at the same time he was also filled with excitement and surprise. This Red Flame Ring is exactly the same. It is the most suitable auxiliary Hongmeng Lingbao for him, especially before he becomes the God King. With the help of the red flame ring's domain power, he will be able to compete with the God King in the future.

At the same time, Diko, who was holding the Red Flame Ring, also found that the sea of ​​fire around him disappeared, and he returned to the dark void before. The void that was originally glowing with a faint dark red color had returned to normal. Dark state.

"Is this...did you really get the Hongmeng Lingbao?" Qinglong came to the side at some point and looked at the dark red inconspicuous ring in Di Ke's hand that had turned into a normal size and had a restrained light. He couldn't help but be a little surprised. road.

"There should be more than just this Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure here, right? How many are there?" Diko, who was noncommittal, looked at the dark void around him and asked with a smile.

Qinglong, who was suffocated upon hearing this, shook his head and said: "I don't know about this. If you have the ability, you can find it slowly. However, except for the high-grade divine artifact 'Duan Kong' and this ring, No matter how many Hongmeng spiritual treasures you find here, you can only choose one more in the end."

"Can I choose one more?" Ningmei glanced at Qinglong's Diko helplessly, and then closed his eyes. He was too lazy to investigate slowly, because he found that with his keen soul perception and understanding With the sense of space, it is easy to find those hidden heavenly artifacts, but it is not that simple to find these Hongmeng spiritual treasures that are hidden deeper.

Therefore, Diko directly released his powerful willpower with a thought, and the more special and powerful invisible power of will swept away like a tide. Almost instantly, whether it was the twisted space or the deeper hidden superposition in the Shenzang Temple, Space and other means of hiding are all invisible and quickly revealed under Dick's will.
"One, two... On November 30, there are hundreds of low-grade heavenly artifacts, more than a hundred mid-grade heavenly artifacts, and even more than [-] high-grade heavenly artifacts, and there are more than ten Hongmeng spiritual treasures, and I feel the aura "Strong or weak, there should be several second-rate Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures." Di Ke was really shocked. There are so many heavenly artifacts and Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures, even if they are the treasure trove of a certain Holy Emperor in the God Realm. That’s all, right?Wouldn't it be a waste of resources to stay in the Di family branch in the world of immortals, demons and monsters?

"Or is it that this branch of the Di family in the world of immortals, demons and monsters is special, or is it more powerful than I expected?" Dike's mind was spinning, and then he suddenly noticed something, and his whole body was agitated. The excited soul suddenly felt a trembling feeling: "This... what is this?"

During Diko's will investigation, he finally clearly felt that in the very depths of this dark void, in the deeply hidden interlayer of space, there was actually a transparent, dark and inconspicuous crystal that flickered from time to time. Shining with brilliant colored light... The moment Dico's willpower touched the crystal, an invisible wave of influence filled his soul with the desire for the crystal like a hunger.

"What on earth is it? It can have such a strong impact on my soul? It's like a beggar who has been hungry for several days sees delicious food. Hongmeng Lingbao? A soul-like Hongmeng Lingbao? But why can't I sense a trace of Hongmeng? The breath of spiritual energy?" Diko, who was startled in his heart, suddenly opened his eyes. After a sudden change in his expression, he finally couldn't hold it back, and his figure flew towards the depths of the dark void.

"Dico..." Qinglong hurriedly followed, watching Dico fly for a moment before slowing down. He looked towards the dark void ahead with blazing eyes, and couldn't help but frown and said: "What did you find?" No. Diko, who was paying attention to him, looked at the empty dark void in front of him. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it, but couldn't catch anything. He couldn't help but stare at him, and the shock and surprise in his heart became even stronger, because he clearly sensed it with his will. The dark crystal was right in front of me, but I couldn't see it or grasp it.

"A nothingness? Can only be felt by the power of will? What on earth is this?" Dico, who was muttering in his heart, also had a headache. How to take away something that cannot be touched?Could it be using soul power?
Thinking of the power of the soul, Diko's mind moved, and the invisible power of the soul surged out like a tide. The moment it touched the dark crystal, the originally silent crystal suddenly became dazzling, accompanied by the flowing colorful light. , an invisible surge of power was released instantly, causing Diko, whose expression changed, to feel suffocated instantly, and his soul consciousness was instantly stunned as if it had been impacted by a torrent.

The next moment, Diko, who had been in a trance and came back to his senses, felt that his consciousness was extremely clear, and his soul seemed to contain a surging and powerful mysterious power, which made the soul seem to have a solid foundation and become difficult to shake. General.

At the same time, Diko also clearly discovered that his perception of everything around him, especially the fluctuations in space, seemed to be much clearer all of a sudden. It was as if the sun was shining through the clouds, and it seemed that the fluctuations of the soul were at the same frequency as the fluctuations of space. He felt the space The rules are so easy to follow.

"How could this happen? What is that crystal stone? It just ran into my mind without any information. Isn't it Hongmeng Lingbao?" The change in the soul made Diko confused and filled with doubts. Lin Meng Universe Is there such a special treasure in the world?He couldn't understand it for a while.

"Such a treasure, I'm afraid only Lin Lei, who is the master of Lin Meng's universe, can find it." Di Ke's eyes narrowed as he thought, "But why is it placed in this secret place of Di's family, an ancient emperor of the world of immortals, demons, and monsters?" Where is the Divine Treasure Hall? Is this branch of the Di family really so special? Or is this all prepared for me? Do you want me to grow up faster, or is there some other reason?"

"Hey...Diko, what's wrong with you?" Qinglong on the side saw Diko's 'weird' reaction and waved to him in confusion.

After hearing Qinglong's voice, Diko reacted with excitement. Seeing Qinglong's suspicious expression, he couldn't help but smile: "It's nothing, I just didn't expect that the Hongmeng Lingbao here is hidden so deeply. I thought I had found another item, but when I got closer, I realized that it seemed that my sensing was wrong, or that although I had found something, I didn’t know how to get it.”

"Well, maybe it's because you have no chance with me and you can't force it!" Diko, who pretended to sigh helplessly, was about to turn around and go back when Qinglong beside him suddenly smiled and said: "In that case, how about you Just choose that set of high-grade heavenly artifact armor and make up for three pieces! If you can get one Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure and two high-grade heavenly artifacts, what you gain in the Shenzang Palace is also the only part of my Di family. ”

"Uh" Hearing this, he looked at Dike of Qinglong in slight shock. His expression was strange and he didn't know what to say for a moment. Can he choose another one?
So should I choose another Hongmeng Lingbao?Diko, who was thinking so greedily and shamelessly, finally gave up the idea.After all, if your identity is exposed in the future, if you are greedy for some of the treasures accumulated by the younger generations, it will really damage your image!

(End of this chapter)

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