Chapter 427
In the end, Diko took away the armor, which was considered very precious among the top-grade artifacts.

Defensive artifacts have always been rarer than offensive artifacts because refining them is more complicated and troublesome.Therefore, even if this set of high-grade heavenly artifact armor has no special effects, its level alone is no less than that of some high-grade attack artifacts with special effects.

Among the gods at the upper level of the God Realm, although most of them have some strength and status, they can get a high-grade offensive main artifact. However, those who have a high-grade defensive main artifact are very few and rare. Too much.

"You came to the Shen Zang Palace this time and took away two precious high-grade heavenly artifacts and an even more mysterious Hongmeng Lingbao. I'm afraid His Majesty the Ancient Emperor will be heartbroken when he finds out about it," after leaving the Shen Zang Palace , Qinglong couldn't help but said.

After hearing this, Di Ke looked at him with a slightly strange expression and said, "You asked me to get that top-grade divine artifact armor!"

".." Hearing this, Qinglong was suffocated and looked at Diko speechlessly. After a moment of silence, he said: "We have chosen the artifact, are you going to leave next?"

"It's not easy for me to come to this Di's secret place. I just entered the Shenzang Temple and haven't seen much yet. Why should I leave in a hurry? Or, are there any other good things here? I'm afraid Will I be taken away too?" Dico asked with a joking smile.

Qinglong smiled: "Of course there are good things, but whether you can get more benefits depends on you. Let's go! I will take you to see the most beautiful things in Di's Secret Land besides the Shenzang Palace first. It is important, and it is also a place where almost every descendant of the Di family will go."

"Oh? What kind of place is it that can be compared with the Shen Zang Temple?" Diko immediately became energetic after hearing this, and couldn't help but asked curiously.

Qinglong, who smiled slightly mysteriously, did not explain anything more, but took Diko directly away from the Shenzang Palace and flew towards the outskirts of the palace complex where the Shenzang Palace was located.

Before coming to this secret place, Di Ke and Qinglong came directly to the square outside the Shenzang Hall through the plane gate, so he didn't know what the other places in the Di's secret place were like. People were in mid-air. He looked at the large number of palaces that were sent down, and couldn't help frowning: "What are these palaces?"

"They are just ordinary palaces. They are places for temporary residence and meditation. There is nothing special. Among these palaces, only the Shenzang Palace is special," Qinglong said casually.

"A place to live and meditate?" Diko frowned when he heard this: "It seems to me that no one lives here! Could it be that many people once lived or practiced here?"

"Haha... this is just a place for temporary residence and retreat. It is naturally very quiet at ordinary times," Qinglong said with a noncommittal smile and took Diko away from the large palace complex and came to a wilderness. .

Looking at the fog in front of him, he couldn't see the situation in the distance at all. Even the sky was a little gray. Diko couldn't help but look at him with a look of surprise: "Is this... the formation restriction of the God Realm?"

"That's right! It's the God's Restriction! However, the large-scale God's Restriction here is somewhat different from the real God's Restriction. It is more mysterious and special," Qinglong nodded and smiled. "Isn't it just a psychedelic formation restriction? What kind of special method?" Diko turned to look at Qinglong and asked. He now has some attainments in the formations of the God Realm. Naturally, he can see the psychedelic formation restriction in front of him. In fact, It is somewhat similar to the God's Restriction outside the Temple of Mystery.At least, on the surface, he couldn't see anything special about it.

"Yes, it is indeed a psychedelic restriction," Qinglong nodded and said immediately: "However, these restrictions are not to trap people or prevent people from entering. On the contrary, many of my Di family's children are eager to enter it and do not have enough talent. And the strength is yet to come!”

"Really? Everyone is eager to come here. Is there any treasure hidden in this psychedelic restriction?" Dico asked with an interested smile.

"It's something more precious than treasures," Qinglong said with a smile and suddenly asked: "What do you think is the most attractive thing for cultivators besides getting magical weapons and treasures?"

"That's naturally an improvement in strength and realm." Diko said subconsciously, and then his expression changed: "Could it be...that this place can assist in cultivation? The psychedelic restriction... psychedelic. Could it be that this psychedelic restriction can also guide Is it possible for people to realize and improve their soul realm?”

"Oh? Did you guess it?" Qinglong raised his eyebrows slightly, then nodded and smiled: "That's right! This is indeed a treasure land to assist in cultivation. It can guide people to understand the way of heaven and improve their soul realm. Therefore, the value of existence here is actually not as high as The Shen Zang Palace is much inferior. In a sense, this is where the Di family’s true heritage lies, and it is also the basis for the Di family to remain strong and produce numerous talents.”

"No wonder, no wonder! I asked why there are so many strong people in the Di family. Several of those elders have condensed the soul golden elixir, and their soul realm has reached the level of a god. It seems that it is not only the influence of blood, but also the cultivation in this place. The treasure land is the key." Diko, who was suddenly enlightened, couldn't help but asked curiously: "To be able to leave such a treasure land for cultivation, he must not only have great attainments in formations, but also have a high level of strength. Could it be that, and leaving behind Is it the same person from the Shenzang Palace? Is he the powerful God King from the Di clan in the God Realm?"

"I'm not sure about this," Qinglong shook his head and smiled: "But it seems that they are not the same person. The one who left behind this special psychedelic forbidden cultivation treasure land, the Di family in the God Realm seems to have a higher status and a more transcendent status. Some."

Listening to Qinglong playing riddles here, Diko was too lazy to ask any more questions. He squinted at the foggy wilderness in front of him and said, "Can I go in and feel the specialness of this treasured cultivation place?"

"Of course, with your status and level of cultivation, you are naturally qualified to go in and practice," Qinglong simply nodded and said with a smile, "Do you want to go in now?"

"You have already aroused my interest. Do you think I can wait until the next time I have time to come over?" Diko rolled his eyes and Qinglong said angrily, and then said: "If I go in, I will stay here." It will take a long time. Please ask Mo Le to inform my wife for me, so that she will not worry about me practicing in seclusion. By the way, she is on the Hidden Emperor Star."

"Okay, I get it! The talented and elite disciples of my Di family usually spend a long time here for the first time to practice. Moreover, the more talented and understanding they are, the longer they will stay. But it's hard work Even though they need to be repaired, it is enough to make them reborn," Qinglong, who nodded and smiled, reminded again: "So, you have to be mentally prepared. I think you will probably stay in there for a long time."

"Then I want to see how long this treasured land of cultivation can allow me to stay there, and to what level it can improve my soul realm and law understanding." Diko smiled with interest, but he didn't show any interest. Hesitantly, he dodged directly into the misty wilderness ahead.

The next moment, Dico, who seemed to be in a sea of ​​fog, soon found that the surrounding scene had changed. In an instant, the fog turned into flames, and the sea of ​​fog also turned into a sea of ​​fire. However, Dico suddenly found that he had become a sea of ​​fire. Like a cluster of flames, it changes with other flames in the sea of ​​fire.
Diko, who was immersed in it and felt the various mysterious changes in the way of flames, was actually very clear-headed due to his strong will. He could clearly feel that his soul consciousness was constantly comprehending the most suitable thing under the influence of invisible forces. The mystery of your own way...
(End of this chapter)

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