Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 428 Breakthrough, Suzaku

Chapter 428 Breakthrough, Suzaku
In the mist-shrouded wilderness, Diko was walking slowly. Nothing changed except for the surging mist. But with his eyes closed, he could clearly feel the mystery of various fire ways, and he suddenly transformed into a fire fighter. Into a drop of magma, a thunder fire...
In short, as he transformed into various flame states, Diko became more and more clearly aware of the various mysteries of the Way of Flame. Naturally, the realm of his soul also increased, and he even unknowingly touched it with the help of the various mysteries of the Way of Flame. The laws of space, and even some confusing changes in fire-attribute formations are clearly understood.

Time passed quietly. I don’t know how long it had passed. Diko was immersed in various mysteries and slowly forgot everything. Suddenly he came back to his senses and felt the hot breath blowing towards his face. The surroundings were no longer there. Instead, the misty wilderness turned into a crimson sea. The fiery red and viscous water like magma caused ripples. The red mist rising from the sea was filled with terrible heat, like steaming water vapor.

"This is..." Diko was stunned for a moment, carefully looking at the sea below, and soon his face showed surprise: "This sea water is actually real? Such pure fire energy! Di's Where exactly is the plane where the secret place is located? How could there be such a place? Could it be that such a pure and powerful mass of fire-attributed energy is the origin of a plane or the universe?"

"But there should be only one largest origin of the universe in the entire Linmeng universe. It is said that there will be no other places where the energy of the origin gathers, so why does such a place exist?" Di Ke frowned and was filled with doubts. This place reminded him of The ocean of laws of the Panlong world and the origin of the original universe that swallowed the world.

"It is definitely a big deal to be able to create such a place. I am afraid that even the God King Tianzun may not have this ability. Who left this place? Romon?" Diko, with twinkling eyes, secretly guessed in his heart. : "Why is the place of cultivation connected here?"

Diko, who was wondering in his heart, soon found that he was wrapped in the surging red mist, and the red mist seemed to be invisiblely attracted, and actually took the initiative to get into his body...
"Hiss" Dicko trembled and took a breath. He felt a little hot and painful all over his body. The next moment, pure and hot energy quickly invaded his body, causing his stimulated body to begin to absorb the energy crazily. The energy began to improve like a transformation, and quickly reached the peak of the cosmic level at a speed that could be felt.

But then, the bottleneck of the Territory Lord level seemed to be unable to hinder Diko in the slightest. Soon he successfully entered the Territory Lord realm. The black hole at the core of the huge spiral galaxy in the Dantian in his body suddenly erupted with terrifying energy. The swallowing suction force swallowed up the vortex nebula formed by absorbing a large amount of Hongmeng energy in the Hongmeng space. After absorbing a lot of Hongmeng energy from the Hongmeng space in one breath, it finally completely transformed and collapsed, and finally turned into an inconspicuous gray. Misty sphere—singularity!
This singularity is the core of life of a Domain Lord-level powerhouse, the thing that will give birth to a world in the future.Therefore, after a seemingly tiny and inconspicuous singularity was formed in Diko's dantian, the surrounding space became faintly distorted, and it was also vaguely connected to the Hongmeng space, absorbing the Hongmeng space at a faster speed than before. The energy within began the gestation of a world
During this breakthrough, in the process of the soul-shaking black hole transforming into a singularity, Dicko's soul also underwent transformation. Only after the breakthrough was over did Dicko react and feel the realm of the soul, and discovered the soul in his mind. After the Nascent Soul, she couldn't help but be shocked. After such a breakthrough in understanding, her soul realm directly reached the level of a god?It is indeed a treasured place for cultivation in Di’s Secret Land!
However, Di Ke also understood that the rapid advancement of his soul realm, in addition to the previous immersion in enlightenment, was mainly due to the breakthrough in cultivation and the transformation and improvement brought about by the birth of the singularity.

"Is this how I became a god? I haven't survived the divine tribulation yet, and I haven't ascended to the divine realm yet!" Diko suddenly felt unreal when he suddenly thought of this.

"Who said that only by surviving the divine calamity can one ascend to the divine realm?" The sudden voice came to mind, causing Dicko's face to change slightly and he looked up. He saw a huge vortex suddenly appearing in the endless sea of ​​fire in front of him, and at the same time, dazzling flames. The light lit up, and a huge bird bathed in flames flew out.

Seeing the slightly thin bird with beautiful feathers and noble temperament like a phoenix, Dike was stunned for a moment, and was a little surprised and said: "Suzaku?"

"Unexpectedly, you actually know my identity," accompanied by the loud and majestic sweet voice echoed over the endless sea of ​​fire. The next moment, as the surging flames and terrifying hot breath converged, the huge bird bathed in the fire also quickly The one shrunk and transformed into a tall woman with long red hair and wearing a dark red embroidered skirt.The tall woman with dark red sword eyebrows and eyes like two miniature stars was suspended in mid-air, like the incarnation of flames. Her aura was faintly integrated with the endless sea of ​​fire, which made Diko confused for a moment. It's hard to see through her.

"It seems that the Di family has really produced an extraordinary talent. He was able to come here and use the energy of the Sea of ​​Fire to break through and step into the realm of gods. You don't even have the cultivation level of a god, but you can step into it in one fell swoop. Entering the realm of gods, your innate understanding is really quite demonic. Moreover, your cultivation method seems to be a bit special!" The tall woman who looked at Diko with interest, frowned slightly as she spoke, as if she was a little confused.

"Are you responsible for guarding this place?" Diko asked timidly with a flash of his eyes.

"You can say that," the tall woman said with a noncommittal smile: "Since you know my identity, just call me Zhuque. Being able to come here means that you are outstanding enough and will definitely become a real high-ranking member of the Di family in the future. Therefore, some You are qualified to know."

"You must have guessed something. In fact, this place is the most important place for Di's lineage in the world of immortals, demons and monsters, and it is also the meaning of the existence of the ancient emperor's lineage. If it weren't for this place, Di's family would not have to let anyone go. An important branch is located in the cosmic space where the world of immortals, demons and monsters is located, turning this place into the territory of the Di family," Suzaku said and continued: "Although ordinary people can't find it here and can't break in, there are still people who can discover or even break in. Enter, that's why I stay here. With the power of the Sea of ​​Origin, even if the God King comes here, he can only be suppressed by me."

"Suppress the God King?" When Diko heard this, his eyes suddenly narrowed and he looked moved. He had already heard some meaning from Suzaku's words. This Suzaku should not be the God King, but he could suppress the God King with the help of the power here. Then one can imagine how powerful this sea of ​​origin is.Moreover, Suzaku was talking about the sea of ​​origin, not the sea of ​​fire as mentioned before. Could it be...
"By being able to come here, you have the opportunity to obtain an important treasure from my Di family." Diko's heart moved when he heard what Zhuque said next. Seeing the serious look on Suzaku's face when he spoke, he couldn't help but feel... He muttered: "Di's most important treasure? What could it be? A first-class Hongmeng spiritual treasure? Or the rumored Tianzun spiritual treasure that only Tianzun has?"

"What important treasure?" Diko asked curiously, but Suzaku said: "Don't worry! You will know it when you see it, come with me!"

Suzaku said as he dived toward the sea in front of him. The space he passed was slightly distorted, and the sea water automatically separated to form a channel that extended to the depths of the seabed. This also attracted Dicko to follow him out of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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