Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 429: Heavy Treasure Divine Armor

Chapter 429: Heavy Treasure Divine Armor
In the deep undersea passage leading to an unknown land, Diko, who was following Suzaku, couldn't help but curiously asked: "By the way, you said before that you don't have to survive the divine tribulation in order to ascend to the divine realm, right? ?”

"That's right! The divine tribulation is just the opportunity given by the rules of the universe to practitioners to ascend to the divine realm. It is not an unchangeable rule. Otherwise, the matter of the entire universe's thunder and punishment and transcending the tribulation will not be left to the eight major powers of the divine world. The Zhou family of Northwest Thunder Punishment City, one of the Holy Royal families, is in charge." Suzaku, who glanced at Di Ke, said calmly: "Of course, the so-called transcendence of tribulation and ascension are not fixed rules, and there is room for manipulation. As long as If the soul realm is sufficient, it is not difficult to transform the energy in the body. Now that you have become a god or even a god, what is the difficulty in ascending to the divine realm?"

"Understood! Even after transcending the tribulation and ascending, energy must be transformed when you reach the God Realm. And even if you don't transcend the tribulation, you can still go to the God Realm with help or through fixed space passages. The premise is that you can withstand the violence of the God Realm. The influence of the divine energy," Diko nodded suddenly.

While they were talking, the two of them moved forward for a long time. Diko faintly felt that the flame energy in the surrounding seawater seemed to be becoming more pure and terrifying. He couldn't help but frown and asked: "Where are we going? From the Sea of ​​Fire. deep?"

"No, to be precise, it is the core of the Origin Sea, and it is also the place where the important treasure I mentioned is stored," Suzaku said, shaking his head slightly.

"Since it is an important treasure, why must it be placed here? Who left this important treasure? Is it the leader of the Di family? Or" Di Ke asked curiously.

However, before he could finish speaking, Suzaku looked helpless and said: "You have so many questions! Well! It's okay to tell you. The reason why that important treasure was placed in the Sea of ​​Origin is because it needs the help of the Sea of ​​Origin. Nourish it with its original energy so that its power becomes stronger. As for who left this important treasure, I can’t tell you yet.”

Hearing what Suzaku said, Diko couldn't help but feel depressed and speechless. At the same time, he couldn't help but his eyes flickered and he became more and more curious: "Do you need to use the original energy of the sea of ​​origin to nourish you? Isn't this the refining artifact and the main artifact in the world of Panlong? The method? Could it be that the person who left that precious treasure is the same person who created this sea of ​​origin? Does this sea of ​​origin exist just to nurture that mysterious treasure?"

"Can my blood-refined magic weapon grow faster with the help of the energy nourished here?" Then he thought of this Diko, looking at the sea water around him that had turned dark red but was filled with more and more power. , I couldn’t help but feel hot.Maybe, if possible, I should stay here to practice for a while.

Just as he was thinking about it, Dico suddenly felt that the energy fluctuations around him had changed. He subconsciously looked up and saw that at the end of a dark red field in front of him, there were some mottled colors, as if colorful paints were mixed together and blended into each other. General...
At the same time, Diko also felt more and more clearly the energy auras of various attributes such as water, metal, and wood. Just like the aura of the sea of ​​fire, it seemed that there were also seas of water and gold in this space. Wait, and the front is where all the seas of original energy meet.

"No wonder it is said to be the Sea of ​​Origin. It turns out that it is really the place where all the origin energy in the universe gathers, just like the energy of the origin of the universe is revealed." Diko, who was thinking, followed Suzaku under a shield of invisible fire energy. Under the protection, they soon approached the core of the original sea ahead, where all kinds of original energy gathered.

However, after the various source energies gathered and blended, the original brilliant colors turned into gray mist-like energy, a bit like Hongmeng spiritual energy, but without the breath of Hongmeng spiritual energy, but the invisible surging fluctuations are still frightening. .

"Is that the heavy treasure you are talking about?" Then, as the gray mist-like energy floated, Diko quickly caught an inconspicuous figure in the gray mist with keen eyesight. No, to be precise, it was A set of gray armor, armor that seals the whole body.

"That's right! That's the treasure nurtured in the Origin Sea, a treasure more precious than any Hongmeng spiritual treasure," Suzaku nodded.

"You said I have a chance to get it? How can I get it? Under the cover of that gray energy, I'm afraid I can't even get close," Diko asked with a frown, although the gray energy might It is not as scary as the Hongmeng energy in Hongmeng space, but it is definitely not something that can be touched easily.Suzaku smiled noncommittally: "With your strength as a god and the protection of the Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure, it is no problem to get close to that divine armor. It just depends on whether the divine armor can recognize you and allow you to recognize it as its master and refine it. You’re out of luck.”

"So, the divine armor has a spirit, but if you want it to recognize it, do you need some special conditions?" Di Ke looked at Suzaku thoughtfully, knowing that he had the Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure with Suzaku's unfathomable strength. Not surprising.After all, Suzaku can control this sea of ​​origin. Who knows what special abilities she has here?

"I don't know what the conditions are, but some very evil and outstanding disciples of the Di family have come here and made various attempts, but they have never been able to obtain this valuable treasure." Suzaku shook his head and paused. Then he continued: "Among them are several divine kings of the Di family."

"Can't even the God King recognize its master?" Diko looked a little surprised and became solemn, feeling more and more that this divine armor should have been left by Luo Meng, or even by Lin Lei.

"How many god-kings does the Di family have?" Then Diko couldn't help but asked more questions out of curiosity. Suzaku also smiled noncommittally and said: "This is Di family's secret. You will naturally know it in the future."

Diko, who smiled helplessly after hearing this, couldn't help but said: "Even the God King can't recognize his master, do you think I can?"

"What, do you want to just give up?" Suzaku raised his eyebrows and looked at Diko and asked. Diko was suffocated when he heard this, but he frowned and looked at the divine armor looming in the gray mist in front of him, and then took a deep breath. The flame armor formed by the flowing flame beads appeared on his body, and his whole person seemed to have turned into a flame god, flying directly towards the gray mist floating in front.

As soon as he entered the gray and foggy area, Dico felt stagnant, as if he was stuck in a quagmire. The energy of the gray fog seemed to be light and airy, but it was unusually thick and heavy, filled with invisible restraining and suppressing power. , making it difficult for Dicko to move as if he was carrying a mountain on his back.

The invisible oppressive force made Dico feel tight all over. The pressure seemed to penetrate and affect his soul, making him unable to help but frown. His whole body seemed to be swimming in a torrent, moving towards the gray mist. The inconspicuous gray armor trudged away in the mist
But soon, Dico felt a cool energy spread from his mind, and then the gray mist around him also gathered as if being stimulated. He even ignored the obstruction of the flame armor on his body and began to Difficulties continued to penetrate into Dicko's body
"Not good..." Dicko felt a sting all over his body, as if his whole body was being penetrated and melted. He suddenly realized that there was something bad about him and he wanted to use all his strength to use the Flowing Flame Pearl to resist the gray energy that invaded his body.

But at this moment, an invisible devouring force suddenly burst out in his mind, absorbing the gray energy that had penetrated into his body, and directly absorbed it like a whale.

"Is it the mysterious crystal that entered my mind before?" Dicko was shocked, and then he felt that the mysterious crystal released a trace of cool energy like a feedback, which quickly penetrated into his limbs and bones, causing his body to tremble. The tingling sensation disappeared, and the whole body was 'baptized' by the gray energy and the cool energy, and the physical quality was strengthened and improved a lot like a transformation.

(End of this chapter)

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