Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 430 Original Qi and Hongmeng Spiritual Qi

Chapter 430 Original Qi and Hongmeng Spiritual Qi

"What is this guy doing? He wants to absorb the original energy of the Divine Pregnancy Armor, is he seeking death?" Seeing Diko absorbing the gray mist-like energy, Suzaku couldn't help but frowned as his face changed slightly.

But then he saw that after Diko absorbed the original energy, he seemed to be fine and continued to absorb it. Suzaku was stunned: "He can actually absorb the original energy? What is so special about this guy?" ?”

With the help of the mysterious crystal in his mind, Dicko, who had no scruples in absorbing the source energy to strengthen his body, felt that the pressure brought by the gray source energy around him was greatly reduced, and he quickly approached the item. The inconspicuous gray divine armor.

But as he approached the divine armor, Dico felt an even more terrifying depressing aura.The aura released by the divine armor was so strong that it caused the surrounding space to vibrate and twist, which was also the reason why the gray mist-like source energy was surging and floating.

"So strong! It's much stronger than the breath of Hongmeng Lingbao. Is it really a treasure at the level of Tianzun Lingbao?" Feeling the pressure of the invisible breath that seemed to have the power to destroy the world, Di Ke couldn't help but look solemn: "This divine armor is even more inaccessible than the mist energy. How do you recognize its owner?"

"If you shed blood to identify the master, my blood may not be able to shake it from a distance." Looking at the divine armor with an eyebrow, Diko felt a little depressed and helpless, and then his eyes flickered slightly: "Yes, maybe"

Diko's mind was spinning. The next moment, the terrifying power of will and the much stronger soul power directly forcibly penetrated the obstruction of the gray mist energy and penetrated towards the divine armor.
Buzz... almost the moment Diko's will and soul power touched the divine armor, it seemed as if it had touched an invisible powerful barrier, causing the divine armor to tremble, and a trace of surging power was released instantly. It also caused the surrounding space to instantly twist and collapse, and the ripple-like vibrations shocked Diko, who was not too far away, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Poof... spitting out a mouthful of blood, Dico suddenly stared at the slightly trembling divine armor with a shocked look: "Damn! Is this a divine armor or a divine bell? Such power is definitely more than the first-class Hongmeng Lingbao. level. No matter how powerful the first-class Hongmeng Lingbao is, it is impossible to inspire such power without the control of the master."

However, what Diko didn't notice was that after the blood he spurted was consumed and annihilated by the surrounding gray mist energy, the divine clock was also affected by an invisible influence, and the amplitude of the vibration stagnated slightly...
"I still don't believe it. No matter how powerful the divine armored spirit treasure is, it's just a dead object. How can there be someone who can't recognize its owner?" Diko, who was a little stimulated, gritted his teeth and thought about it, and his soul power burned like fire in an instant. With the help of strong will, it drilled into the divine armor like a needle.

But this time, somewhat unexpectedly, Diko's soul power and strong will penetrated into the divine armor relatively easily after penetrating an invisible obstacle, and the feeling of mind-to-mind connection instantly surged into his heart. , Diko even felt that the divine armor seemed to be connected with him by flesh and blood.

The next moment, like a trembling surprise, the dark divine armor with a faint gray light flowing around it took the initiative to fly towards Diko, integrated into Diko's body, and then appeared on Diko's body, turning into a pure piece of armor. The black and simple divine armor has a restrained light and looks very ordinary.

But Diko, who is wearing the divine armor, can clearly feel the heaviness of this divine armor. It is obviously very heavy but feels as light as nothing when wearing it, but Diko can feel that wearing this armor The power that the divine armor can unleash will be very terrifying, and this set of divine armor also seems to contain extremely terrifying energy and power, making it difficult for Dico to figure out the true power of this divine armor. "What a powerful divine armor, and it seems like it can..." Diko muttered in awe, his mind moved, and suddenly the gray mist floating around him came in like a tide, and was absorbed by the divine armor like a whale. Although most of them were absorbed and stored by the divine armor, there were still many that were transformed by the divine armor and became much gentler in energy, and were easily absorbed by Diko.

Even after the gray energy of the original energy entered Diko's Dantian, it was absorbed by the singularity where it was difficult to absorb external energy except for the Hongmeng spiritual energy. It even faintly stimulated the birth of a world within the singularity at a similar speed. .
"What kind of energy is this source of energy? In terms of helping the singularity to nurture a world, it is even more effective than the Hongmeng spiritual energy?" When Di Ke was surprised and confused, he found that the divine armor on his body was shaking, as if it was very strange. It was like surprise and excitement. At the same time, the Hongmeng spiritual energy surrounding the singular point in the Dantian was actually absorbed by an invisible force: "Huh? This divine armor is actually absorbing the Hongmeng spiritual energy?"

"What? He actually let the divine armor recognize him as his master? How did he do it without even a drop of blood? How is this possible?" Seeing the divine armor stimulated by Diko's soul power and strong will Suzaku was already very surprised when he reacted. Seeing the divine armor flying towards Diko, Suzaku couldn't help but stare.

When Diko absorbed the original energy with the help of the divine armor, soon as the gray original energy decreased, the energy in the surrounding sea of ​​energy sources surged like a riot, and the speed of transforming the original energy also accelerated. Already..
"Can this guy absorb so much source energy all at once? Can he bear it?" Suzaku's eyes widened even more when he saw this scene.

Immediately afterwards, what made Suzaku even more speechless was that while Diko was absorbing the original energy, he turned over and took out a dark red sword. However, the quality of the sword was really poor. The moment he touched the original energy, he turned over and took out a dark red sword. , it trembled as if it was being corroded, and cracks appeared on the blade.
"The level is still a bit low." Looking at the fine cracks appearing on the dark red blood-refined magic weapon sword in his hand, Diko couldn't help but frown slightly and wiped the blade with his palm. At the same time, blood-red flames rose in his hand and he used his own blood to sacrifice it. The sword in the palm of the hand.

In fact, Dico has never used this blood-refined magic weapon sword, but as he becomes stronger and stronger, he continues to nourish it with the power of his own blood and soul will. Although the sword evolves very quickly, but now It was only at the level of a divine weapon, comparable to a heavenly divine weapon at most, so it was naturally difficult to withstand the power of its origin.

However, after the physical body was strengthened by absorbing the original energy, the body of Diko also underwent transformation, becoming more and more consistent with the original energy. The blood-refining magic weapon sword absorbed Diko's blood and also had a transformation-like quality. After the change, he was barely able to absorb the original energy, and his quality and power naturally improved rapidly at a perceptible speed.
But even so, it was difficult for the blood-refined divine weapon sword to absorb too much source energy at once. But after a moment, Diko put it into the Dantian space, and found that the blood-refined divine weapon sword that could not absorb the Hongmeng spiritual energy was actually able to absorb it. Barely absorbing Hongmeng's spiritual energy.

The sword that absorbed Hongmeng's spiritual energy naturally transformed again, and its growth potential became higher. At the same time, it was soon able to continue to absorb and refine the original energy.

"This guy actually regards this place as a training place, and he is actually using the power of the source to conceive and raise the sword." Seeing Diko put away and release the blood-refined magic weapon sword that absorbed the energy of the source, Suzaku was dumbfounded at the same time. Somewhat curious: "What kind of magic weapon is this sword? It can't resist the invasion of the original energy, so why can it absorb so much of the original energy?"

(End of this chapter)

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