Chapter 433 Thousand Years, Return

On the Hidden Emperor Star, Di Ke went to the Di clan of the ancient emperor's lineage. Once he left, he did not come back for a thousand years. This was something that Yun Lan and others never expected.

For thousands of years, Emperor Yin had already ascended to the divine realm after surviving the divine tribulation.Although the Emperor Yin's star is nominally honored by Moleh, it is usually managed by two eighth-level immortal emperors, the Black and White Immortal Emperor, the good brothers of the Yin Emperor.

Dongxing City, as one of the two main cities with the largest population inhabited on the Hidden Emperor Star, is located in the mountain forest on the outskirts of one of the acropolises. There is a simple and elegant fairy mansion. Although it does not look conspicuous, the fairy mansion shrouded in dense mist Around the mansion, the energy of Yuanling is extremely strong.

In a large hall in the Immortal Mansion, many people were gathering together to eat, drink, talk and laugh. The atmosphere seemed very good. The aroma of various delicacies and the smell of wine were mixed and filled the air. It was obvious that the people in the hall had been eating and drinking for a long time. , many people were flushed and a little drunk, some even fell asleep drunkenly lying on the table or lying on the ground beside the table.

Along with the faint sound of snoring, there were still people in the hall talking, laughing and drinking wine, as if they were not drunk. Among them were Wulan, Ye Zhai, Ao Wuxu, Zhibai, Ao Ku, Liu Tu and others. Demon Emperors who are not weak in strength, have advanced cultivation, and almost all of them are not human beings. They can all be said to be able to drink a thousand cups without getting drunk.

In the quiet courtyard behind the palace, Di Yun, who was wearing a bright yellow outfit and was full of momentum, was wandering around casually with Yun Lan. Now that Di Yun has ascended to the world of immortals, demons, and demons, his natural cultivation has reached the golden immortal level, which has lasted more than a thousand years. Yunlan is still at the immortal level.

Seeing the slightly worried look on Yun Lan's eyebrows, Di Yun couldn't help but smile: "Mother, I heard what you said, this ancient emperor's lineage is the most powerful and mysterious force in the world of immortals and demons. Father has been invited Go ahead, even if he is not a descendant of the Di family of the Ancient Emperor's lineage, the Ancient Emperor's lineage should not embarrass him."

"Furthermore, if the ancient emperor's lineage really wants to embarrass and hurt my father, they will not let people send a message saying that my father has been in seclusion. That senior Mo Le will not take care of us so politely, and let Grandpa Xu and Di Yan Auntie Yuyin and the others left at will." Di Yun looked very calm, as if he was confident about Dike: "Besides, with his father's ability, even though the ancient emperor's lineage is mysterious, they may not be able to do anything to him. Perhaps, his father really It’s because I was in retreat, or encountered some unexpected situation.”

"Of course I believe in your father's strength, but it has been so many years and there is no news at all. How can I not worry?" Yun Lan said helplessly: "And with your father's cultivation and cultivation talent, it is really After so many years of seclusion, I am afraid that I have already cultivated to the realm of a god."

"Is mother worried that father has ascended to the divine realm? I don't think he has yet, otherwise senior Molecule will definitely know, and he should inform us anyway," Di Yun shook his head.

While the mother and son were talking, they saw three figures walking towards them. They were Xu Liangxian, Di Yan and Yuyin.Thousands of years have passed, and their cultivation has improved much faster than Yun Lan. Among them, Xu Liangxian, who has the highest cultivation level, is already at the peak of the Golden Immortal. He is only one step away from the Immortal Emperor. Di Yan and Yuyin are also the same. The cultivation level of the eighth- and ninth-level Golden Immortal is only slightly inferior to Xu Liangxian.

"Yunlan, are you worried about your lord again?" Di Yan, who stepped forward first, slightly curled her lips and said, "That guy is used to being the shopkeeper who hands off his hands. I'm afraid he has long forgotten that he still has a home, a wife, children, etc. Looking at him, I don’t know where he is at ease now! With his current level of cultivation, it is not surprising that he can practice for hundreds of years and thousands of years at a time. Hey, with our cultivation speed, we don’t know how long it will take to become an emperor-level master. , I’m afraid I won’t be able to catch up with him even if I try to flatter him.”

Yun Lan, who smiled reluctantly after hearing this, continued: "It's rare for you guys to come back together. The reception banquet in the front hall is prepared for you. Why did you run out in advance? Do you think the fairyland delicacies I prepared are not to your liking, or do you think that Doesn’t the fairy brew taste good?”

"Everyone is almost done drinking. Now only Wulan and his group of emperor-level masters are still eating and drinking like cattle. We can't drink them!" Xu Liangxian shook his head with a helpless smile.

Di Yan said: "I think they are too bored. They have nothing to do when they stay here, and their skills are useless. Yun Lan, you have almost turned them into a 'wine bag and rice bag'!" "You are raising them quickly!" It's useless." Yuyin on the side also pursed her lips and smiled and said: "However, since the young master has ascended, I'm afraid he will have to use them in the future."

"My current cultivation level is still too weak. I have to rely more on Aunt Yuyin, Grandpa Xu and Aunt Di Yan to reach the level of a first-level Golden Immortal." Di Yun also shook his head and smiled humbly: "This powerful person in the world of immortals, demons and demons is like Yun, even an emperor-level expert dare not say that he can control the world of immortals, demons and demons. Therefore, if you want to truly gain a foothold in the world of immortals, demons and demons, you still have to rely on strength, just like Senior Molec..."

Before Di Yun finished speaking, a familiar clear voice suddenly sounded: "Haha... Moller, his strength can already control the world of immortals and demons?"

"Father?" Di Yun's eyes brightened and he looked up in surprise, only to see Di Ke appearing in mid-air at some unknown moment, followed by the distortion and fluctuation of the surrounding space, ignoring the formation of Qing Yu Immortal Mansion. Like a forbidden obstacle, they appeared in front of Di Yun and the others.

"Dike (Sir)!" Yun Lan, Xu Liangxian, Di Yan and Yuyin also showed excitement when they saw Di Ke.Thousands of years may not be a long time for many powerful people in the world of immortals, demons and monsters who have been practicing for a long time, but for Yun Lan and the others, it is really a long time.

After chatting for a few words after meeting, Diko smiled and asked curiously: "I just heard you talk about Moller's strength. Is he very strong now? How did you know?"

"Father, the previous battle on Blue Mars caused a sensation in the entire world of immortals, demons and demons. Senior Moller was one of the two parties fighting," Di Yun said quickly: "After I ascended to the world of immortals, demons and demons, I happened to witness it with my own eyes They saw that battle. Uncle Wu Lan and the others also said that Senior Mo Le was as powerful as Emperor Qing and Emperor Yin. In the entire world of immortals, demons and demons, no one dared to say that he was powerful. The certainty of being able to defeat him.”

"Even Uncle Wulan said that he is not sure he can beat Senior Moller. Father, now Uncle Wulan is already a ninth-level demon emperor," Di Yun said with burning eyes, as if his blood was boiling, full of hope for Moller. With the admiration and yearning for strength at the same level as Wu Lan, it was obvious that the previous battle had greatly shocked Di Yun.

"Oh? Moller is already so strong, so who on earth can fight with him? Could it be?" Looking at Di Yun's admiration for Moller, Diko, who felt a little unhappy, couldn't help but be a little curious. Come to think of it, he also knew some of the famous masters in the world of immortals, demons and demons. There were not many in the world of immortals, demons and demons today who could compare with the Qing Emperor and Yin Emperor before his ascension.

"It's Jun Luoyu who is under the command of His Majesty Yanhuang. He is called the genius immortal emperor." Di Yan also smiled with shining eyes: "In fact, Yanhuang and Jun Luoyu are good friends and good brothers. They are immortals." The forces established together with Emperor Yan were only on the surface that Emperor Yan was the talker and the most capable leader. In today's fairy world, with the rise of Emperor Yan, even Emperor Yu and Emperor Xuan had to unite in order to reluctantly and Emperor Yan Emperor fights against him. After all, there are four eighth-level Immortal Emperors on Yanhuang’s side."

"Jun Luoyu? It is indeed him! He is indeed a genius Immortal Emperor! He is really growing up very fast," Di Ke nodded noncommittally, then looked at Di Yan with a slightly moved expression and said, "How do you know so much about the power of Emperor Yan? ah?"

"Because Yanhuang is my master!" Di Yan said with a proud smile, and Dike was slightly surprised when she heard Dike raise his eyebrows: "Yanhuang is your master? When did you become Yanhuang as your master? What can he teach you?"

(End of this chapter)

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