Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 434 Journey to the God Realm

Chapter 434 Journey to the God Realm
Faced with Di Ke's doubts, Di Yan smiled and said: "The Emperor Yan is now as famous as Emperor Yu, Emperor Xuan, and Emperor Liu in the immortal world. He is even more powerful than Emperor Yu. He is the most powerful emperor in the immortal world today." A strong Immortal Emperor. Moreover, my master’s unique skills are still very powerful. Even if he can’t teach me much, at least he has a strong backer!”

"Backer? What kind of backer is Yanhuang? Even if his cultivation is not weak, he will not be a match for Wulan and Wuxu." Diko shook his head with a smile.With his current strength, even a superior god can kill him instantly with just a thought. Naturally, he looks down on the so-called strong men in the world of immortals, demons and monsters.

"I know you must be very strong now. After all, we have heard of your reputation since we ascended to the world of immortals, demons and monsters. But Emperor Yan is my master after all, so there is no need to be so disrespectful, right?" Di Yan said helplessly. Diko said with a glance.

"Master? I'm afraid you have forgotten all your abilities, but they were all taught by me," Diko, who was smiling, said immediately: "Forget it, let's not talk about it. More than a thousand years have passed, and I didn't expect that you still haven't My cultivation has reached the level of the Immortal Emperor. It seems that when I come back this time, I have to help you. Otherwise, when I ascend to the God Realm, you will not even have the cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor, and there are not enough in the world of immortals, demons and monsters. The power of self-preservation! Even if Wulan and the others are very strong, it is impossible for them to protect you all the time. Even if I give you some protective treasures, artifacts, battle suits, etc., you won’t be able to use them if you don’t have enough strength. The power of these treasures.”

"Father, are you going to ascend to the divine world?" Di Yun asked upon hearing this, and Yun Lan on the side couldn't help but said: "Sir, have you survived the divine tribulation? How long can you stay in the immortal and demonic realm?"

"Don't worry, I won't rush to the God Realm. I can stay with you in the Fairy and Demon Realm for a relatively long time," Diko said with a smile.

"Can you stay for a longer period of time? Haven't you survived the divine calamity yet?" Di Yan looked at Di Ke with some doubts and surprise. Seeing Di Ke shaking his head, she couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Is it possible that you are ascending?" Passed through the God Realm and came back from the God Realm again?”

"Haha, do you think it is that easy to return to the world of immortals, demons and demons from the God Realm?" Diko shook his head and said with a smile: "Okay, don't make random guesses. I will stay in the immortal, demon and demon world until your cultivation levels are reached. Reach the Immortal Emperor level and then go to the God Realm."

After this, hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye. When Yun Lan also became the Immortal Emperor, and Xu Liangxian, Di Yan, Yuyin and his son Di Yun all became powerful Immortal Emperors, he asked Moller to Diko helped take care of them before heading to the God Realm.

The reason why Xu Liangxian and others became powerful Immortal Emperors in hundreds of years was mainly because Di Ke guided them to understand and improve their realm.

In particular, during the process of guiding them, Diko also discovered the magical power of the mysterious crystal in his mind, which actually allowed Diko to convey his understanding of the laws of the realm to others more clearly.

In other words, as long as Diko wants to, he can completely make a person's soul reach the level of a god-man in a short period of time, condense the soul's golden elixir, and even comprehend the laws of space and become a god.

This is better than the effect of soul consciousness blending during dual cultivation, and far exceeds the efficiency of any guidance. It is like a cheating device in practice.

However, Di Ke was not in a hurry to raise Yun Lan's soul realm too high. Once they reached the level of the Immortal Emperor, there would only be a vague direction guide that would allow them to realize that it would be more efficient to improve their soul realm. That’s all.Before he could gain a foothold in the God Realm, Di Ke didn't want Yun Lan and the others to ascend to the God Realm so early.After all, the God Realm is also hierarchical. Newcomers who have just ascended are too weak and are not considered gods yet, and they are too easy to encounter danger.

"It's safer to be in the Immortal, Demonic and Demonic Realm. The huge Immortal, Demonic and Demonic Realm is big enough for them to roam. When I am strong enough and have established a foothold in the Godly Realm, it won't be too late to take them to the Godly Realm to experience it. By then, maybe There’s no need to go through the divine tribulation,” Di Ke’s thoughts were actually similar to Qin Yu’s in the original work.

Relatives and friends are not strong enough, so there is really no need to take risks in the God Realm.Although there are more powerful people in the God Realm, it is really difficult for the ascended ones to get away with it.

The entire God Realm is an extremely vast plane world, consisting of an extremely vast continent and a vast ocean. It has existed for a long period of 2000 trillion years.

"The ocean...the sea area of ​​​​the God Realm is too big," Diko, flying freely on the vast sea, looked at the endless monotonous scenery and couldn't help but feel helpless. He never expected to use the secret method to open the door to the God Realm. After entering the God Realm, he will actually appear in the sea of ​​the God Realm.

In the vast sea, the direction is difficult to distinguish. The key point is that Diko still doesn't know where he is. He wants to find someone to ask. Ordinary sea monsters, even if they reach the realm of gods and humans, have difficulty flying and rushing. Most of them only know the surrounding sea area. familiar.

As for some gods, even in this vast sea, they are rare existences.After all, the sea area is too large, and the proportion of gods born is also too small.Most of the sea gods also occupy a corner of the sea. They may have never been to land in their lives, and they are also unable to guide Diko in the direction of the divine continent.

"Hey, if we were in the world of immortals, demons, and monsters, how could there be any reason to be trapped by an ocean? But in this world of gods, not to mention the vastness of the sea, even the upper gods, the range of soul power detection is too small. No way. The God King cannot teleport. If you just rely on flying, even if you know the direction of the land, it will take a long time to reach the God Realm." Diko, who has been flying on the sea for several days, is really helpless. .

Roar... Dicko, who was flying in a hurry as if bored, suddenly heard a shocking roar coming from the bottom of the sea. It echoed with the sea water, and then a huge vortex appeared in front, and a huge figure was vaguely visible hovering on the bottom of the sea. , the terrifying suction power caused a large number of monsters in the surrounding sea to be sucked involuntarily.
"Is this? A mature rebellious snake?" Dicko, who slowed down, and with the slight ripples in the surrounding space, used the power of space to easily resist the spread of the invisible terrifying swallowing force, looked at the bottom of the sea. The huge moving snake shadow, that terrifying giant snake that is nearly a thousand miles long, is impressively famous in the entire God Realm and can be called the top anti-kong snake among the monster beasts in the God Realm.

Although the anti-Kong snake in the mature stage is only in the realm of gods and humans, its strength is comparable to that of gods.The most terrifying thing about it is its powerful body. The strength of the body and the invisible 'field' formed by the terrifying suction force are enough to offset the control of space by the lower gods.

"Is it so powerful that it claims to be a realm-like body?" Looking at the huge whirlpool realm-like thing that was stirring on the seabed with terrifying power and suction power, Diko's eyes lit up as if he had thought of something, and he couldn't help but think thoughtfully. He closed his eyes and hung in mid-air. Slowly, the surrounding space slowly became distorted. An invisible suction force spread with Diko as the center, attracting the energy of the gods from the sea to gather in.
Soon, the mature Anti-Hong Kong Snake, which had devoured a large number of monsters in the sea, also noticed Diko. His huge eyes looked through the sea water at Diko, who was standing in the air with the surrounding space distorted and blurred. With the wisdom of the Anti-Kong Snake, Naturally, I guessed that Dicko was a god.

The rebellious snake, who didn't dare to provoke Dico, was about to dive down and leave, but he felt the divine energy that quickly turned into a thick fog like a crazy gathering around Dico, and he couldn't help but stop with a look of surprise in his eyes. .
(End of this chapter)

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