Chapter 435 Inner World
Standing in the air on the sea, causing the mad gathering of a large amount of divine energy, Di Ke also experienced drastic changes in his body. The pure and powerful soul power in the soul Yuanying in his mind began to merge into the singularity surrounded by the Hongmeng energy in his dantian. ..
In an instant, the singularity seemed to have a soul, exuding a spiritual luster and beginning to tremble. At the same time, Dicko's soul consciousness also entered a chaotic world, which was the inner space of the singularity. .

The chaotic energy transformed by absorbing a large amount of Hongmeng spiritual energy, or the most original energy of the universe, also became spiritual with the entry of Diko's soul consciousness, and surged violently.

"Let's begin! The time has come, my world should be born..." Diko said in a low voice. With a thought, the entire chaotic world suddenly surged, as if there were countless thunders roaring, and the chaotic energy surged the next moment. It was split into two parts by an invisible force, and part of it turned into a cyan air flow. The surging cyan air flow rose up and swept the entire chaotic world in an instant.

The other part turned into a turbid gray airflow, which also spread and swept forward, entangled with each other, attracting and repelling each other, and suppressing each other. As Diko's soul consciousness spread out his hands, the green air suddenly rose and the gray air suddenly rose. Sinking... As time went by, the green energy condensed and turned into a celadon-like sky, while the gray energy turned into the boundless earth.

"Haha..." Feeling this mysterious change of feeling that was like the creation of the world, Dicko's soul consciousness body, which was laughing heartily, suddenly expanded and became larger, like Pangu, the creation of the world, and finally disappeared and merged with the entire world.

The next moment, Diko disappeared out of thin air on the outside sea, and the massive mist-like spiritual energy gathered around him also slowly dissipated.
At the same time, Diko, who appeared out of thin air in the newly opened world of Diko, looked at the vast world in front of him and couldn't help but smile with scorching eyes: "Being a Realm Master in Linmeng Universe is really different. Ah! Unexpectedly, I can easily enter my own realm lord world. Moreover, the evolution of this realm lord's world is more mysterious and special than when I swallowed the world and broke through the realm lord."

As he said that, looking at Dike in the distance, his eyes seemed to have penetrated the barriers of the World Lord world and saw the endless Hongmeng spiritual energy outside. The entire World Lord world was like an inconspicuous small space in the Hongmeng space. , constantly absorbing the Hongmeng spiritual energy, not only strengthening itself, but also accumulating the energy to expand transformation.

At the same time, with a thought, the world of the world master was activated to absorb the stored power of the world's origin. Diko's inner world underwent earth-shaking changes. The earth collapsed and collapsed, quickly turning into a boundless ocean, and then gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, darkness and Eight abilities with different attributes, such as thunder and lightning, came, and the original energy continued to gather, quickly condensing into eight vast continents on the sea.
Then different source energies blended and evolved with each other, and various familiar energies such as wind and ice began to be born. Islands of different sizes also appeared.
On those lands, many mountains, rivers and lakes began to naturally evolve, and even plants and flowers were born. Without knowing it, the entire internal world was not much different from the real one-world universe.

Moreover, the energy contained in Diko's newly born inner world is pure and rich, which is not inferior to the spiritual energy of the divine world.At the same time, the entire inner world is still absorbing the Hongmeng spiritual energy and expanding.
"As soon as I was born, it was over [-] million miles in diameter. The world inside my body was countless times larger than the ordinary world lord that swallowed the world. Even the world inside the body of the golden-horned giant beast when it first stepped into the world lord was far from the same. "Compared to me," Feeling the vastness of the newly opened world inside his body, Dico also felt proud.

In such a vast internal world, it is conceivable that the world projection has a strong suppression and restraint force on the external space. It is definitely much more powerful than the control of space by the gods above. Even if it is not as good as the god king who controls the laws of space, I am afraid it will not be inferior. How many.Moreover, Diko's inner world is still growing. In the future, it will become a kingdom of gods or even a universe, which can really be called endless power.

In addition, Dicko also discovered that in the inner world he created, he seemed to be omnipotent.Of course, this omnipotence is only relative.At least, although the newly born inner world already possesses the power of space, the power of time is not yet perfect.

But even the powerful God King will not be able to use the power of space and time as long as he enters Diko's inner world, and can only rely on the energy in his body and the power of Hongmeng Lingbao.But under the suppression of the power of the entire world, even the God King's power will be greatly weakened. It is estimated that there is nothing he can do to Diko and he can only be tortured and killed by him. "Huh?" Then Dicko, who seemed to be aware of it, suddenly appeared in the core of the inner world as if teleporting. The sea surface was like a sea eye, and huge amounts of pure and surging energy were constantly pouring out. In the whirlpool, a ball of black-yellow gas actually grew.

"Xuanhuang Qi?" As the master of the inner world, Di Ke naturally knew everything about it. The moment he saw this group of Xuanhuang Qi, some information about the Xuanhuang Qi naturally appeared in his mind.

Xuanhuang Qi was born at the beginning of the world's universe. It has many mysterious uses, such as it can enhance the hardness and defense of weapons, and it can refine and strengthen the body.
"It seems that the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda owned by the Supreme Master of the prehistoric world is rumored to be the first defensive treasure of the prehistoric world formed by the condensed Xuanhuang Qi. The Xuanhuang Qi born in the world within my body has some similar and magical uses!" Thinking of this, Di Ke immediately took out all the Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures on his body, hoping to let them absorb the Xuanhuang Qi and evolve.

"With the quality of Hongmeng Lingbao, perhaps by absorbing a small amount of Xuanhuang Qi, it can be close to or even comparable to the first-class Hongmeng Lingbao." Di Ke, who was full of expectations, soon couldn't help frowning and feeling helpless: "What? It can't be done Absorbing the Xuanhuang Qi? Is it because the Hongmeng Spiritual Qi and the Xuanhuang Qi contained in these Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures are incompatible?"

"Could it be that only heavenly artifacts that are refined the day after tomorrow and do not contain Hongmeng spiritual energy can absorb the Xuanhuang energy?" Di Ke, who was confused, soon discovered that the next high-grade heavenly artifact armor 'Yuanhe' and the high-grade heavenly artifact he took out were The war sword 'Duan Kong' and the Blood Refinement Sword were both able to absorb the black and yellow energy.

Especially the blood-refined sword, which is already comparable to the second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao, absorbs the black and yellow energy very quickly, and it has a bit of a "not picky about food, easy to feed" flavor.

In the short period of time that followed, Diko could clearly feel that the power of the blood-refined sword that had just absorbed less than one ten thousandth of the black and yellow energy was greatly increased.At this rate, if he absorbs more Xuanhuang Qi, it will only be a matter of time before he can truly rival the first-class Hongmeng Lingbao.If it even absorbs more Xuanhuang Qi, it might even be more powerful than the first-rate Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure.

"Although it is a bit wasteful to let the high-grade divine weapon armor 'Yuanhe' and the sword 'Duankong' absorb the Xuanhuang Qi. But looking at the speed of their absorption, it is estimated that their appetite is limited and they cannot absorb much, but the increase in power will It's very big. If it can rival the top second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao or even barely rival the first-rate Hongmeng Lingbao, just waste it! Otherwise, these two high-grade heavenly artifacts will really be of no use if they are left in my hands." He hesitated slightly. After all, Diko did not directly take away the divine armor 'Yuanhe' and the sword 'Duankong'.

(End of this chapter)

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