Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 436 Drifting in the Blood Sea

Chapter 436 Drifting in the Blood Sea

Diko left the blood refining sword, the divine armor 'Yuan He' and the top-grade divine weapon 'Duan Kong' in the inner world to absorb the black and yellow energy. Then he disappeared from the inner world with a thought and returned to the place where he had regained his composure. On the sea.

"Huh? The anti-cortex snake hasn't left yet?" The moment it appeared, Diko, who subconsciously released the power of the invisible space in the world inside his body, discovered the huge mature anti-cortex snake still hidden in the sea water.

Buzz... The turbulent sea water froze for an instant, and the next moment a giant snake that was so huge that it could cover the sky and the sun appeared in the mid-air in front of him. A pair of huge eyes looked at Diko with fear. , and at the same time, he spoke in human words like thunder: "Spare my life! Sir, spare your life! I have no malice, I really have no malice!"

"You're quite big, I didn't expect you to be so timid," Diko, who shook his head and smiled, said, "Don't worry, I'm not planning to kill you. Speaking of which, I also saw you using your methods to devour monsters in the sea. If you have a breakthrough, you have done me a big favor! Let's do this, you can just follow me from now on."

Dico felt that it was too boring to wander alone in this boundless sea.This anti-kong snake is the top monster in the God Realm. When it matures, it can barely compete with the lower gods. It is worth cultivating. With a little guidance and training, you can have many good subordinates.

Moreover, the anti-kong snake is very large and can be considered a dominant player in the sea. It is not slow and is a very good means of transportation.The huge back of the anti-kong snake must be stable and convenient to ride.

So Diko, who left a soul mark on Anti-Kong Snake's soul elixir, continued to set off on Anti-Kong Snake.With this anti-Kong snake leading the way, the rest of the journey will not be so aimless.

At the same time, this anti-harp snake also took Dicko to some special or dangerous places, allowing Dicko to collect some rare divine weapon refining materials, plant medicines, etc.

The vast sea is also a treasure land. Not only does it breed all kinds of strange sea monsters, but some special places also give birth to various ores and rare plant spiritual materials.

A few years have passed in the blink of an eye. Although some precious spiritual materials are very rare, Diko has collected a lot of materials used to refine divine weapons and ordinary divine weapons. He was even lucky enough to get a piece containing Hongmeng. Reiki metal material.

Although the piece of metal is not big, and the Hongmeng spiritual energy contained in it may not be enough to be refined into an acquired third-rate Hongmeng spiritual treasure, it is still very precious.After all, it contains Hongmeng spiritual energy, and the material is good enough to refine a high-grade heavenly artifact.

Naturally, Diko also used soul connection along the way, and with the help of the power of the mysterious crystal in his mind, he slowly passed on some of his understanding of the laws of space to the anti-harp snake, causing his realm to rise rapidly, and his soul to be golden elixir. He has turned into an infant, but his power has not yet had time to transform into the power of a god, but he is already able to fly, and his forward speed in sea water has also greatly increased.

So Diko, who was traveling faster next, under the guidance of Anti-Kong Snake, greatly increased the efficiency of collecting various spiritual materials...
Even though it soon left the sea area that the Anti-Kong snake is familiar with, this mature Anti-Kong snake has been living in the sea for a long time. As the overlord of the ocean, it has been to many places. After all, it always stays in one place. All the sea monsters in this sea area will run away unless they are devoured by it.

Therefore, anti-Kong snakes will not stay in one place for a long time, but will keep migrating.Having traveled to many places, Dicko is naturally a good guide.

During this period, they also passed through some islands or places where powerful people were entrenched, but at most they were only powerful people at the level of lower gods and middle gods. There were very few upper gods in the entire sea area. As for the legendary god kings, there were more The divine dragon has its head but not its tail, and most of the sea monsters will never be seen again.Therefore, Dicko can be said to be unscrupulous on the sea. Almost no one dares to fight him. Anyone who dares to bare his teeth or make him look unhappy is easily killed or subdued by him.

In this way, Diko not only obtained more and more spiritual materials along the way, but also subdued some people, making the space artifact Red Flame Ring gradually gain popularity and gradually become lively.

With a lot of various spiritual materials in hand, and having nothing to do on the back of the Anti-Kong Snake, Di Ke naturally began to think about refining weapons. Soon he could refine ordinary artifacts and even high-grade artifacts, and even if he was lucky, he could refine them. Can occasionally refine one or two low-grade heavenly artifacts.

While refining the weapons, Diko was also pondering the formations and understanding the laws of space in a deeper way. These three things actually had somewhat complementary effects.

With the passage of time, the improvement of law understanding and formation level also made Dicko make rapid progress in weapon refining, and began to slowly grow into a true formation master and weapon refining master.
In the blink of an eye, Diko, who had been wandering on the sea for hundreds of years, was not in a hurry to leave the sea. After all, this kind of life where he was making progress every day, sometimes getting some spiritual materials, and subduing two subordinates, was really too much. It was fulfilling, and even made Dicko indulge in some enjoyment.

Until this day, Anti-Kong Snake took Dicko close to a special sea area
"Huh?" On the back of the anti-kong snake, Dike, who had rarely entered the Red Flame Ring to refine weapons, was sitting cross-legged and immersed in the understanding of the laws of space. Under the influence of the mysterious crystal in his mind, his keen perception made him He instantly sensed an invisible sense of crisis approaching.

When Dico was awakened, the anti-Kong snake slowly stopped.In front of them was an endless sea of ​​blood. The blood-colored sea without any life forms a very sharp contrast with the ordinary blue sea water around it.

"Master, this is the most special place I have ever discovered. I feel it is very dangerous, but it probably also hides a big secret. Maybe there will be some great treasures," the voice of the people sitting down was like Like thunder.

The thunderous sound echoed in this somewhat silent sea area, which also made Diko come back to his senses. He stood up and looked at the sea of ​​​​blood in front of him. He sensed it carefully, and his brows suddenly became serious. A look of surprise appeared in the middle: "Could this be... the sea of ​​blood in the Western Sea of ​​the God Realm? This sea of ​​blood should be the true form of Xue Yun, Queen of the Blood Sea, right?"

"This Fan Kong actually brought me here." Thinking of this, Diko suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his scalp. The Queen of Blood Sea is not only a God King, but also a God King who has mastered the stasis of time. Her strength is more than The Ascended God King Luo Fan, who controls the Asura Sea, is not inferior either.

Fan Kong was exactly the name Dico gave the anti-Kong snake.Thinking of the horror of the Queen of the Blood Sea, although the other party should not take him as the upper god and the anti-kong snake who has not even completed the transformation of the power of the god in his eyes, Diko still had the urge to escape from this place immediately.

"Go, get out of here..." Diko subconsciously ordered the anti-Kong snake Fan Kong. Before he could finish his words, he saw the sea of ​​blood in front of him surge up, and the blood-colored waves swept toward him like tentacles. His eyes narrowed, and he put the anti-kong snake into the red flame ring with a sudden thought.

At the same time, as the blood-colored wave swept down, Diko felt that his surroundings had turned into a blood-colored world. Then he felt that blood-colored energy penetrated into his body like a pervasive force, making him feel numb all over soon. , the feeling of being unable to control oneself.

(End of this chapter)

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