Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 437 Blood Sea Queen

Chapter 437 Blood Sea Queen

"What's going on? Is this..." Thinking that the Queen of the Blood Sea seems to have special means of controlling puppets, and has more than ten upper-level god puppets under her, and even two god kings have become her puppets, her expression The changed Dicko suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

At the same time, the blood wave that enveloped Dico like a tentacle also retracted and returned to the sea of ​​blood. Dico was naturally trapped in the bloody water of the sea of ​​blood.

But soon, under the stimulation of the invasion of the blood sea energy, the blood in Dicko's body started to surge, and he began to automatically resist the corrosive influence of that energy.
"Huh? This blood sea energy seems to have the effect of strengthening the body..." Feeling the numbness all over his body, Dicko felt that his body had undergone some changes under the influence of the blood sea energy. On the contrary, he felt certain in his heart , squinting at the endless bloody sea water around him: "Hmph, how can it be so easy to turn me into a puppet? At worst, I will hide directly in the world inside my body. Even if you know how to stop time, what can you do to me?"

With the inner world as a refuge, Dicko is naturally confident.Therefore, there is no rush to return directly to the inner world.After all, even if you return to the inner world, you will still be in blood when you come out.

Even if he can control the power of space to teleport himself across the sea of ​​​​blood, the range of influence of the power of space he can control is limited. If it is difficult to leave the sea of ​​​​blood too far, he will still not be able to escape directly. The Queen discovered that he was not a God King but knew the ability to teleport, which aroused the Blood Sea Queen's curiosity and took him seriously, which would make it more difficult for him to escape.

Therefore, Dicko did not want to directly enter the inner world to escape unless he was forced to do so.Moreover, Diko was also curious about the blood sea energy controlled by the Blood Sea Queen and her ability to use the blood sea energy to control and refine the puppets.

Diko, who was a highly skilled and daring person, just insisted on letting the blood sea energy continue to invade his body. Especially after discovering that the blood sea energy actually had the effect of refining the body, Dico even directly tried to refine the blood sea energy...
"This blood sea energy is indeed special..." Soon, Dicko discovered that while the blood sea energy was strengthening his body, it was also transforming his body. To be precise, it seemed to be a kind of assimilation. Diko's body adapted to the blood sea energy: "Could this be the way the Blood Sea Queen uses the blood sea energy to control the puppets? It shouldn't be that simple. The Blood Sea Queen should also be able to control the minds of those puppets."

When Diko just thought of this, he keenly felt that after the blood sea energy was constantly eroding and integrating into his body, an obscure and invisible force invaded his mind...
"No! The power of this sea of ​​blood can really corrode people's souls." Realizing that something was wrong, Diko subconsciously mobilized the power of his soul to resist, but found that the energy was very strange and could quietly integrate into his soul. The power even began to affect his soul and consciousness.

The strong will kept Diko always calm and absolutely sober, but he also found that his soul power seemed unable to stop the erosion of this strange force. Even if the soul power burned, it could only slow down the erosion. But it is difficult to get rid of the strange maggot-like power of this tarsal bone.

Just when Dico was a little frightened and didn't know how to deal with it, suddenly a cool energy filled the air from the mysterious crystal in his mind, making the strange energy that had eroded into Dico's mind seem to have met its nemesis. It was quickly melted away like ice and snow.

"What exactly is this mysterious crystal? It can even resist the erosion of the soul by the power of the sea of ​​blood?" Diko, who was surprised and delighted, also felt certain in his heart. Since there is a mysterious crystal in his mind, he is not afraid of this sea of ​​blood. The invisible and strange energy contained in the power invades, it is just the power of the sea of ​​​​blood that corrodes the body, and the threat to him is not that great.

Diko even took the initiative to absorb and refine the power of the sea of ​​blood, wanting to see what impact the power of the sea of ​​blood could have on his body...
Unknowingly, after absorbing a lot of blood sea energy, Diko's skin turned red all over, and even his hair was dyed red. The power of the blood sea in his body penetrated into every part of his body, and at the same time... An invisible force is also trying to control his body through the power of this sea of ​​blood.But is Dicko's current body unusual?In the secret space of Di's secret land in the world of immortals, demons and demons, he absorbed a large amount of the original power from the original sea. His body has long since transformed. Even if the power of the blood sea completely penetrated his body, trying to control his body was still as if The earthworm shakes the tree, like flames refining gold. It cannot be shaken at all. It can only make his body stronger as if it is being tempered.

Moreover, Dicko also vaguely felt that as he absorbed more and more blood sea energy, his body seemed to have some properties of water, making it more difficult to damage and stronger in recovery.

"What a strong body, it can actually resist the invasion of the power of my blood sea." Just as Diko was immersed in pondering the energy of the blood sea in his body, a sudden and cold woman's voice sounded, which seemed to be somewhat interesting.

The moment the voice came from the sea of ​​blood, Dico came back to his senses with a sudden move of mind and returned directly to the world inside his body.

With his current level of strength, he is unable to fight against the Blood Sea Queen who controls the stasis of time.When the Blood Sea Queen really paid attention to him, the wisest choice was to hide quickly before he showed up.

After all, Dico didn't know if the Blood Sea Queen had any other powerful trump cards, such as directly attacking the soul.So even if Diko has a mysterious crystal to protect his soul, he still doesn't dare to take risks, and there is no need to take risks.Anyway, after being trapped in the sea of ​​blood, the trump card method of exposing the world inside the body was inevitable.

"Eh?" Almost at the same time as Dico disappeared, amidst the exclamation, a large amount of bloody sea water quickly gathered, turning into the upper body of a woman with long bloody hair, eyebrows, and a bloody robe. She had an extremely beautiful appearance and eyebrows. There is a domineering air that is arrogant to the world, and his temperament is cold.

However, looking at the place where Dico disappeared, she did have a look of surprise and confusion on her pretty face, which was frowning. It was obvious that Dico's method of disappearing out of thin air confused her, because Dico was not teleporting just now. After leaving, the Blood Sea Queen didn't feel the teleportation space fluctuation at all.Moreover, it is impossible for an upper god to teleport!
And then, the Queen of the Blood Sea, whose eyes were focused, discovered that the space where Dick disappeared just now seemed to be leaking, and the water of the Blood Sea was actually leaking...
Soon, as more and more blood-colored seawater leaked out, a whirlpool-like shape formed in that place, and invisible swallowing power spread, actually actively devouring the surrounding blood-colored seawater.

The Blood Sea Queen's face changed slightly. Her huge upper body, which was made up of a large amount of blood-colored seawater, instantly approached the seawater leakage. She lowered her head and took a closer look. Her puzzled expression became more and more suspicious: "There is no space channel. An upper god, How did you absorb the sea water of the Blood Sea?"

"Hmph! How dare you take the initiative to absorb the water of my Blood Sea? You are really seeking death," the Queen of Blood Sea snorted coldly and closed her eyes directly, and then invisible waves merged into the leaking sea water.

On the other side, after returning to the inner world, Diko breathed a secret sigh of relief. He also directly controlled the inner world to devour the blood sea energy with a thought, and wanted to store more blood sea energy for research...
But soon, seeing the seawater pouring down from mid-air like a waterfall in front of him, forming a blood-colored lake, Diko's expression changed as if he was aware of it. At the same time, the blood-colored lake also quickly shrank and condensed. A cold and domineering woman with long blood-colored hair, bloody eyebrows, and a bloody robe
(End of this chapter)

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