Chapter 438 My World
Seeing the cold and domineering woman in blood robe condensed from the blood lake, Di Ke couldn't help but change his face slightly. Apparently he didn't expect that the other party would really pursue the world inside her body.

"Space blockade!" The Blood Sea Queen, who looked at Dico indifferently, raised her hand to Dico and shouted lowly, but then her expression changed: "What? What's going on? Why can't I control it here? The power of space?"

"Isn't there even time fluctuations in this space?" The Blood Sea Queen, who didn't feel any obvious time fluctuations, couldn't help but change her expression.

Seeing the Blood Sea Queen's expression changing with surprise, and even her face looking a little ugly at the end, Diko felt certain in his heart and couldn't help but laugh: "What, you think it's weird, don't you?"

"What exactly is this place? Why can't I use the laws of space and time here?" The Queen of Blood Sea also asked in a cold voice.

"Because this is my world! Haven't you ever heard the saying, I make the decision in my world? In my world, you still want to use the laws of space and time to deal with me. Don't you think it's a bit ridiculous?" Di Ke sneered and asked: "In the world of gods, you are indeed very strong. But in my world, it is not your turn to be so arrogant!"

Upon hearing what Diko said, the Queen of the Blood Sea's cold eyes suddenly turned uglier. Then without any unnecessary nonsense, her lower body turned into a bloody wave and swept toward Diko.
Diko's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this, but he didn't dodge in a hurry. Instead, he used a palm to suppress the space force that aroused the world inside his body.
The next moment, the bloody wave stagnated slightly in mid-air, but it still exploded suddenly. The terrifying power made the space tremble, and the stagnant and blocked space was forcibly broken. In the blink of an eye, the boiling sea water came to Dico, and He was caught off guard and flew away.

Poof... spitting out a mouthful of blood, Diko, who had stabilized his figure in mid-air in the distance, couldn't help wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth with a frown: "Unexpectedly, it is impossible to use the laws of space and time, and only rely on the sea of ​​blood." The powerful Blood Sea Queen is still so difficult to deal with, she is indeed a perverted existence whose body is the Blood Sea!"

At the same time, the raging bloody wave swept over again, sealing the space around Dico in an instant, as if trying to trap him. At the same time, the Blood Sea Queen's increasingly suspicious cold voice also sounded: "How can you still be there?" The power to control space?"

"I've said it all, this is my world. Is it any wonder that I can control the power of space?" Diko shrugged and said with a smile, while the Queen of the Blood Sea said coldly with a serious look on her face: "You are looking for death!"

Before she finished speaking, the Blood Sea Queen controlled the bloody wave that surrounded Diko and tried to restrain him. However, when Diko was about to control the power of space with all her strength to block it, a bloody sword light suddenly flashed across from a distance. Tianji, in the blink of an eye, was already approaching, easily parting the bloody wave, and quickly swallowed it up like a whale. "What?" The Blood Sea Queen was slightly startled. She saw the slightly stagnant blood-refined sword trembling and buzzing, and continued to slash towards her as if she was very excited. The blood-colored water flowing from her beautiful eyes condensed in her hand. It turned into a long fork and met the blood refining knife.

Chi... with a crisp friction sound, it touched the long blood-colored fork of the Blood Refinement Knife. It was as fragile as tofu in an instant and was easily cut and swallowed.
"Huh?" After feeling the power of the Blood Sword, the Blood Sea Queen was startled again. Facing the Blood Sword that was slashed at her immediately, tearing her upper body apart easily, her eyes were shining brightly. A look of surprise appeared on his face: "First-class Hongmeng Lingbao?"

The next moment, under the sharp light of the Blood Sword, the remaining upper body of the Blood Sea Queen also collapsed and turned into bloody water, which was easily swallowed and absorbed by the Blood Sword.
"This guy, I thought it had spirituality and took the initiative to protect its master. It turned out that it wanted to swallow the energy of the blood sea! Does the Blood Refining Sword actually like the energy of the blood sea so much? What if it absorbed a large amount of blood sea energy? , and even absorbed and refined the weapon Blood Fork refined by the Queen of the Blood Sea with the original energy of the Blood Sea. Will it be directly comparable to the first-class Hongmeng Lingbao?" Seeing this scene, Diko shook his head slightly, and then his expression His eyes brightened.

"Humph, the Blood Sea Queen must have felt the power of my blood sword. She seems a little surprised. She still wants to snatch my blood sword?" Thinking of the energy incarnation of the Blood Sea Queen being killed by the blood sword The look on his face changed when he was killing and swallowing. Diko, who was sneering in his heart, with a flash of his eyes, controlled the world inside his body to continue to swallow and absorb the sea water from the blood sea outside.

And for some reason, the Queen of the Blood Sea in the outside world did not restrain the entire blood sea to condense into a human form. Instead, she allowed Diko to absorb the sea water of the blood sea.
There were some doubts at first, thinking that the Queen of the Blood Sea was unwilling to give in and wanted to gather her avatar again to deal with Diko. Soon, she faintly noticed something strange in the Blood Refining Sword, and couldn't help but have a flash of disdain and ridicule in her eyes. Color: "Want to take the opportunity to refine my blood-refined sword through the power of the sea of ​​blood? She dares to think about it! Unfortunately, the blood-refined sword is a blood-refined thing and is connected with my blood and soul, let alone her difficulty Refining, even if it is really refining, can she get out the things in the world inside my body after refining and controlling it? The world inside the body and the divine world can be connected, but I can easily isolate and hinder this connection. Just like It is my own home, so I can naturally close the door at any time, and once it is closed, it will be impossible for others to find the entrance to the world inside me."

Therefore, Diko, who was thinking a little, was ready to use the trick and let the Blood Refinement Sword continue to refine and absorb the blood sea water that was continuously absorbed by the world inside the body and even actively poured in...
Even as time passed, the Blood Refining Sword gradually became full, and the efficiency of absorbing and refining the blood sea water decreased. As the blood sea water continued to pour in, the world inside Diko's body slowly accumulated blood sea water. The sea water formed a huge blood lake...until the blood lake enlarged and turned into a small blood sea...
"Almost..." Feeling that the power of the Blood Refinement Sword is quietly increasing, and the power of the Sea of ​​Blood contained in it is also slowly weakening, isolating the invisible connection between Diko and the Blood Refinement Sword, he stared at it with squinted eyes. The Blood Sword floating beside the sea of ​​​​blood like waterfalls kept popping up in mid-air. At a certain moment, he found that the Blood Sword suddenly trembled and struggled to fly into the sea of ​​​​blood. With a thought, Diko decisively closed the world inside his body. The invisible passage between it and the God Realm caused the sea of ​​blood in mid-air to disappear quickly as if it had stopped flowing.

The trembling blood-refined sword flew forward for a certain distance, and then flew back slightly sluggishly under Diko's control. Looking at the blood-colored light flowing on the blade, I felt that there was still some restless blood sea energy in it. As well as the aura belonging to the Queen of the Blood Sea, Diko sneered, directly swiping the blade with his palm, the blood stained and penetrated into the blade, and then the blood flames rose up, calcining the blood sword, and refining the blood contained in it. The power of the sea...
After a long time, under the calcination of the blood flame, the power of the blood sea in the blood sword was finally refined and assimilated by it, and truly absorbed. At the same time, the breath and energy mark left by the queen of the blood sea were also quietly burned away. .

With a thought, Diko controlled the blood refining sword to go back and continue to absorb the black and yellow energy. Then he looked at the small sea of ​​blood below. With flashing eyes, he stepped directly to the top of the small sea of ​​blood and continued to absorb and refine the blood. The energy from the sea comes
Time passed quietly. As Diko absorbed more and more blood sea energy, he finally noticed that in the faint repulsive blending of his own energy and the blood sea energy, traces of purer and more powerful blood sea energy quietly appeared. More and more accumulated in the body, and eventually penetrated into Dicko's limbs and bones...
"Is it the original power of the blood sea?" Slowly, more and more of that energy was integrated into the limbs and bones, but it did not bring any obvious impact. While Diko relaxed slightly, he also became more and more curious about this. What is the use of this energy, so he is still absorbing the blood sea energy.

(End of this chapter)

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