Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 439 The Sea of ​​Blood and the Universe

Chapter 439 The Sea of ​​Blood and the Universe
I don't know how long it took, but when Diko absorbed all the energy of the small blood sea, his body, which was absorbing the original energy of the blood sea like a bottomless pit, suddenly trembled. The next moment, Dico frowned with a look of pain on his face. He felt that the original energy of the sea of ​​​​blood in his body penetrated into his limbs and bones like a stored flash flood. It seemed to carry an invisible corrosive force, trying to destroy his body.
"No..." Realizing that something was wrong, Di Ke tried to use the power of the inner world to suppress his physical body and suppress the uncontrollable power in his body, but it was already too late. He looked at Di Ke with a ferocious and painful expression. Ke, he only had time to let out a scream of pain, and the skin all over his body was torn and splattered with blood, and his whole body instantly turned into a piece of flesh and blood...
With the roaring sound like a sweeping wave, Dicko's whole body turned into thick plasma, causing the surrounding energy to vibrate, and then spread quickly, turning directly into blood-colored water. In the blink of an eye, it had turned into a stream of blood. A small bloody lake.

But then, the blood-colored lake stopped expanding, suddenly shrank and condensed, and turned into a human form again. It was Dicko who was full of explosive power.

"Huh!" Dicko breathed a sigh of relief. Feeling the powerful power and special abilities contained in his current body, he couldn't help but be shocked and surprised: "I actually have the ability to turn my body into a sea of ​​blood and sea water? Is that what the saying goes? The water flows even more when the sword is cut, and my body can turn into blood. Even if I encounter an attack that is difficult to resist and my body is destroyed, it will still be difficult to destroy the sea of ​​blood and sea water that my body has transformed into. Isn't it equivalent to having an immortal body?"

"Moreover, in a sense, the immortality of my body seems to be more perfect than the immortality of the immortal gods. After all, my body is only a physical body, and my soul is completely integrated into the inner world, and no one can harm it. Even if the physical body is destroyed, as long as part of it escapes and turns into a sea of ​​blood and sea water to return to the inner world, it can still absorb energy and quickly restore the physical body." Thinking of this, Diko couldn't help but his eyes sparkled with surprise: "In addition, my body Since it can turn into a sea of ​​blood and sea water, can it also absorb energy and turn into a sea of ​​blood?"

With a thought, Diko turned directly into a small piece of blood-colored water, and then the small pond-like blood-colored water quickly expanded after absorbing the pure energy of the world inside his body...
"Surprisingly... I can actually do it. If my body turns into a vast sea of ​​​​blood, and then uses part of the energy to condense it into a body, it will be truly unkillable! Maybe the condensed body is not as good as the Queen of Blood Sea's true ability. The body condensed by the blood sea master is powerful, but as long as the law understanding and realm are enough, with the help of Hongmeng Lingbao, the strength I can show to the outside world will not be weakened much." In the expanding blood-colored water flow, Di Di quietly condensed Kemian let out a hearty and wanton laugh, and then hurriedly accelerated the speed of absorbing the energy in the world within his body.

With the rapid consumption of energy in the world inside the body, the efficiency and speed at which the world inside the body absorbs the evil of Hongmeng spiritual energy in the external Hongmeng space also greatly increases. The world inside the body also accelerates its growth and transformation as if stimulated by external forces.
In this way, as the expanding sea of ​​blood gets bigger and bigger, it absorbs the energy of the world inside the body faster and faster, and the speed of expansion is also accelerating.
After a long time, at a glance, the vast sea of ​​blood, which occupies most of the world inside the body and has a diameter of hundreds of millions of miles, can no longer expand even if it absorbs energy, except for making its original energy more pure and powerful.

"Has it reached the limit?" After discovering this, Diko made some guesses in his mind. He wanted to let the sea of ​​blood turn into his true form again, but suddenly found that the sea of ​​blood was too big to control and could not be turned into a human form: " It seems that my blood sea is somewhat similar to the endless sea of ​​​​netherworld that swallowed up the world Luo Feng and the Lord of the Nine Netherworlds. When it gets bigger, it will be difficult to turn into a human form as a whole, and it will even be extremely difficult to move."

"However, my blood sea body is equivalent to being carried around in the inner world. I can replenish energy at any time, which is convenient. It seems that I can only condense energy clones," Diko thought with this thought As soon as he moved, the blood-colored energy gathered in the vast blood sea, and soon it condensed into a human form above the blood sea.

"Haha.. Even the clone formed by part of the blood sea energy is very strong! Moreover, my blood sea body can also be directly transformed into the blood sea water, and I still have an immortal body," feeling The surging energy and power contained in the newly condensed blood sea body made Di Ke in a good mood. Then he came to the place where the black and yellow air was born, and looked at the group of black and yellow air with burning eyes: "As long as After absorbing a small amount of Xuanhuang Qi, the characteristics of Xuanhuang Qi are enough to make my blood sea body stronger than the Blood Sea Queen."

Diko took a deep breath, and with a thought, the black and yellow energy turned into yellow brilliance and poured into his body. His blood-sea body quickly turned into a bronze color, and his whole body seemed to be... Like the Hongmeng Lingbao, the invisible aura alone seemed to make the surrounding space stagnant.

"With my current strength, even if I face the God King, I can barely fight, right? However, after all, the Blood Sea Queen is not comparable to the ordinary God King." Thinking of this, Diko couldn't help frowning in distress. Get up, how can he quietly leave the Blood Sea Queen's body?Do we have to be trapped in the sea of ​​​​blood forever, and we can only hide in the inner world, and wait until we are strong enough to fight out?

But in the inner world, Diko cannot sense the spatial fluctuations of Lin Meng's universe. He cannot understand the spatial laws of the divine world. He can only wait for the inner world to slowly grow until he controls the spatial laws of the inner world. But how long do we have to wait?
"There is no way. The Blood Sea Queen was tricked by me and lost so much blood sea energy. Now she must be gnashing her teeth in hatred towards me. It is really unwise to rush out and fight. It seems that she can only hide for the time being. "," the somewhat helpless Diko could not understand the space laws of the divine world, so he could only think about using the space laws of the inner world and the slowly improving time laws, and at the same time, he was distracted by understanding the formations and refining the weapons.

Just like this, I don't know how long it took, and one day, the inner world that grew faster and faster was already many times wider than the sea of ​​​​blood that was billions of miles in diameter. The laws of space and time continued to improve. The world inside the body finally expanded to its extreme, and quietly transformed...
For a moment, the entire inner world was trembling, and the world's membrane walls were decomposing. The entire inner world was also shattered. A large amount of Hongmeng spiritual energy poured in like a tide, causing the inner world to undergo an increasingly violent transformation.
"Is this... a transformation into a kingdom of gods? Could it be that it is a direct transformation into a universe?" Diko was shocked and even discovered that the transformation of the world inside his body was completely spontaneous, following the laws of the evolution of the universe in the Hongmeng space. Unable to intervene, I can only watch and feel the transformation process of the entire inner world.

As expected, the process of the inner world that has grown to the extreme and transformed into a universe is very similar to the world of the Lord of the Devouring World and Universe turning into a small universe. With the energy provided by the massive Hongmeng spiritual energy, a large amount of plane space continues to Formation, while these planes and spaces are slowly taking shape, the entire universe continues to expand and become larger.
In one of the plane spaces that was slowly taking shape, Diko stepped into it. With a thought, he controlled the evolution of the entire plane, causing everything in this plane to quietly approach the world of immortals, demons, and monsters. In some stars and nebulae, During the formation process, famous planets in the world of immortals, demons, and monsters such as Blue Mars and Hidden Emperor Star were slowly formed. Even the dark star field environment with many white dwarfs and neutron stars was automatically simulated.
(End of this chapter)

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