Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 440 Formation 'Qiankun'

Chapter 440 Formation 'Qiankun'

The world inside the body transforms into a universe, and the power of space that Dicko can control naturally becomes more. Even in the God Realm, the power of space in the new universe can extend to a wider range.
"The blood sea is still there, but the queen of the blood sea does not have her consciousness to check at all times. It is estimated that she cannot sense the power of space in my new universe." With a thought, the power of space in the new universe spreads. Quickly covering most of the blood sea and the wider surrounding sea area, Diko did not find anything strange in the blood sea. Then he used the power of space in the new universe to teleport, and instantly arrived tens of millions of miles away. In the sea water of an ordinary sea outside.

The space power of the new universe was still constantly checking the movements in the sea of ​​blood. Dico found that there was still nothing strange about the blood sea. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly spread the space power of the new universe as far as possible. , with a sudden thought, he appeared in a more distant place.

After a while, they teleported billions of miles away. The power of space spread across the scope of the investigation and even found Diko from the God Realm continent. Then he completely relaxed and began to summon Fan Kong, the anti-harp snake. , continue on the road unhurriedly, heading towards the God Realm Continent
After experiencing the troubles and twists and turns in the Blood Sea, Diko had no intention of continuing to collect various spiritual materials along the way. It only took him less than half a month to land from the west coast of the God Realm Continent, and quickly rushed to the more popular places on the God Realm Continent. The inner region of the belly.

Although the continent of the God Realm is not as vast as the ocean in the God Realm, it is still not very vast.Although the Eight Saint Emperors all control dozens of cities, compared to the entire God Realm Continent, the hundreds of cities are still very few, just like the divine plane and the highest plane in the Panlong World. The distance between cities is very long.

Therefore, the continent of the God Realm is more of a wilderness area, with various mountains, rivers and lakes, some places that breed various minerals and spiritual materials, and there are also many monsters and beasts in the God Realm.

On the contrary, those ordinary gods and men, even if they cannot buy a house to live in the city of God Realm, most of them live near the city, forming large and small villages, and there are also some bandits who dominate the mountain.

However, Diko had little interest in those places, and was not in a hurry to go to the cities in the God Realm. After arriving in the God Realm continent, he still wandered around in the wilderness, looking for spiritual materials, just like he was wandering on the sea before. , conquered some powerful monsters and beasts...
In the blink of an eye, it had been decades since we arrived in the God Realm. On this day, Dike brought Fan Kong, a burly bald man who had transformed into a human form, to a big mountain.

As the largest demonic beast in the God Realm, Fan Kong is still six feet tall even if he is transformed into a human form. He works part-time like a giant, and he acts like a bodyguard when following Diko.

"What a big mountain! There are so many divine monsters. It seems that this mountain is a good place! It can attract so many divine monsters to gather together." Looking at the winding and towering vastness ahead, Mountains, Dico couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Fan Kong, who was following him, also grinned and said in a low voice: "Sir, there must be a lot of various spiritual materials on this mountain, and maybe there will be treasures containing Hongmeng spiritual energy!"

"Do you think Hongmeng Lingbao is so easy to get?" Di Ke shook his head with a dumb smile: "Although the divine world is vast, it has been born for a long time of 2000 trillion years. Even if there is any good thing, They have been collected by others a long time ago. Especially the Hongmeng Lingbao, it is estimated that most of them have been gathered into the hands of the Eight Saint Emperors and those God Kings."

"Compared to the God Realm, there are some dangerous places in the cosmic space in the lower realm, and there may be some unknown rare spiritual materials and innate things containing Hongmeng spiritual energy hidden there," Diko said with a hint Fan Kong flew directly to the mountains ahead.Not long after, in a long and narrow valley in this mountain range, frequent violent energy fluctuations attracted many monsters, and even attracted some monsters that were not weak or talented, without exception. , whoever enters that valley never comes out again
Slowly, other monsters also discovered the danger of this valley. Some smart people even guessed that it might be occupied by powerful people and had set up formation restrictions, so they did not dare to approach.

On a steep cliff next to the valley, overlooking the formation below containing chaotic energy fluctuations shrouded in clouds and mist, Dike couldn't help but frown slightly: "It seems that this formation is indeed mysterious and unpredictable. Mastering the theory and being able to perform it well are two different things. How can we combine this large formation more perfectly?"

"And in this formation, the monsters that provided me with the power of the experimental formation are still a little weak. Under the guidance of my formation illusion ban over the years, although most of them have reached the realm of superior gods, they can There are only three soul-turned-infants who have reached the realm of gods, which is still too few. Some formations that are too powerful can easily kill them directly," Diko, who frowned helplessly, knew clearly. Everything in the formation, seeing the fear and tension of those divine monsters falling into the formation at the beginning, and then slowly becoming helpless and desperate, finally discovered that the effect of prohibiting illusions and guiding the realm of perception was inexplicable, and they were like breaking through each level one after another. He couldn't help but laugh a little when he took the risk to test the formation.

For these divine monsters trapped in the formation, this is both a crisis and a great opportunity.If it weren't for Diko's guidance, it would have taken them a long time to become a superior god on their own. As for becoming a god, they still don't know how many years and months it would take!

There has never been a true god in the entire mountain range.Otherwise, they would not be entrenched in this wild mountain range. They would probably go to the city or find a place to occupy the mountains and become the king, and be free and easy.

"Huh?" Diko, who suddenly felt something, subconsciously raised his head and looked towards the distant east. He released the power of space in the universe in his body and spread it to investigate. He found the Yuchi City under the command of the East Extreme Holy Emperor in the northeast of the God Realm. Surrounding a small hill, a radius of several thousand meters was covered by a large formation.

The formation that madly absorbs the energy of the gods within hundreds of miles around it can be called an independent and perfect formation space inside. It is so integrated that one can use the power of space to detect and instantly 'see' the situation inside and outside the formation. Di Ke couldn't help but exclaimed with shining eyes: "Is this the eighth-level formation 'Qiankun' that that boy Qin Yu has understood? It actually contains the mystery of the laws of space, the great simplicity, it turns out that it is like this."

Diko, who also followed the path of opening up a world and evolving the universe, naturally quickly understood the mystery of it by carefully observing the universe of the 'formation'.After all, his current understanding of battle tactics is not inferior to Qin Yu's.It's like piercing a piece of window paper, and it's not difficult to understand the arrangement of this eight-level formation 'Qiankun', which is like returning to nature.

"Haha, I am not alone..." Immediately after Qin Yu thought of the subsequent evolution of the world in his body, the sudden and loud sound also resounded through the God Realm, attracting the attention of the Eight Saint Emperors and all forces in the God Realm. When Qin Yu arrived at Mini Mountain outside Yuchi City, he discovered that he was a master of formations and sent people to invite him.

But what they don't know is that Diko just investigated and 'looked' secretly, and also understood the world of 'formation', and Diko's current strength and means, as well as the evolution speed of the universe in his body, are even more powerful than Qin Yu's. The more it is, the faster it will be.

(End of this chapter)

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