Chapter 441 God King Diko
"Lin Lei, when the world in my body transformed into a universe, I didn't even think of congratulating me, but today I made such a big noise for Qin Yu," thinking of this, Di Ke was still a little unhappy. .

However, Di Ke also probably guessed that Linley might not be completely sure of his identity yet and didn't know how to face him, so he was still observing silently.Seeing that Diko has been keeping a low profile, I don’t want to let more people in the God Realm know about Diko’s situation too soon!

So from now on, Dicko's reputation remains unknown.Although he no longer studied the formation, he left the mountain range, took the monsters that were trapped in the formation and subdued it, and continued to roam the God Realm. There is no implication.

However, during the subsequent wanderings and wanderings, while Diko practiced and pondered the space laws of the God Realm, as well as the space laws of the inner universe and the increasingly perfect time laws, he still focused more on refining weapons.

Diko has never forgotten that after he leaves Linmeng Universe, he probably won’t be able to take anything with him.The only thing that can be taken away and may be of great use in swallowing the universe is the method of refining weapons.

Unconsciously, another two to three thousand years have passed. At the edge of the universe inside Dicko's body, next to the cosmic barrier near Hongmeng Space, accompanied by a crisp and rhythmic knocking sound, Dicko was standing on a huge dark red stone platform. He waved a black round hammer in front of him, striking a simple dark red armor. Sparks were flying, and the armor was gradually taking shape...
Dico was completely immersed in it, and every tapping movement was full of beauty. Finally, Dico stopped and reached out to grab a ball of Hongmeng spiritual energy and injected it into the dark red armor. His mind moved like a black mist of ice. Energy enveloped the dark red armor.
Buzz...just for a moment, after the dark red armor made a trembling buzzing sound, Diko dispersed the black mist-like cold air with a thought. He looked at the person floating in front of him with a restrained breath, but still made the surrounding space faint. After the stagnant dark red armor dripped blood and recognized its owner, his eyes suddenly shone brightly: "Haha...a first-class Hongmeng spiritual treasure, it is indeed a first-class Hongmeng spiritual treasure!"

"Unexpectedly, after I exhausted some of the best spiritual materials I had collected over the years and tried to refine two to three hundred Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures, I finally refined it into a first-class Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure." Diko, who was beaming with joy, also felt a little proud in his heart.

After all, although the spiritual materials he uses are of the highest quality, they are usually only materials for refining top-grade gods or second- and third-rate Hongmeng spiritual treasures. Being able to refine first-rate Hongmeng spiritual treasures is enough to prove Di Ke’s current weapon refining methods. It has reached the pinnacle, even compared with the master craftsman Hou Yuan.

Although Che Houyuan later refined the Tianzun Lingbaolai, it is not impossible for Dike to refine the Tianzun Lingbaolai if he uses all his means.Besides, after his universe transforms and grows to the Dacheng state and controls a universe, what will be the difficulty in refining the Tianzun Lingbao?

"Huh? The universe inside the body has almost evolved. Has the origin of the universe finally been born?" Then Diko, who seemed to be aware of it, couldn't help but feel more and more surprised when he came to the inner core space of the universe inside the body.

In the chaotic original space of the inner universe, a ball of colorful energy light that was just born, as big as a fist, was suspended, like the heart of the entire universe. Every expansion and contraction was consistent with the space fluctuations of the entire universe.
"The origin of the universe..." appeared out of thin air, looking at the mass of origin energy of the universe that was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. With a thought, Diko released his soul power and merged with the origin energy of the universe.

After the soul power and the original energy of the universe were integrated, Dicko could more clearly feel the special rhythm that corresponded to the power of space and time in the entire body during the expansion and contraction of the original energy of the universe like a heart.

"With the help of the power of the origin of the universe, I should be able to clearly sense the fluctuations of the power of space and time in the God Realm. It will be much easier to understand the laws of space and time of Lin Meng's universe," thought Here, with a thought, Dico allowed part of the original power of the universe to merge into his soul.

In an instant, that ball of colorful cosmic origin energy enveloped the soul soul in Diko's mind, making the soul soul that eagerly absorbed the origin energy rapidly transform, full of vitality and upgrades, which originated from the essence of the soul. The change.

The next moment, Diko returned to the God Realm with a thought. He was hanging in mid-air in a wilderness somewhere in the God Realm. He suddenly felt clearly the spatial fluctuations in the entire God Realm: "It seems that the origin of Lin Meng's universe is not the same as the one in my body." The origin of the universe is essentially the same. Even if the laws of space and time of the two universes are different, because the origin of the universe is the same, with the help of the original power of the universe in my body, I can also clearly feel the spatial fluctuations of Lin Meng's universe." "This is simply cheating!" Diko sighed in his heart. He already had a deep understanding of the laws of space in the divine realm. Now it seems that the entire laws of space in the divine realm are actively exposed in front of him. Naturally, he can fully understand it easily. The extremely clear fluctuations of space laws.

The moment Diko understood the laws of space, his soul Nascent Soul also quietly turned into the color of glass, and at the same time, the colorful light of this source power flickered.

Rumble... At the same time, the space vibrated, colorful auspicious clouds spread across the sky, and huge thunder and lightning bolts penetrated the sky of the God Realm. The sound shook the sky and instantly shocked the entire God Realm.

Especially in a main hall in the Arctic Piaoxue City, because the Arctic Saint Emperor Jiang Fan wanted to marry his daughter Jiang Li, not only did some of the princes and upper gods of the Eight Saint Emperors come to come, but even the Eight Saint Emperors and the three major The god-kings of the ascended forces also gathered together.

The marriage recruitment had just begun, and when Jiang Fan and others were discussing the requirements for the first marriage recruitment, this sudden change immediately caused all the god kings in the hall to subconsciously be surprised and turn their heads to look outside. Others were also surprised and curious. : "Someone has understood the laws of space and become a god king? Has the upper god on that side made a breakthrough?"

"Huh? Who is this person?" The Eight Saint Emperors and the Ascended God King Shura, the Blood Demon King and the Piaomiao God King all showed surprise and confusion, but they did not notice Jiang Lan's equally surprised and weird expression at this time. .

Also able to instantly discover through divine consciousness detection that the person who made the breakthrough was Diko. Naturally, there are other god-kings, such as the Blood Sea Queen of the West Sea...
After the breakthrough of the God King was over, Diko, who was pondering the secret of using the power of the source to control the entire Linmeng universe's eight source energies to freeze the space, was about to try it when he noticed a sudden appearance in mid-air in front of him with cold eyes. The Blood Sea Queen looked at him sharply.

"Who is this God King?" When the Eight Saint Emperors, God King Shura and others became more and more confused after discovering the Queen of the Blood Sea, Diko smiled helplessly when he saw the Queen of the Blood Sea: "I said, You were the one who attacked me first last time. Why, you didn't take advantage of me, and you still want to attack me now?"

"No one has ever made me suffer such a big loss and made me feel so aggrieved. So, you are going to die today!" the Blood Sea Queen said coldly.

"Kill me? Do you think you can do it?" Diko was a little amused, while the Blood Sea Queen raised her eyebrows and said with a fierce look in her beautiful eyes: "You have just become the God King. If you don't hide in that special space, do you think you can do it?" Will he be my opponent?"

"You also said that even if I can't beat you, I can still hide, so what are you going to do to kill me?" Dico asked with a shrug and a sneer.

When the Blood Sea Queen heard this, her evil aura became even stronger. She raised her hand to treat Dico casually, and everything around her suddenly stopped.
(End of this chapter)

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