Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 449 Qin Yu's Strength

Chapter 449 Qin Yu's Strength

Di Gu, who was suffocated after hearing this, couldn't help rolling his eyes at Di Ke and said: "Of course! It's just for no reason, why bother with them? The relationship between Lei Penalty City and Qin Yu is not a small grudge, Qin Yu beat him severely Lei Punishing City’s face, and Zhou Huo’s temperament, this is a deadly feud!”

"That's fine!" Diko said, "What's more, it was Lei Punishing City that provoked me first. How dare you send people to attack my relatives and descendants? Do they think I, Diko, are easy to mess with?"

"Are you really ready to take action?" Di Gu raised his eyebrows helplessly. Di Ke smiled noncommittally: "Perhaps, there is no need for me to take action at all. With Qin Yu's strength and means, Lei Punishing City can suffer a loss."

"Oh? Does that kid Qin Yu have such strength? Do you think too highly of him, or do you know what powerful trump card he has?" Di Gu, who was unexpectedly confused, couldn't help but frown and asked: "But after all, he He is not a God King, just an upper god. Although he has the title of the new God of Craftsmanship in the God Realm, his weapon refining ability does not mean that his fighting skills are also great! Even if he has a first-class Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure in his hand, he can use the upper god's It’s impossible to fight against the God King with your strength.”

While the two were talking, over the East China Sea, Qin Yu and Zhou Ran, the weakest god king in Lei Punishing City, also started to take action.And as soon as the two sides started to move, Di Gu, who was investigating with his spiritual consciousness, changed his face slightly and showed a look of surprise: "Teleport? This Qin Yu, a mere upper god, can actually teleport? How is this possible? He clearly has not realized it. How can we teleport in the God Realm using the law of space penetration?"

"I've told you before, Qin Yu is not a fool. If he doesn't have some confidence, how can he dare to show up and lure those god kings over?" Di Ke smiled calmly. Seeing that he was not surprised at all, Di Gu couldn't help but His expression changed and he said, "You seem to know what Qin Yu's trump card is, right?"

"I just expected a little bit," Diko smiled noncommittally: "Next, things will get interesting. If the God King of Thunder Punishment City can't even do anything to an upper god, and still suffers a loss in his hands, then he will really become a god. It’s a joke in the world. If you keep getting slapped in the face, if you do it a few more times, Lei Punishing City will lose its face!”

"Even if Qin Yu can teleport, how can it be so easy to make the God King of Thunder Punishment City suffer? Even the weakest Zhou Ran has understood the complete laws of space..." He shook his head and said Di Gu, then his expression froze and became more and more surprised: "What?"

"Qin Yu actually hurt Zhou Ran? He clearly didn't pay attention to Zhou Ran when he spoke just now, and he didn't seem to have any spiritual sense to detect him. How could he know that Zhou Ran had teleported and made the move? Moreover, he was so fast that Zhou Ran They didn't even react," Di Gu became more and more shocked and suspicious.

Thunder Martial God King Zhou Tong took action immediately. At first, he relied on time acceleration to force Qin Yu to dodge.But as Qin Yu also used time acceleration, he was barely able to deal with Zhou Tong's attack... Even with the help of the clone's unexpected attack, Qin Yu injured Zhou Tong again.

Although Zhou Tong had fought against Di Gu before and was attacked by the 'Time and Space Disruption', his soul had not yet recovered from the damage, but his strength had not been affected at all.Even if his strength is only average among the God Kings, he is not that easy to deal with.

"Clone? The 'Han Meng Attack' of Southwest Bibo Lake?" Di Gu was really shocked: "And this Qin Yu's attack speed can actually catch up with Zhou Tong, and he actually understands the law of time?"

You must know that in the God Realm, all the gods understand are the laws of space. Only when you reach the realm of the God King can you slowly understand the laws of time. This is generally accepted.But now, Qin Yu, who has not yet become the God King, has actually understood the law of time, and his understanding of the law of time is almost as good as Zhou Tong's, and he has more understanding than Zhou Ran. It is really incredible.

The cold attack not only targets the physical body, but also targets the soul.Zhou Tong was seriously injured by Qin Yu's blow, and his soul was even more seriously injured.For a moment, Lei Punishing City and several other Holy Emperors felt a headache. This Qin Yu was difficult to deal with!Even the several god kings on the side of the Ascended Ones who were watching the show were surprised and shocked.

Next, the Arctic Saint Emperor Jiang Fan actually targeted Jiang Li, trying to get Jiang Li to go back with him. He also said that Jiang Li was his daughter, which immediately made Qin Yu lively, and also let his spiritual consciousness investigate the show. Di Gu frowned: "Although I didn't like the Eight Saint Emperors in the past, and even disliked them a little, I really didn't realize that this Jiang Fan was so disgusting. He also said that Jiang Li was his daughter, Qin Yu He was so outstanding, but he gave up and chose Zhou Xian from Thunder Punishment City, with no regard for Jiang Li's feelings. Could it be that Thunder Punishment City gave him some temptation that was hard to refuse? An opportunity to become a Heavenly Lord? "

"It should be." He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Di Gu unexpectedly. Di Gu, who didn't expect him to guess this directly, couldn't help but nodded and said: "Jiang Fan is the Holy Emperor of the Arctic and has a respected status in the God Realm. How can he be so unnecessary?" If you shamelessly flatter Lei Punishing City, it’s not just to be on good terms with Lei Punishing City.”

"It seems that when Tianzun Mountain comes this time, Thunder Punishment Tianzun may take action!" Di Gu frowned. When Tianzun Mountain came 6000 trillion years ago, it was Piaoyu Tianzun, one of the three great Tianzun at that time, who took action. , so that King Xiaoyao, who was just an idle god king at that time, was lucky enough to collect the Tianzun Lingbao that was divided into three parts, and thus became Tianzun.

If the Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord takes action this time, Jiang Fan will really become a Heavenly Lord. Di Gu will feel sick just thinking about it. It seems that the identity of the Heavenly Lord is no longer favourable.If a guy like Jiang Fan can become a Heavenly Lord, I am afraid that except for the Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord, the other three Heavenly Lords will feel uncomfortable to some extent, right?

Just when Jiang Fan and Zhou Huo felt that something was a bit tricky and were ready to join forces to deal with Qin Yu regardless of their status, Luo Fan, the God King of Shura who was watching the show, finally stopped watching the show.
"Zuo Qiumei." When Luo Fan mentioned the God King of Life who was killed by the eight holy emperors, and used Time Stop to frighten them, Di Gu, who was watching with his spiritual sense, seemed to have thought of something, and frowned slightly.

Noticing the change in Di Gu's expression, Di Ke couldn't help but look slightly moved: "Gu Emperor, do you know Zuo Qiumei, God King of Life?"

"I've only heard of it, so we don't have much in common. After all, although Zuo Qiumei is a rising star, when she became famous in the divine world, I was still just a top god," Di Gu shook his head and laughed at himself, then sighed and said: "But , our Di family has a god-king, but he once fell in love with Zuo Qiumei at first sight. It's a pity that Zuo Qiumei has already fallen in love with Jiang Lan and only regards him as a friend."

"Originally, it was nothing, just because of love. But later, Zuo Qiumei was killed by the Eight Saint Emperors, but he went crazy and desperately sought revenge from the Eight Saint Emperors, even risking his life to burn his soul. In that battle, He seriously injured three holy queens and fell." After saying this, Di Gu, who was a little sad, couldn't help but sneered: "But Jiang Fan, who was born in the eight major divine clans, what did he do after the death of his beloved Zuo Qiumei? Didn’t do it either.”

"Dead?" Diko didn't expect that there was a god-king in the Di family who died because of fighting the eight holy emperors. He couldn't help frowning: "What's his name?"

"Disler! He was a junior whom my father was very optimistic about. His talent and understanding were better than those of Di Feng and Di Qing. He was not inferior to Zhou Wulian of the Zhou family in Thunder Punishment City. Unfortunately, he was trapped by love after all..." Di Gu sighed as he spoke. : "Now, do you know why I, the Di family, have a bad relationship with the Eight Saint Emperors?"

"Actually, the reason why the eight holy emperors wanted to kill Zuo Qiumei was because Zuo Qiumei had two followers of the god king and could establish the fourth largest ascendant force. On the other hand, it was also because Zuo Qiumei and Due to Disler's relationship, the Eight Holy Emperors were worried that Zuo Qiumei would join the Di family and were wary. It was precisely because of this that Disler felt guilty, and it was even more painful after Zuo Qiumei's death, so he was desperate I want to avenge Zuo Qiumei," Di Gu couldn't help but added.

(End of this chapter)

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