Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 450 Shows up to intervene

Chapter 450 Shows up to intervene
Disler, reciting the name silently in his heart, sighed secretly, regretting not having met this outstanding junior Di Ke, and then continued: "You said that the Eight Saint Emperors were worried that Zuo Qiumei would join the Di family, could it be that we Will the Di family absorb a god-king with a foreign surname?"

"If Zuo Qiumei is willing to marry Disler, then he will naturally be the god king of our Di family," Di Gu said: "Moreover, many hidden god kings in the God Realm actually have good relations with Di family. After all, Di has always kept a low profile in the God Realm and has no conflicts of interest with those hidden god kings. But it is precisely because of the good relationship between Di and those hidden god kings that the eight holy emperors became more and more jealous of Di. fear."

"Di's strength is too strong, but he is independent and unsocial. Naturally, he will be isolated, feared and even targeted by others." Di Ke, who seemed to be aware of this, couldn't help but said: "Qin Yu is leaving. , I’m going to join in the fun!”

"Hey, God King Luo Fan of Shura has already intervened. Zhou Huo and Jiang Fan have no chance to join forces to deal with Qin Yu. Why are you going to join in the fun?" Di Gu couldn't help but feel a little bit when he saw Di Ke teleporting away after finishing speaking. He frowned helplessly, and then disappeared in a teleportation moment.

At the same time, seeing Lei Punishing City and Jiang Fan and other Holy Emperors being frightened by Shura God King Luo Fan, when Qin Yu was about to leave, Dike suddenly appeared with a clear voice: "Hey, Qin Yu, wait a minute. Let’s go again!”

"Lord Di Ke?" Qin Yu was slightly stunned when he saw Di Ke, and then hurriedly stepped forward with some surprise: "Why are you here suddenly? I didn't expect that you would also leave the world of immortals, demons, and demons and return to the world of gods. But I can handle today’s matter, and the God-Kings in Thunder Punishment City can’t do anything to me, so don’t bother me, okay? Who is this?”

After saying that, Qin Yu also noticed Di Gu who appeared next. He couldn't help but looked at Di Gu curiously and asked. Di Ke also smiled lightly and said: "You should have heard of his name. He is the world of immortals, demons and demons." The Ancient Emperor of the Ancient Emperor's lineage is also a descendant of the Di family in the God Realm, and is also the son of Luo Meng Tianzun, one of the four great Heavenly Kings in the God Realm, named Di Gu."

"Ancient Emperor? Son of the Heavenly Lord?" Qin Yu's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing this. Di Gu was watching the show. The Di family of the Ancient Emperor of the Immortal, Demonic and Demon Realm is a branch of the Di Family of the God Realm. He already knew this, but He really didn't expect that Ancient Emperor Di Gu was actually the son of Luo Meng Tianzun.

Moreover, the ancient emperor just teleported.The always mysterious ancient emperor in the world of immortals, demons and monsters turned out to be a god king, which was really unexpected.

"Young Qin Yu," Di Gu, who felt helpless towards Di Ke, turned to watch Qin Yu's play. He glanced at Zhou Huo and Zhou Wulian on Lei Punishing City's side and said, "Although your strength is good, whether it is Zhou Huo or Zhou Wulian, If Zhou Wulian takes action personally, you won't get any benefits. Although I don't know why you can use time acceleration, their understanding of the law of time, which can accelerate time hundreds of thousands of times in an instant, is enough to make you unable to resist and can only be passive. Get beaten."

"Di Gu? I didn't expect you to actually become the God King," Zhou Huo frowned and looked at Di Gu, looking obviously unhappy. Even Zhou Wulian frowned slightly when he saw Di Gu.

"What? You have all cultivated to become God Kings, can't I become God King? I really thought that your high level of understanding was just relying on your bloodline talents! After living for so long, Luo Fan who rose up later was That's all. Now that little guys like Qin Yu have climbed on top of you, don't you feel ashamed? You still have shame and want to join forces to deal with a junior who is just a mere god from above. I blush for you. "Di Gu's rude cynicism immediately made Zhou Huo's face turn red. Zhou Tong and Zhou Ran were even more angry. The taciturn Zhou Wulian beside him also turned colder.

Even Jiang Fan and the other Holy Emperors on the side looked at each other with somewhat unnatural expressions.They wanted to join forces to deal with Qin Yu, which was indeed a bit shameless.There is no way, who gave Qin Yu so many tricks?He was so powerful before he became the God King, but once he became the God King, it would be even more difficult to deal with.They also felt threatened by Qin Yu, so they acquiesced in allowing Zhou Huo and Jiang Fan to join forces to deal with Qin Yu.

"Di Gu, you have just become the God King, and you want to interfere in the grudges between our Lei Punishment City and Qin Yu? You are so nosy, Di's hand is stretched too long, and your control is too broad. Are you done?" Zhou Huo shouted coldly. "In terms of being nosy and stretching our hands, our Di family can't compare with your Zhou family in Thunder Punishment City!" Di Gu, who sneered, then said: "Besides, Di Gu came here today just to find someone. Qin Yu has something going on, what does it have to do with your Thunder Punishment City? Don't take yourself too seriously."

"Hmph, if it weren't for Diko's strength, even if you became the God King, why would you be so presumptuous in front of me?" Zhou Huo snorted and sneered: "You Di family just gave birth to a god with good talent. Junior Wang, are you proud of yourself? You are so jealous of talents that you let this kid end up like Disler."

As soon as Zhou Huo said this, the surrounding area suddenly became silent, and almost all the god kings present looked at Di Gu.They all knew that Disler's death was a pain in the hearts of Di's senior executives, and Zhou Huo's words directly exposed the scars.

Sure enough, Di Gu's face turned cold and ugly, and the violent aura emitted from his body instantly distorted the surrounding space...
Just when Di Gu's eyes showed murderous intent and he couldn't help but take action directly, Di Ke on the side stretched out his hand to stop him: "I'll do it!"

After speaking, Dike raised his head and looked at Zhou Huo with a cold expression, and said in a cold tone: "I didn't want you to cause trouble for you now, but since you want to humiliate yourself,"

"Boy, I really thought that if you became the God King, you would be able to prevent us Eight Saint Emperors from being killed by some means." Zhou Huo spoke with some displeasure. Before he finished speaking, Diko continued in a cold voice: "The death of Disler , has something to do with you Eight Saint Emperors, right? They all say how powerful the Eight Saint Emperors are together, and I really want to see it today."

Upon hearing what Di Ke said, Jiang Fan and the other Holy Emperors were slightly startled, and then they all frowned slightly and looked unhappy.Even several god kings on the ascendant side, headed by Shura God King Luo Fan, looked at Diko in surprise.

"Dico..." Di Gu also looked at Diko with a slight frown, obviously not expecting that Diko would directly challenge the Eight Saint Emperors.You know, with the help of the eight origin spiritual treasures, the eight holy emperors join forces, even Shura God King Luo Fan, who has mastered the stasis of time, has to be a little more afraid. If it is a real life-and-death fight, two holy emperors will fight to kill Luo Fan. It's not difficult either.

"Haha...boy, since you are looking for death, then we will help you!" Zhou Huo, who laughed angrily, glanced at Jiang Fan and other other Holy Emperors, and they looked at each other, even if there were two or three Holy Emperors among them He hesitated slightly, but still chose to go forward and retreat with them under the encouragement of Zhou Huo and Jiang Fan.

However, just when the Eight Holy Emperors headed by Zhou Huo and Jiang Fan were preparing to take action together, Di Gu became a little anxious. Luo Fan also frowned and hesitated whether to intervene. Di Ke, who had a sneer on his lips, suddenly looked deeply. Get up, and then the invisible soul power sweeps towards the eight holy emperors like a wave with the assistance of the power of will.
"Huh?" Zhou Huo, who had just turned over his hand and took out a dark black hammer with flashing electric light, suddenly frowned in pain and was in a daze. When he realized what he was doing, he saw a sharp bloody sword light quickly flashing in his eyes. enlarge.

"Brother, be careful!" Zhou Wulian's urgent shout reached Zhou Huo's ears. Before Zhou Huo could react, Zhou Huo, whose face changed drastically, felt a tearing pain in his chest. The defensive power of Lei Yuan Lingzhu hit the sharp knife He looked fragile under his breath, and at the same time, the sharp sword energy, which seemed to be able to tear and destroy everything, seemed to contain a strange devouring power, making Zhou Huo feel that a lot of his energy, blood, energy and even soul power were sucked away in an instant. .

(End of this chapter)

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