Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 451 The deterrence of one knife

Chapter 451 The deterrent power of a knife
Zhou Huo spat out a mouthful of blood, and blood splattered on his chest. His whole body suddenly became sluggish.
At the same time, screams and screams rang out one after another. When Di Ke waved the blood sword in his hand, the fan-shaped sword energy swept away. Zhou Huo and Jiang Fan, who were the first to bear the brunt, were seriously injured immediately. Several other Holy Emperors were also affected. Four of them were covered in blood, and then they had frightened faces and hurriedly fled away like frightened rabbits.

"The Eight Holy Emperors are nothing more than that!" Looking at the panicked Eight Holy Emperors, Dike sneered. The blood sword in his hand buzzed and trembled, and blood flowed, as if he was very excited to taste the blood of several Holy Emperors. .

Di Ke's words made Di Gu, Shura God King Luo Fan and others who were also a little shocked come back to their senses with moved and surprised expressions. Their faces were slightly twitching and their hearts were filled with ups and downs.
"What method did you use just now? Soul attack? How is it possible? Not long after you became the God King, how could your soul attack easily break through the protection of the soul by the power of the original spiritual treasures of our eight holy emperors?" The same man fled in embarrassment. Zhou Huo looked at Di Ke with a pale face, shock and anger, and his heart was full of surprise and disbelief.

"First-class Hongmeng Lingbao? What kind of sword is this? Is it even more powerful than the original Lingbao of our eight major gods?" Jiang Fan locked his eyes in shock on the blood-refined sword in Dike's hand.

Jiang Fan's words also made several other Holy Emperors react, and they subconsciously looked at the blood-refined sword in Dike's hand, which had a surging and sharp aura that made people's hearts tremble.They had all seen the power of this blood-refined sword just now.Just one sword energy broke through their defenses and injured several Holy Emperors. I'm afraid if any of them were struck by Diko's sword, they would be killed directly, right?

"With the weird soul attack method combined with that knife, he is definitely capable of killing any of our Holy Emperors." Thinking of this, the faces of the Holy Emperors changed with fear.

You know, the Origin Spiritual Treasure is very powerful in both attack and defense.In addition to the eight original spiritual treasures in the God Realm, the other first-class Hongmeng spiritual treasures are almost rare.Therefore, since the birth of the God Realm, in the long years of 2000 trillion years, none of the eight holy emperors has fallen.

But now the strength and methods displayed by Diko are enough to threaten the life of any Holy Emperor.At this moment, the Holy Emperors clearly realized that this junior Di family who had just become the God King was not only a genius, but also a monster and pervert. He was definitely more terrifying than the Asura God King Luo Fan.To the Eight Holy Emperors, Di Ke alone might be as much of a threat as Di Shi and Luo Fanjia together.

"Are you still going to do it? If my blood-refined sword can absorb the blood energy of a few more holy emperors, it may be even more powerful," Diko, who was stroking the blood-refined sword with a smile on his lips, said in a calm tone. Yun Danfeng's words made the expression of the God King present change again.

As soon as Di Ke finished speaking, before the Holy Emperors had time to respond forcefully, Di Feng, Di Qing, Di Wu and Di Shi appeared at the same time. They all looked at Di Ke with moved expressions, and their hearts were filled with shock.

"Brother, a good man doesn't suffer the consequences of his eyes! This Dike is too strong and his methods are too weird. It's really not a wise choice to confront him head-on." He came to Zhou Huo's side with Zhou Tong, Zhou Ran and Zhou Xian. Zhou Wulian said seriously.Especially when they saw Di Feng and the others coming, even Zhou Tong and Zhou Ran became nervous.

"Let's go!" Zhou Huo, who gritted his teeth and shouted, first teleported away with several people from the Thunder Punishment City side, and then Jiang Fan and several other Holy Emperors as well as the God Kings from the Eight Great God Clan's side also hurriedly left. go.

This time the Eight Great Gods were so embarrassed that they could be said to have been scared away by Diko alone.But Luo Fan and several other god-kings from the three Ascended Powers on the side did not feel gloating about the misfortune, because the strength and methods displayed by Diko also made them feel threatened and pressured.

"Mr. Di.. As expected of M.D...." Luo Fan, who looked at Di Ke with stern eyes, said with a somewhat complicated expression, and then left with several god kings from the Ascended One's side.

"Diko, I didn't expect that your strength has reached such a level. This growth rate is really terrifying!" Di Gu, who also looked at Diko with a complex expression, said with emotion, then smiled helplessly and said: "But in this way, although you have shocked the eight major gods and the Ascended Ones, you will also become the target of public criticism." "It is mediocre not to attract people's jealousy! Diko is not the original God King of Life. With the ancestor here, who dares If you touch him, who can touch him?" Di Qing, who had always been steady and composed, looked at Diko with excitement and said: "If Disler hadn't been burning his soul, he would have wanted to die..."

Having said this, Di Qing couldn't help but fell silent again, and even Di Feng, Di Wu and Di Shi looked a little complicated.

"Well, Diko showed off his power today, which is something to be happy about. Even Disler's last battle shocked the entire God Realm and almost caused the death of one or two of the eight holy emperors. Don't insult me, Di Prestige. With Di Ke here, I, the Di family, will only have an even more aloof status from now on," Di Gu spoke with a sonorous and forceful voice, which also made Di Feng and the others' eyes swell.

"Gu Emperor, Qin Yu is still here, so don't praise me so much," Di Ke said, shaking his head and smiling helplessly: "Actually, I just wanted to talk to Qin Yu about some things today, and I didn't plan to take action. Mrs. Huo was ignorant that time and brought humiliation upon herself."

Upon hearing Di Ke's words, Di Gu and Di Feng couldn't help but look strange and speechless. Even Qin Yu couldn't help coughing lightly, and then asked curiously: "Master Di Ke, are you looking for me?" It’s about...”

"It's nothing important. I'm just asking you about Jiang Lan's whereabouts. He should be with you now, right?" Di Ke continued.

"Lord Dike, are you looking for Uncle Lan?" Qin Yu frowned slightly and looked at Dike with some surprise. As far as he knew, Dike and Jiang Lan didn't seem to have anything to do with each other. Could it be because of the God King of Life?Uncle Lan said that this Diko seemed to have inherited the inheritance of the God King of Life.

"I once obtained the two Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures left by Jiang Lan on the ninth level of Niyang Realm. Now they are of little use in my hands. Please return them to him for me and say thank you by the way. "Dike said, he turned his hands and took out the third-rate Hongmeng Lingbao Flowing Flame Bead and the second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao Fiery Flame Sword that had never been used before, and handed them to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu glanced at the two Hongmeng Lingbao with some surprise, and then reached out to take them after a slight hesitation.Obviously he didn't expect that Jiang Lan actually gave two Hongmeng Lingbao to Dike. It can be imagined that he valued Dike.But now that Di Ke returns these two Hongmeng spiritual treasures, what does it mean?Could it be that he wanted to draw a clear line between himself and Uncle Lan because he, as the divine king of the Di clan, could not deal with the eight major divine clans?

After Qin Yu left, Di Gu stepped forward and patted Di Ke on the shoulder and said, "Dike, you did a good job! Although I don't know what the connection is between you and Jiang Lan, which can make him treat you So good, but I don’t like Jiang Lan, so you might as well draw a clear line with him as soon as possible.”

Di Ke glanced at Di Gu speechlessly, too lazy to explain anything.No matter what Jiang Lan is like, he did not choose to be the enemy of the Eight Holy Emperors like Disler. It can only be said that everyone has their own position and helplessness. The death of Zuo Qiumei brought a lot of trouble to him. The pain that comes may not necessarily make him weaker than Disler.Not being a party involved, Dico felt that he had no qualifications or position to judge anything.

(End of this chapter)

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