Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 459 Disler’s methods

Chapter 459 Disler’s methods
Facing Disler's chilling gaze, Antarctic Holy Emperor Duanmu Yun frowned and said, "You were obviously killed by our joint forces back then, your soul was burned, and your soul was gone. How could you not have died?"

"Is it Luo Meng Tianzun? Could it be Luo Meng Tianzun who saved you? Could it be that the one we killed back then was just a clone of you?" Zhou Huo also asked with surprise and confusion, his face changing.

"It's quite smart! Yes, those who died in your hands back then can only be regarded as my clones," Disler smiled, but the Holy Emperors felt even colder in their hearts: "Speaking of which, I still want to thank you. You. If you hadn't forced me into a desperate situation, if it hadn't been for that desperate fight, I wouldn't have been able to further understand the stillness of time. So, I will thank you very much and let you accompany Jiang Fan one by one. of."

"The eight great gods, the eight holy emperors, bullshit! They are just a bunch of guys who can't afford to lose," Disler said with a sneer, and then looked at Luo Fan: "God King Shura, I think you don't want the eight great gods to live forever. Are you suppressing your ascended forces? Are you interested in joining forces with me to kill them?"

Upon hearing Disler's words, Zhou Huo and the other seven Holy Emperors' expressions changed. Western Extreme Saint Emperor Shentu Yan even shouted to Jiang Lan: "Jiang Lan, this Disler wants to destroy our Eight Great Emperors." Protoss! Quickly refine the Dark Source Spirit Pearl and join us to deal with him."

"Brother Shentu, have you forgotten why Jiang Lan had a falling out with Jiang Fan and why he betrayed the Eight Divine Clan? This Disler is fighting us to death because of Zuo Qiumei, God King of Life. Do you still expect Jiang Lan to help us?" The Antarctic Holy Emperor Duanmu Yun glanced at Jiang Lan, who was holding the Dark Source Spirit Pearl with a complicated and tangled expression, and sneered.

"Brother Duanmu, don't say that! No matter what, our eight major divine clans are one," Northwest Holy Emperor Zhou Huo continued: "Jiang Lan, no matter how much you resent your elder brother Jiang Fan in your heart, everyone is dead now. Now, do you want to watch the Arctic Snow City decline, and watch Disler destroy our eight major protoss? If you really want to completely sever ties with the eight major protoss, and don't want to be the Arctic Holy Emperor, then use the Dark Origin Spirit Orb. Leave it to Jiang Xing for refining."

"Second uncle! No matter what happened back then, Disler killed his uncle and wanted to deal with our eight major divine tribes. You are the enemy of our eight major divine tribes! You..." Jiang Xing also looked at Jiang Lan eagerly.

"Jiang Lan, don't forget how my sister died. At that time, you already made the wrong choice once. Do you still want to help the evildoer do evil now?" Just when Jiang Lan was a little shaken, the God of Death Wang Zuoqiulin's words made her struggle even more.

"Join forces? Kill the eight holy emperors?" Luo Fan, who raised his brows slightly at Disler's invitation to join forces, shook his head slightly and said: "Disler, you have an intractable grudge against the eight great gods, but I don't. So there’s no need to fight them to the death.”

"This Luo Fan, I didn't expect to be timid in doing things, without any courage." Among the god kings on the Di side, compared to the surprises of Di Wu, Di Luan and other new god kings, Di Feng, Di Qing He Di Gu was obviously calm, and Di Feng, the leader among them, was even more upset after hearing this.

"What should we do? Even if Disler has realized that time has stopped, there is no absolute certainty in dealing with the seven holy emperors. Do we want to take action?" Di Qing on the side raised his eyebrows and said: "Compared to the several holy emperors, it is estimated that Now Luo Fan should be more afraid of Disler and our entire Di clan! It would be great if Diko was here. With Diko here, it would not be difficult to kill several of their Holy Emperors without Luo Fan's help."

"Of course I know, don't worry! You have to believe Disler, he is not the impulsive Disler he was at the beginning. Now that he has taken action, he must be somewhat confident," Di Feng said calmly.

While the two were talking, Disler was not surprised at Luo Fan's rejection and said with a smile: "Brother Luo Fan, you don't want to fight to the death with them, but they won't let you go for the Cangtian Seal. What do you think? Since I'm here, they won't dare to take action at will, but what if I also take action to snatch the Heaven Seal from you?"

"Join forces with me! I can swear that you don't want the Cangtian Seal, and I can even help you snatch the other two parts of the Tianzun Lingbao. How about that? As long as you and I join forces and get rid of several of their Holy Emperors, who can stop you from getting the Tianzun Lingbao?" Treasure?" Seeing the way Luo Fan frowned when he heard this, Disler continued.Upon hearing Disler's words, Zhou Huo and other Holy Emperors' expressions suddenly changed. Even Luo Fan looked at Disler with some surprise: "Help me snatch Tianzun's spiritual treasure? Don't you want to become Tianzun?" ?”

"Tianzun? Now, I just want to kill them and avenge Zuo Qiumei." Disler's cold and murderous words immediately made Zhou Huo and the other seven Holy Emperors shiver in their hearts.

"Jiang Lan, if you still remember Amei, I hope you won't stop me from avenging Amei. If you want to settle the grudges between you and me, after this battle is over, if I am still alive, we can continue to settle the matter," Di Si Le's words also made Jiang Lan, who had been stagnant when he raised Zuo Qiumei, slowly put down the hand that was holding the dark source spirit bead, and then took a deep breath before calmly saying: "Okay, I won't Intervene!”

"Second Uncle..." Jiang Xing on the side became more and more anxious, and Jiang Lan handed him the Dark Source Spirit Orb in his hand: "I have left Arctic Piaoxue City, and I have no qualifications and no desire to become the Arctic Saint. Emperor. I will give you this Dark Origin Spirit Orb, but I don’t want you to get involved in the fight between Disler and the Holy Emperors again. Remember, you are the only God King in Piaoxue City in the Arctic. Don’t let the Jiang family lose the Holy Emperor. Emperor."

"Second Uncle..." Jiang Xing's expression became more complicated when he heard this, but under Jiang Lan's firm gaze, he finally reached out and took the Dark Source Spirit Pearl, but he did not continue to shed blood to identify its owner.

"Okay, I'll help you! Today, let's see how many Holy Emperors we can kill in the end." Luo Fan was finally shaken, and flew forward, looking sharply at Zhou Huo and the other seven Holy Emperors. The faces of the Holy Emperors all looked ugly.

One Luo Fan is enough to make them fearful, and it is not difficult to kill three or four Holy Emperors desperately.Disler, who has realized that time has stopped, is even more difficult to deal with than Luo Fan. After all, Disler's first-class Hongmeng Lingbao is quite special.Once the two of them join forces, the Seven Saint Emperors may really be unable to resist them.

"Brother Zhou Huo, what should I do?" Antarctic Holy Emperor Duan Muyun was a little panicked. He couldn't help but look at Zhou Huo's voice transmission. Zhou Huo also had an ugly expression on his face. He then looked at Di Feng and other Di's god kings and shouted: "Conspiracy. , this is a conspiracy, it is the conspiracy of the Di family. They want to destroy our eight major divine clans and make the Di family the only one in the divine world! Luo Fan, blood demon king, once our eight major divine clans suffer heavy casualties, do you think the three ascended forces can Stay out of it? Don't be naive!"

"You talk too much." When Luo Fan hesitated after hearing this, Disler shouted angrily, and then directly dodged towards Zhou Huo and shouted at the same time: "I, Disler, swear to God, unless it is... Take the initiative to become my enemy, otherwise I will not kill any god king in the god world. If you violate this oath, the world will be abandoned and you will not die a good death!"

Disler's oath immediately caused the expressions of many god kings to change. Luo Fan even took a deep breath and killed Duanmu Yun without hesitation...
"Asshole!" Zhou Huo, Duanmu Yun and others' expressions turned ugly. Zhou Huo, who gritted his teeth and retreated, even called out to the other Holy Emperors and the God Kings of the eight major divine clans: "Join hands and set up an array! Don't let them defeat each other individually. Chance!"

"It's wonderful, what a good show!" Di Feng suddenly laughed when he saw the eight major gods reacting in panic, and Di Qing on the side was also smiling: "After this battle, the eight major gods will be completely defeated. It’s time for the God Realm to have a new pattern.”

"Aren't we going to take action?" the strong Di Wu asked eagerly, but Di Feng rolled his eyes at him angrily: "With your power, do you want to go up and cause trouble? Just stay here and watch the show." "

(End of this chapter)

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